Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 265 Emergency Missions

On the way back from the bar to the Sky Tower, everyone was so excited and chattered non-stop.

Xin Xiaomeng, Han Lina and Tong Ya couldn't stand Zhang Dong and Zhou Fa's soft-hearted and stalking, so they each sent a few red envelopes, which stabilized the mood of these greedy guys.

Ye Chong walked in the front, looking solemn.

Although he earned 21 in one night, this amount of money could not conceal his anxiety.

"I promised not to offend anyone, but I didn't expect that it still didn't happen.

The key offender was one of the top ten masters of the Nine Martial Arts Academy.

And, this guy is from the notoriously evil place - the subcontinent.

I'm afraid the matter of offending the Mou family last time hasn't really been resolved. After all, the Mou family in the martial arts world didn't ask me face to face, which is very strange.

Beneath the calm surface, there may be rapids surging.


I got into the trash of the evil place again today.

Thinking about it, it was really annoying.

I'm not afraid!

There is nothing to be afraid of, the big deal is that people will die and the birds will turn to the sky, and if they fight to the death, they will be regarded as a bloody death.

But now is the critical period for my cultivation and development, I really don't want to waste time on it.

However, then again.

What else can you do if others come to provoke you and your teammates?

The more you shrink back, the more aggressive the other party will be, pressing harder and harder.

Have no idea.

That's what garbage is all about.

Big brainless idiot.

If I encounter this kind of thing again, my choice will still not change.

Now that this is the case, there is no point in thinking about it.

I can only be more careful, take a step, and take a step.


Just as Ye Chong was thinking of this, his phone rang.

Text Message.


He picked up the phone and looked at it, his expression changed involuntarily:

Urgent task!All team members officially set off at eight o'clock!

Da da da!

The other ten members of the Four Seas Squad all caught up, apparently having received the message.

"What's the situation?" Everyone looked at Ye Chong in the middle.

"I don't know, it should be an urgent task that was released suddenly." Ye Chong frowned, "Everyone go back and get ready immediately, and you must not be late! Also, if you haven't sent a receipt, send a read receipt immediately, and don't let the captain repeat it." Find."

"Okay!" Everyone agreed.

In the next moment, a group of 11 people rushed towards the towering building, except for the hurried footsteps, there was no other movement.

After returning to the 3691 dormitory, Ye Chong washed up in a hurry, and then began to check the equipment. Fortunately, there was nothing at all, and he had developed a habit of always keeping the weapons and equipment in combat readiness, so it didn't take a few minutes to get ready All right.

In the following time, Ye Chong got acquainted with the Qi and blood surge method in the sword technique of "Destroy the Heaven and the Earth", and then practiced the armor and skin technique taught by Bao Sihai during the day, and then went to bed.

I drank a lot of wine in the evening, and I was already a little sleepy. In addition, I had to go on a mission the next day. It seemed that it was so urgent that it should be a tricky thing.

Therefore, it is very important to cultivate enough spirit.

At 7:50 the next day, all members of the Four Seas team were in place.

Ye Chong was the first to arrive at 7:30, he didn't want to be late.

Coming so early, he wasn't idle, but was silently familiarizing himself with the armor skin technique and blood surge method in the back row of the classroom.

Practice makes perfect.

He has now mastered the principle, what is lacking is proficiency.

After Bao Sihai arrived in full armor, he said solemnly:

"This is an urgent task.

We'll talk about the situation later.

We officially set off at 8:30.

Before that, everyone go to the material warehouse to get the materials.

Remember, you can give up receiving materials that are not needed to avoid burden.

Let's get ready. "

The material warehouse of the Martial Arts Combat Department is on the basement floor. When everyone arrived, they found a prompt on the screen saying: The material package of the Four Seas Team is ready, and you can get it by swiping your card.

Zhang Dong's hands were fast, and he swiped the card lightly at the card swiping area, and immediately a supply bag popped out from the throughput port. It looked square and square, a bit like the military backpack of the coastal defense force of the East China Sea during the Yingdao Trial.

Ye Chong quickly took one too, and looked at the list. There were three days' rations and water, as well as basic daily necessities such as micro-water treatment and purification devices. The total amount was quite a lot, about seventeen or eight items.

The material bag is small in size and can be carried on the shoulder alone or directly stuffed into your own backpack. The key is that the weight is less than 10 kg, which is completely acceptable.

"But the problem is...

This is the rhythm of going out.

If you are going to the Leqing Mountains and have activities outside the Leqing Mountains, you generally don’t need to bring these things.

Travel far?

where to go?

First of all, it can be ruled out that the place to go should be inaccessible.

If it is in the city, then carrying these things is a burden.

After all, it is estimated that the place to go is the Leqing Mountains.

But here comes the problem.

What are you going to do there?

Could it be that the missing student was found again?


It is estimated that it is unlikely.

Except for weird places like the Swastika Stone Forest, the human race would probably be attacked by the beast race anywhere.

Can the lost students survive?

There is no hope at all.

Could it be that they are going to Qinshan Town again?

It was surrounded by many mountains, if the more than 13000 people there hadn't been evacuated by now, they might have entered the belly of the orcs long ago, right?

and so……

Where are we going?

Also, what are you going to do? "

Ye Chong thought wildly all the way to the meeting place.

As soon as 8:30 arrived, two ferry cars full of people went straight to Wujiang Wharf.

Wujiang, also called Wuhe, or Jiuwujiang, Jiuwu River, Jiuyan River, actually has many other names, but the students of Jiuwu College prefer to call it Wujiang.

The Wujiang River passes through Jiuwu College from west to east, and divides the whole school into two campuses, the north and the south. The main facilities, equipment, units and departmental resources are concentrated in the southern campus, while the northern campus is relatively desolate, mainly the experimental area. , such as the spiritual crop test area, the spiritual medicinal material test area, and the weapon test area, etc.

There is an electric boat that looks like a small cruise ship parked at Wujiang Wharf. It is estimated that it can carry about 30 passengers. The Four Seas Team has a total of 12 people, plus 1 captain and 2 crew members, a total of 15 people, and it will soon go against the current. Go straight to the west.

Ye Chong originally wanted to chat with Bao Sihai, but what he didn't expect was that the other party's face was solemn and silent, and after boarding the boat, his figure was even more straight, his eyes were closed, and he obviously looked worried.

Under the influence of this atmosphere, not only Ye Chong, but also the other members of the Four Seas team sat quietly in their positions, and everyone frowned. Obviously, everyone has already felt it. No one task is easy.

Otherwise, with Bao Sihai's rich experience, he would definitely not pass on the nervousness to everyone, and now that he has passed it on, it can only explain one thing——


Stay alert!

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