Ye Chong quickly immersed himself in the cultivation of the "Destroy the Heaven and Earth" sword technique.

"The Cangbeard also mentioned that the reason why martial arts skills, sword skills and body skills are required to go hand in hand is not only to support the incomparable destructive sword skills, but also another important reason.

That is defense.

Breaking the law with force does not mean giving up defense completely.

If my martial arts cultivation base is low, my body is not strong enough, and my physical reaction in actual combat is slow, and when the enemy comes to make a quick surprise attack, then I can't resist it, I can't dodge it, and I won't catch a cold if I don't burp. Strange.


From the point of view of the bearded man, it is actually hinting at the true direction of practicing the sword technique in "Destroy the Heaven and the Earth".

If you can't understand this point, you are just pursuing the breakthrough of the sword skill itself, and you are actually cultivating the target, but you don't have the practice book. "

The corner of Ye Chong's mouth curled up, and he nodded slightly.

He knew very well in his heart that in fact Wanliu belonged to the same clan and had the same source, and all the techniques and skills had been cultivated to the extreme, and the competition was all about foundation and comprehensive strength.

No matter how powerful an elephant is, a single bullet can kill it.

No matter how fast a hummingbird is, it simply cannot compete with an elephant.

Time passed without knowing it.

When a trace of white belly appeared in the sky, Ye Chong's eyes shone brightly, and he stood up slowly.

Soon, he pulled out the blade of the starry sky with a choking sound, and casually held a blade in his hand. Against the backdrop of the morning glow, he looked majestic and mighty.


He slashed the first knife, which looked ordinary, like an ordinary person chopping with a large wooden knife, and even the posture was similar, a little clumsy and a little slow.

But what's interesting is that Ye Chong's face looked quite satisfied, and there was even a hint of joy overflowing from the corners of his eyes.

If you could see the inside of his body just now, you would be surprised to find that the moment he raised the knife, surging energy and blood rushed towards his right arm.

At the same time, a vast and majestic force suddenly rose, along the right arm, right hand, and five fingers, it rushed straight into the blade of the starry sky, and the big knife immediately slashed down.

"The knife I chopped just now looks ordinary, but it is actually of great significance.

For ordinary people, when chopping with a knife, the power comes from the musculoskeletal blood, which is the basic strength that everyone has in their bodies.

People have different physiques, and the magnitude of this force is also different.

Generally speaking, adults are stronger than children, men are stronger than women, and those who have trained are stronger than those who have not...

However, this bigness is limited.

For ordinary people, even those with the strongest basic strength in the human race are vulnerable compared to elephants.

For people who practice martial arts, this kind of basic strength from the musculoskeletal blood will naturally become larger with the improvement of their cultivation and physical fitness, but this kind of bigness is only compared to ordinary people. The source of strength that makes warriors far surpass ordinary people is the power of qi and blood.

Qi and blood surged in the direction, and the power of Qi and blood came into being.

The stronger the qi and blood, the stronger the power of qi and blood.

The division of warrior realm is based on this.

The higher the realm, the stronger the Qi and blood, the more majestic the power of Qi and blood, and the stronger the strength naturally.

and also.

Ordinary people hack with a knife, using the strength of the body, grasping the handle of the knife and slashing downwards. There is a breaking point between the handle and the fingers. If there is a little carelessness, or under the action of external force, the big knife can easily fall out of hand. fly out.

But this is not the case with the power of Qi and blood.

Just like the first time I slashed just now, the power of qi and blood rushed straight into the handle of the knife along the arm, wrist, palm, and five fingers, and then spread all over the body of the knife. All the power of blood was poured into the blade to chop downwards, the strength is of course extraordinary.

Also, there is another difference.

Ordinary people swung their knives and slashed more, otherwise the basic power would not be able to gather.

But for warriors, using the power of Qi and blood to slash, there is no need for swinging space at all, and the burst of power can be realized within zero distance.

I was chopping with the blade of the starry sky just now, purely for the purpose of chopping, not for gathering strength.

Ha ha.

Unexpectedly, the first time I used the power of Qi and blood to attack successfully, this was a great surprise.

However, this is not enough.

After I finished the first wave of Qi and blood attacks, I should launch the second wave of attacks immediately, and the shorter the response time in the middle, the greater the power, like rolling waves, continuous blows.


Come on, Sao Nian.

You have found the way, if you can't strike while the iron is hot, then you are a fool who missed the opportunity. "

Ye Chong was thinking wildly and talking to himself, and he had already been completely immersed in the practice of "Destroying Heaven and Earth" sword technique.

After half an hour.


Ye Chong slashed out, still looking a little clumsy, as if an adult who was chopping wood for the first time was swinging an axe.

However, what surprised people was that although the slashing distance of the blade of the starry sky was only about a foot or so, the sonic boom suddenly occurred in the direction of the blade.

It doesn't stop there.

The entire blade was vibrating at an ultra-high frequency, as if full of violent power that had nowhere to vent.

At this moment, Ye Chong's eyes were brilliant, his face was beaming with joy, and even the corners of his mouth showed an intriguing curve.

"On the basis of the first energy and blood power, the second energy and blood power follows closely, which is equivalent to the superposition of two forces, and the power is multiplied. The sonic boom is just an appearance. If it really hits the target, That's what's wonderful.

In time, if I can stimulate the power of the three Qi and blood one after another, it will be equivalent to having three times the power, and the power will naturally be stronger.

It doesn't stop there.

The Blade of the Starry Sky is a primary high-grade warrior's weapon, and there is already an inscription of the pattern of law on it. If it can be activated in the future, the power of the Blade of the Starry Sky will naturally be even more majestic.


With my current strength, if I meet the S3-level brown demon bear that day again, I'm afraid it won't be too much to kill it in an instant, right? !

However, if I want to learn the sword technique of "Destruction of Heaven and Earth" well, I can't be like others, immersed in the happiness and sense of accomplishment brought by the skills of sword technique. I still have to focus on "Destruction of Heaven and Earth" It's about the practice of martial arts.

Only when the foundation is laid, can I accumulate a lot of knowledge, make great progress in knife skills, and achieve new breakthroughs.

By the way, there are also body skills.

The movement skills in the sword technique of "Destroy the Heaven and the Earth" are considered to be the most exquisite actual combat movement skills. The way of blood circulation involved in it is the same as the method of surging blood in the sword technique skills, and they complement each other .

That is to say, in the process of cultivating body skills, I can continuously improve and sharpen the Qi and blood circulation method of knife skills, so that my knife skills can also be tempered and improved unconsciously. "

When thinking of this, Ye Chong lifted the blade of the starry sky upside down, and then turned around like a lynx in a circle.

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