In the next moment, Hei Chaonan put his glasses legs in his mouth, the corners of his mouth curled up, his eyes squinted at Tong Ya, Xin Xiaomeng and Han Lina, as if he was seeing through everything.

Ye Chong took a sip from his wine glass and gently placed it on the table.

"Fuck! Dude is so awesome, how much did you spend to make these three chicks obedient to you?" Hei Chaonan grinned, bent slightly, and put the cigarette butt in his left hand into Ye Chong's cup , let out a soft chirping sound, "Teach me?"

"My wine is very expensive." Ye Chong looked at the other party calmly, "I only drank less than half of it, it's too wasteful."

"Gah?" Hei Chaonan couldn't help grinning, shaking his legs and said:

"Are you talking about 20 yuan a bottle of Biwa?


Are you kidding me?

Three stunning girls can afford it, so why do you think it's more expensive than a cup?


How much did these girls spend?

I pay double, they're all mine tonight!



Keep your arms inward, don't touch my little sister! "


Hearing this, Xin Xiaomeng, Han Lina, and Tong Ya were all unhappy. The first two were originally next to Ye Chong on the left and right, but now they took a step closer, shoulder to shoulder, arms to arms, and feet to each other. , all three looked at Hei Chaonan with contempt on their faces.

In this way, Ye Chong felt uncomfortable.

Originally, I was caught in the middle and couldn't be free, but now it's even better, and it takes a lot of effort to move around.

Fortunately, however, nothing blocked his mouth, and he spoke quite neatly:

"Brother, the looks of these three little girls are actually very average. Don't be fooled by their appearance, alas... It's too hard to describe, it's really not worth it!"


Ka Ka Ka!

Tong Ya, Xin Xiaomeng, and Han Lina blew up the nest directly. In the madness, everyone looked at Ye Chong with murderous eyes. It is estimated that if no one was there, they would definitely start biting.

Did you say that?

What is superficial confusion?

What is average beauty?

Are you talking nonsense with your eyes open?

Is it too bullying?

Ye Chong smiled wryly and shook his head, but now he can't explain that "this is for your own good", but he is also depressed in his heart, thinking that it is better to stay away from women in the future, otherwise, if he doesn't pay attention to what he says , was torn apart and eaten raw by them like mutant beasts?

"Huh? You want to lie to me?" Hei Chaonan grinned, showing his white teeth, "I, Ximen Qing, have seen countless people. I don't need you to teach me whether they are pretty or not!"

When he said this, the super-male black man who called himself Ximen Qing squinted his eyes around the three women, nodded involuntarily, and swallowed: "Hey, each has its own taste, and each has its own unique characteristics. like."

"I really like it, then take it." Ye Chong's body was stiff and he didn't dare to move, "But, in fact, you are right, I asked them to come here, but I spent a lot of money, otherwise, the three princesses Girl Lang Hoof doesn't like me, does she?"

"Huh? Hahaha!" Ximen Qing, a super-black man, shook his body amidst a big grin, showing all his chest and abdominal muscles proudly. It looks like he has an eight-pack of abdominal muscles, and his chest muscles are bigger than cow dung. "What the hell buddy, I just like a happy guy like you, if you can do it, you can do it, if you can’t do it, you can’t do it, if you don’t have money, you don’t have a swollen face to pretend to be fat, and you know how to flatter you! Tell me, how much are these three girls, I’ll take it twice.”

"Double?" Ye Chong was slightly taken aback, then sighed, nodded, and then broke through many obstacles and stretched out his thumb:


like a man!

Well, I'm not hard on bro either.

To be honest, I paid the price of three flowers to let them accompany me.

If you are willing to accept them, just give me Liuzhihua, and I will quit immediately.

However, it seems that according to the rules in the bar, you have to give them double. "

"Gah! Hahaha!" Hei Chaonan shook his right foot, took out the temple of his glasses from his mouth, and said with a shake:

"Damn it! Dude, you're really good, these three beauties are as beautiful as heaven, and you want to take advantage of them with three flowers?

Thanks to Lao Tzu's arrival, or else they are all thanks?



Just as you said, I will give you the money for six flowers. "

When he said this, the black superman Ximen Qing waved his hand, and a man in his 30s ran over from a distance and respectfully said, "Master!"

Ximen Qing casually pointed at Ye Chong and said, "Give him 1, and you don't need to look for it!"

"Yes! Master!" The man in his thirties immediately took out a wad of money from his bag and put it on the table in front of Ye Chong.

Immediately afterwards, Ximenqing pointed to Xin Xiaomeng, Tong Ya and Han Lina and said, "Send two flowers to each of my three little princes."

"Yes, master!" The man in his thirties waved his hand to the distance, and a bartender trotted over. The man in his thirties arranged lightly, "Six flowers are for the three princesses, two for each of them, recorded in Mr. Ximen's name." On account."

The bar attendant agreed, and immediately trotted to handle it.

According to the rules in the store, anyone in the bar who receives flowers can withdraw cash at half of the price of the flowers.

That is to say, for 888 flowers, the person who receives the flowers earns half, and the store earns half. Anyway, there are many wild flowers in the backyard, so there is no cost or fee.

After a while, the waiter presented flowers with flower trays. Xin Xiaomeng and Han Lina were dismissive at first, but after Tong Ya whispered a few words, the two of them immediately parted their teeth, parted their red lips slightly, revealing There was a smile.


When you are short of money, don't waste it.

Anyway, there is a hood covered by injustice, and you are afraid that others will make trouble?

"Hahaha, okay, three little gentlemen, why don't you move around? Go to my table for a drink? Absolutely delicious food." Ximen Qing rubbed his hands, a little impatiently, "Hey, look, what are you eating? What kind of bullshit are you drinking? It’s a waste of the little beauties’ cherry mouths.”

"..." Ye Chong smiled without saying a word, turning the wad of money with his hands, making a rattling sound.

no way.

I'm so happy.

With this [-] yuan, I will invite guests today. If I have a bottom line, I will not suffer.

"Wait~!" Han Lina laughed so hard that the flowers trembled, "Just these few flowers... you want us to leave here? Are you sick in the head?"

"Huh?" Ximen Qing was a little confused, "Sister, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean?" Han Lina touched Ye Chong's head with her hand, and said with a smile, "This little brother promised us that he would give each of us a bouquet of flowers later."

When talking about this, Han Lina rubbed Ye Chong's head, gritted her teeth and said with a smile: "Brother, is it like this?"

"..." Ye Chong trembled all over, but he didn't dare to move. He had no choice but to let others take advantage of him again. He opened his mouth and smiled awkwardly at Ximen Qing, "Women...women seem to be like this, Don't...don't be familiar with them."

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