Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 260 You try? !

"Okay!" Ximen Qing grinned at Ye Chong, and then looked at Han Lina, "I will accept what he promised, hahaha, isn't it just a bouquet of flowers? I will send it!"

After speaking, Ximen Qing waved his hand handsomely, and the entourage in his 30s immediately rushed to order the waiter next to him.

After a while, the flower tray was delivered, and Xin Xiaomeng, Tong Ya and Han Lina each added a bouquet of flowers in front of them.

Speaking of which, where is this flower?

8888, real money.


Ximenqing lit a cigarette, took a puff with a smile on his face, looked at Han Lina and said, "Hehe, each person has a bouquet of flowers, and I've given everything that should be given. Let's move, please?"

"Don't go there." Xin Xiaomeng frowned slightly, looking a little unhappy, "My brother's flowers are also flowers, and your flowers are also flowers. Are your flowers more fragrant than my brother's flowers?"

"Sister, you can't say that." Ximen Qingdang laughed, glanced at Ye Chong, then looked at Xin Xiaomeng, "I really offered flowers, and he, hehe, just Talking about it, how can this count as one thing?"

"Okay, so you were just talking about lying to us?" Tong Ya changed her quiet and sweet image, and stretched out her jade hand through Han Lina, as if she was about to touch Ye Chong, "Are you still A man? If you promise to send us flowers, then you must keep your word and bring the flowers."

"Yeah, how can you lie? Bring the flowers!" Xin Xiaomeng said.

"Hurry up and send flowers, or we'll see if you're a man!" When Han Lina spoke, she almost burst out laughing.

"..." Ye Chong was really a little confused, he thought to himself, one or two flowers are fine, but a bouquet of flowers is so beautiful that your noses are soaked?

At this moment, Ye Chong had no choice but to close his eyes and lower his head, not to hear anything outside the window, just pretending that he didn't know anything.

Ximen Qing smoked a small cigarette, looked at everything that happened before him with a smile, and felt refreshed: "A bunch of flowers is 8888, and three bunches of flowers is nearly 3. This is not a small amount, and it is not something that just anyone can pay. Hey, these three chicks are mine, and mine, not mine, but also mine, because the master is rich, quack!"

Just as Ye Chong closed his eyes for a while, his body trembled, and he opened his eyes, and saw Tong Ya, Xin Xiaomeng, and Han Lina all looking at him with open teeth and claws, obviously wanting to move their feet at any time. .


Are the three of them really going to do something or something?

If they don't check carefully, they will come to the conclusion that I am not a man.

So stepping on a horse still keeps people alive? "

While Ye Chong was still hesitating, the three hands approached quietly. He shuddered and said:


Wait a minute!

I admit, I said... I said I would buy you three flowers each.

I am a man!

I... I can basically confirm that I am a man.

Yes... It's a man who keeps his word. I'll buy you flowers.

One bunch per person.

There are three bundles in total.

Waiter, flowers. "


There was a silver bell-like laughter at the scene, as if with a magnetic force, it rushed straight into Ximen Qing's head.


Seeing the trembling and delicate smiles of the three of them, Ximen Qing was almost stunned, and wiped the corners of his mouth involuntarily.

It turned out that he wanted to see Ye Chong's jokes, otherwise, he would not be able to show his tall image as a rich man.

But I didn't expect that Ye Chong actually bought flowers, and it was also a bouquet per person, which was a bit surprising.

"How is it? Brother is a man of his word. If he says he will buy us flowers, he will definitely buy us flowers!" Han Lina looked at Ximen Qing with a half-smile.

Ye Chong closed his eyes in pain, and whispered in his heart: "Fart!"

Han Lina went on to say:

"Is it because your flowers are more fragrant than my brother's, so we have to follow you?

Let me see, why don't you take back the three bouquets you gave us?

Otherwise, will it hurt and I can't think about it?

Hehehe. "

"Impossible, the things I gave away will never be returned!" Ximen Qing straightened his body proudly, "I have money, and I'm not a poor man pretending to be generous!"

"Hee hee, what do you want to do then?" Tong Ya suddenly covered her red lips lightly and smiled coquettishly.

Ximen Qing couldn't help being stunned.


He waved at his entourage in their thirties: "Everyone will send another bouquet of flowers! Hurry up!"

"Yes! Master!" The entourage in their thirties agreed and immediately arranged to go.


Three more bouquets were delivered.

"Hehe, what's up, three young ladies? Can we go over to drink now?" Ximen Qing casually glanced at the flowers he sent out, "I'll be happy after drinking and drinking, and it's okay to send each of you a bouquet of flowers at the end." question."

"Cut!" Xin Xiaomeng laughed, and then looked at Ye Chong tenderly, "My little brother said that if we are happy with the drink, we will give each of us a flower basket right away, right, little brother?"

"Yes." Han Lina agreed.

"Yes." Tong Ya nodded.


Ye Chong's body trembled, so he didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood.


Ximen Qing immediately petrified on the spot, his head covered with black lines.

"Is it right? Little brother?" Xin Xiaomeng said softly, shaking Ye Chong's arm.

Han Lina and Tong Ya also stretched out their paws, fearing that they had the idea of ​​touching their feet, and the obscenity was imminent.

"Made, it's tiring for a man to live, so tired and full of bitter tears!" Ye Chong shook his head with a wry smile, then raised his sad eyes to look at the waiter, "Come... come three flower baskets, one... one for each person .”


Ximen Qing trembled and his face turned green.

It doesn't work if it's not green.

One flower basket is 88888, and three flower baskets are nearly 30. If this is placed before the spiritual energy recovers, you can already buy a good high-end car.


Xin Xiaomeng, Han Lina and Tong Ya all applauded excitedly, the excitement on their faces was beyond words.


Ximen Qing's body trembled suddenly, and he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

Then he covered his chest: "No, I feel uncomfortable in my heart."

At the same time, he looked at Ye Chong with a look of disbelief, and then he turned to the bartender and said, "Is it allowed to return the things I bought?"

"No!" The bartender replied firmly.

"Then what if there is no money to pay?" Ximen Qing asked again.

"Hehe, I don't know about other stores, but I haven't encountered it here anyway." The corner of the bar attendant's mouth curled up, looking a little cold, "Why don't you try it?!"

"Okay!" Ximenqing grinned, looked at Ye Chong who was still sighing, and muttered:

"You poor guy, dare to fight against me?

That's it!

Let's fight!


Bienima is busy right now, and when the time comes, I won't be able to eat and walk around! "


Ximen Qing waved his hand directly and said, "Come on! Give me six flower baskets! Three young ladies, one girl, two flower baskets!"


There was an uproar at the scene, and the people around gathered around one after another, and the music became quieter.

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