Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 251 Four Sea Squad

Ye Chong had achieved something in his cultivation, so he was naturally happy and in a good mood.

However, just when he was about to wash up and eat breakfast, his body froze suddenly, as if petrified.

"What's the matter with riding a horse?

It wasn't like this yesterday.

Why did it suddenly happen today?

Am I doing something wrong?

Or is the bear thing malfunctioning? "

I saw some strange changes in the four lines of small characters in Ye Chong's sea of ​​consciousness.

Combat exploits: 0.

Physical fitness: 132.

Vitality: 91 (of 127).

Spirit: 103.

The previous qi and blood value was 127, and there were no parentheses, but now it suddenly becomes (127) and there is a 91 outside, which does seem a bit weird.

"Needless to say, the reason for such a change must have something to do with my practice of the "Destroy Heaven and Earth" sword technique just now.

Speaking of which, in the process of cultivation, I used a lot of energy and blood, which naturally consumed a lot of energy and blood.

If so, (127) should be the original 127, which is the upper limit of my body's blood volume.

As for 91, it is easy to understand.

I just kept experimenting with qi and blood surges to generate qi and blood power, which naturally consumed a lot of qi and blood. The current value of 91 of course refers to the current amount of qi and blood.

In other words, I just practiced the "Destruction of Heaven and Earth" sword technique, consuming a total of 36 units of energy and blood.

Speaking of it, this consumption is really not small.


If this is the case, what will happen if I allocate combat merit points to Qi and blood in the future?

In the end is to increase the upper limit value in brackets?

Or is it directly added to the current blood?

However, if it is really added to the current qi and blood, it will feel a bit of a disadvantage. After all, I can make up for the lost qi and blood through rest or eating delicious food.

Don't forget, killing 10 S1 level monsters can get a combat achievement point, which is very precious. "

When thinking of this, Ye Chong suddenly grinned, then patted his head, and said to himself:

"Look at me stupid.

I am now a junior martial arts fighter, and I have also made a breakthrough in my comprehension of the "Destruction of Heaven and Earth" sword technique, and my strength is already much stronger than before the breakthrough.


In the past, killing 10 S1 monsters was indeed a big deal for me.

But now?

Even if it kills 10 S2-level monsters, or even... S3-level monsters, is it still a big deal? "


Ye Chong waved his right hand lightly, put the knife back into its sheath, then went into the bathroom to wash it, and then went straight to the restaurant.

Martial arts combat department.

in a classroom.

There were ten people sitting inside, Zhang Dong, Xin Xiaomeng and Han Lina were all inside, and the remaining seven people were male and female, looking calm.

The person standing on the podium was Bao Sihai, the deputy director of the Martial Arts Department.

At this moment, he folded his arms and looked a little unhappy.

From time to time, he would look at his watch and at the door by the way, as if there were little angry flames jumping in his eyes.


Da da!

Da da da!

The sound of footsteps sounded from a distance, and he stopped and walked, taking it easy, and finally arrived at the door of the classroom.

Before the knock on the door rang, Bao Sihai slapped the table and shouted, "Come in!"

Ka Ka Ka!

The window glass trembled crazily.

Ye Chong, who had just walked to the door, opened his mouth wide and pointed to his nose: "Me?"


The small classroom suddenly burst into laughter.

"Nonsense!" Bao Sihai suddenly looked up at the other party, "It's not you, but..."


The strange thing is that when Bao Sihai was halfway through speaking, his face suddenly changed, and then he blinked, and an indescribable complex color immediately appeared in his eyes looking at Ye Chong.

"What's wrong?" Ye Chong opened his mouth slightly, looking harmless to humans and animals, "Can I... can I go in?"

"Come in," Bao Sihai grinned, "You naughty and surprising little guy."


There was laughter again.


Ye Chong looked confused, how did he speak?

But he knew that he was late, and it would be good if Deputy Director Bao didn't find fault, why did he have so many questions?

Soon, he walked to the last row and sat down obediently.

At this time, Bao Sihai looked around at everyone, then smiled slightly and said:

"From today, we are comrades-in-arms of a small team.

I am your teacher, your captain, and your comrade-in-arms.

As long as we unite as one and work together, I believe that our team will achieve one success after another.

Ha ha.


According to the school's requirements, the team's name can only be named after the team leader's name, otherwise, everyone can think of a better name.

Well, everyone, remember, the name of our team——

Four Seas Squad. "

clap clap clap!

There was a round of applause at the scene.

Bao Sihai smiled slightly, then pressed his hand down, and continued:

"I'm sure everyone already knows why the team was formed, so I won't say much about it, but I want to emphasize one point.

The squad is a learning unit, a combat unit, and a task unit.

As far as I know, most of you here are candidates who have entered the Martial Arts Academy by applying for the exam, and there are very few people from the martial arts sect and martial arts family in the martial arts world.

Although you have participated in trials, you probably don't know how cruel the real environment we are facing now is.

As your mentor, and even more so as your captain, I need to remind you of a few things.

First, the mutation, evolution and development of the orcs are becoming faster and faster, and high-level monsters are appearing in large numbers.

The threats they bring far exceed your imagination and cognition. If we don't pay attention, we will suffer disastrous failure and loss.

Second, I believe that in the current environment, you will definitely work harder and go all out to cultivate and improve yourself.

There's nothing wrong with that.

However, this is not enough.

Because monsters have more comprehensive mutations, more perfect evolution, and faster development than you.

Therefore, if you want to really grow up in the current environment, you must go all out to sharpen yourself and raise your requirements.

You must know how to practice!

Be skillful!

Be refined!

no way.

We are rushing for time, and the time left for us is running out.

Third, I know that the students who can be admitted to the four major martial arts colleges are absolute geniuses and the pride of heaven, they are the pride of their families, and they are also the goals that people around them look up to.

You have every reason to be proud and proud of yourselves.

However, I want to remind everyone.

Genius is what others call and admire for you, not for you to treat yourself as a genius.


If you do that, you will be a fool, a mediocre, and a loser.


Very simple.

If you regard yourself as a genius, you will think highly of yourself, you will feel that you are different from others, you will do some things that are different from others, and you will even do challenges and challenges that ordinary people dare not try. choose.

Well, I congratulate you!

If you really do that without careful analysis and planning, I think we can collectively mourn for you!


goodbye! "


There was an uproar at the scene, but when they saw Bao Sihai's cold eyes sweeping over, they immediately fell into dead silence.

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