When Ye Chong's consciousness was inadvertently immersed in the first line of small characters, he saw a bunch of numbers splashing out like a kaleidoscope.






Suddenly big and suddenly small, the cycle goes on and on, one after another.

It felt like drawing a lottery.

Ye Chong was startled, and his consciousness immediately moved away from the first line of small characters, that is, the line of combat merit points. He hid in the distance and shivered for a while, and then approached again.

However, his consciousness didn't touch the row of combat merit point again, but landed on the fourth row, which is the last row of spiritual points.


no response.

It's like a stiff stone, blown by the wind and rain, motionless.


Ye Chong's consciousness moved up quietly, and touched the blood points on the third row, which is the penultimate row.

no response.

Immediately following the second line, which is the third-to-last line, is the physical points.

Still no response.


Ye Chong's complexion changed, his consciousness cowered, and he retreated quietly, quietly watching the first line of combat merit points, a little hesitant.

"How is this going?

The body points, blood points, and spirit points were all solidified, motionless.

However, the combat achievement points that suddenly surfaced when I was in the Leqing Mountains not long ago, as long as the consciousness touches it, it will flicker, as if waiting for me to extract it.

On a horse!

Do you think I am the emperor, drawing cards?




If it is a serial number, what kind of secret is hidden behind the serial number?

If it's the points of military exploits, then let me choose a different point to be dry? "

When thinking of this, Ye Chong couldn't help but let out a long sigh, and slowly opened his eyes.

What the hell!

Immediately after the next moment, he shivered Lingling.

I saw a person lying on the window of the 3691 dormitory, looking inside.

Zhang Dong!

This bastard!

After Ye Chong saw the other party's face clearly, he cursed secretly, but before he got up to open the door, he saw the other party leaving with a depressed expression on his face.

"The effect of this privacy bulletproof glass is not bad. It not only prevents peeping, but also has a good sound insulation effect." Ye Chong couldn't help laughing, and sat down cross-legged again.

Now this time is critical, he has no spare time to talk nonsense with Zhang Dong.

But after such a toss, when Ye Chong was immersed in the sea of ​​consciousness again, he calmed down completely. When he looked at the line of combat merit points, he lost a little fear, a little more curiosity, and a little more excitement and anticipation .

"Only combat merit points can be moved, so let's move on?

I don't believe that this thing appeared in my sea of ​​consciousness just to put me to death.

If the bear really intends to do this, does it still need such trouble?

When that gray-clothed man Mou Wu chased and killed me back then, as long as the bear gave up protecting me, I guess I would have been caught cold by hiccups, right?

Maybe it will become the ration of mutated beasts or monsters, turning into shit after a thousand turns.

and so……

The appearance of combat merit points is by no means intended to harm me, but represents some unusual meaning.

As for the kaleidoscope-like scenes that appear as soon as the consciousness is immersed in the combat merit points, it is easy to understand, that is waiting for me to choose.

Speaking of which, is this really a bit like the emperor flopping his cards?


Ye Chong hesitated for a while, his consciousness was immersed in the combat merit points, he didn't know how to choose?

But soon, his consciousness locked on the number 1.

Isn't this number small?

If you make a mistake or something, you won't lose too much, right?


After the consciousness selects the point of 1, 1 is like a small fish caught in the net, jumping and jumping continuously, which makes the consciousness also inexplicably excited and excited.


The web of consciousness wraps 1 this little fish out of the battle merit point business.

At this moment, a strange change suddenly occurred.

Brush it!

The web of consciousness suddenly felt the attraction from four directions, all of which were full of excitement, excitement, anticipation and longing.

The first attraction comes from the line of combat merit points, as if reluctant to let a combat merit point go away, that feeling is like a child traveling a thousand miles and a mother worrying.

The second attraction comes from the line of physical points, as if a hungry lion is looking at a calf eagerly, hoping to swallow it immediately and feast on it.

The third attraction comes from the line of qi and blood points, as if a hungry wolf is staring at a lamb viciously, wishing to pounce on it immediately, tear it up and devour it.

The fourth attraction comes from the line of spiritual points, as if a person trekking hard in the desert was hungry and thirsty, suddenly found a glimpse of sweet spring water, and wished he could drink it to his heart's content.

"What the hell!

Is this awkward?

I just grabbed this 1 point, why are all four directions trying to pull me down?

Forget about the first line.

Why do the second line of physique, the third line of qi and blood, and the fourth line of spirit still need this point?

How to choose this horse?

They all looked like they were hungry and thirsty, maybe it wouldn't be good for anyone, right?



Let's come next to each other.

If it makes sense to do so, at worst, I will also have one for the third row and one for the fourth row later. "

When Ye Chong was thinking about it, he felt that the attraction of the second line suddenly increased, and his consciousness suddenly sank, and he went straight down.


As soon as the point of 1 came into contact with the physical point on the second line, the consciousness was immediately flicked away, and then a small light yellow circle appeared, enclosing the four lines of small characters, and an explosion followed.


Ye Chong was stunned for a moment.

What the hell is this?

But the next moment, he felt something was wrong.

The body seemed to be petrified, unable to move at all.

At the same time, the light yellow circle of light surrounding the four lines of small characters suddenly lit up, like the sun at eight or nine o'clock in the morning, and then it turned around, and circles of golden yellow waves flowed around and spread towards the periphery.

Ka Ka Ka!

Wherever the golden air wave reaches, all barriers and bottlenecks are swept away.

The thin and flat meridians became much thicker, wider and tougher under the washing of the golden air waves.

Under the baptism of the golden air waves, the obscure bones began to become crystal clear, rich and transparent.

A trace of calm flesh and blood, under the cover of the golden air waves, seemed to be reborn and completely alive.


Seeing the unimaginable changes that took place in his body, Ye Chong's expression changed a lot, and soon he went from momentary bewilderment to complete bewilderment.

Don't be confused.

The changes in front of my eyes are really confusing.

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