Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 243 Contradictions

Ye Chong sat cross-legged on the futon, quietly looking out the window, constantly adjusting his breathing, his eyes gradually became as quiet as water, and entered a state of contemplation.

For a moment, everything in the world seemed to stop, and fell into an eternal emptiness.

no way.

Some things should really be thought about.

I don’t want to understand anymore, maybe one day I will die inexplicably...

Speaking of which, Ye Chong's current real state is a four-star quasi-martial artist, which is the comprehensive data of 21 (9). The specific data:

Combat exploits: 5.

Physical fitness: 9.

Qi and blood: 6.

Spirit: 6.

However, because of the shielding effect of the bear gadget, the data displayed to the outside world is 19 (7), and two physical points are abruptly deducted. The specific data is:

Combat exploits: 5.

Physical fitness: 7.

Qi and blood: 6.

Spirit: 6.

Perhaps it was precisely because of this inconsistent data performance inside and outside that he could neither continue to practice nor catch the opportunity for a breakthrough.

At the beginning, Ye Chong couldn't figure out what was going on, and always felt that God was unfair to him, but he gradually understood.

For example, the problem of not being able to capture the opportunity for breakthrough.

How does he catch it now?

After all, the data shown to the outside world is 19 (7), and it has not reached the level of a one-star quasi-martial artist, and it is impossible to feel the opportunity to break through if it has not reached the level of a quasi-martial artist.

Although his real physical data is 21 (9), that is, a four-star quasi-martial artist, what's the use of this?

Xiongzhi has done tricks, not only fooling the instruments and people who observed his body data, but also judging from the current situation, he also fooled the way of heaven, or the secret of martial arts.

Otherwise, his physical data is obviously a four-star quasi-warrior, so how could he not be favored by the breakthrough opportunity?


The only reason is that the bear thing is so awesome that it actually deceived the truth in front of the secret of martial arts.

Another example is the issue of not being able to cultivate.

It's weird, if true.

Because he really can't make any further changes in his body's data now.

How did it change?

Can't change.

Judging from the external display of his physical data, it is 19 (7), not even a one-star quasi-warrior.

It stands to reason that if one more point is added to his body, qi, blood, or spirit, he will become a one-star quasi-warrior, and he will meet the conditions for catching a breakthrough opportunity.

But... can it work?


Because if you add another random data point, such as adding 1 to the physical point, then the appearance data displayed to the outside world will reach 20 (8), and you will become a one-star quasi-warrior.

At the same time, the real data becomes 22 (10), how is this possible?

This is impossible!

22 (10) This data does not exist!

Because 21 (9) is a four-star quasi-warrior and the highest state of a quasi-warrior, as long as one more data point is broken through, it will be triggered immediately, and the breakthrough of the warrior will begin.

However, in order to achieve a warrior's breakthrough, it is necessary to capture the opportunity for breakthrough.

Isn't this self-contradictory? !

The bear moved his hands and feet, blinded the secrets of martial arts, and what he showed was 19 (7), not even a one-star quasi-martial artist, so he couldn't catch the breakthrough opportunity.

Conversely, if you can continue to practice, as long as you increase any data points, you will become a one-star quasi-martial artist, but the actual situation is that a four-star quasi-warrior will immediately trigger the mechanism of breaking through to become a warrior.

This is of course a contradiction.

"Speaking of which, this is the real reason why my current cultivation has stagnated. Damn it, this is simply harming others and benefiting myself."

When thinking of this, Ye Chong couldn't help but let out a long sigh, and rubbed his head with his hands.

It doesn't work without kneading, it swells uncomfortably, as if it is about to crack.

In the following time, Ye Chong looked at his nose with his eyes, his heart with his nose, and the big world with his heart, and was immersed in deep thinking again.

"From my memory, there are many related martial arts techniques and related materials, but there is no mention of my current situation anywhere.

bear stuff.


What the hell is going on here?

According to the normal breakthrough process, the quasi-warrior first prepared the various pills used for the breakthrough, and then under the care of the martial arts masters, they could touch the opportunity and achieve the breakthrough.

Although this process is full of dangers, as long as the foundation is not particularly bad, it is generally possible to break through successfully.

Judging from the descriptions of various materials, the principles and mechanisms of breaking through from a quasi-warrior to a real warrior are similar, and there is no difference.

It is nothing more than touching the breakthrough opportunity to sublimate one's physical frame, thereby making one's body more resistant, stronger, and stronger, and at the same time allowing the body's blood vessels to expand to accommodate more qi and blood. Lay the foundation, and then reshape the spiritual power, so that your spiritual ocean will become more and more exciting.

Of course, there are also simpler ones.

For example, the purpose of breaking through to warrior is to expand and temper the blood vessels of the muscles and bones, so that one's body data can be improved by leaps and bounds, etc.

on horseback.

These are all good to say.

The key is how to break this situation where I am contradicting myself now?

and also.

What kind of crap is this bullshit combat achievement point that popped up?

Every time I kill ten S1-level monsters, I can be upgraded to a combat achievement point, which is quite luxurious and powerful.

The key is whether the rider can exchange money for me, or exchange points, or improve my cultivation?

Um? "


When Ye Chong thought of this, he couldn't help but have a flash of inspiration, and his face changed.

"Practice improvement?

How to improve?

Since it is a military exploit, it should correspond to a reward. To put it bluntly, this military exploit point is a reward for military exploits.

Then this point...

What is the difference between physical, blood and mental points?

What kind of relationship exists between them...?

If they really have some ulterior relationship, what does this relationship mean to me? "

In the following time, Ye Chong sank into the sea of ​​consciousness completely, and stared at the four lines of small characters tightly, refusing to relax for a moment.

However, this doesn't seem to work.

Those four lines of small characters stayed where they were, without saying a word.

I remember it used to flicker occasionally, but now it doesn't.


Bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

When the loud noise came out, Ye Chong was startled. When he opened his eyes, he found that Zhang Dong was standing on the terrace of 3691, knocking on the door vigorously.

"This bastard! Just make a phone call if you have something to do, and why don't you come to visit me? I don't know if it's inconvenient now? Go to Zhongdu for a big meal? Eat what a fart!"

Ye Chong thought so in his heart, but he didn't say anything. Anyway, the dormitory is full of one-way glass, and the inside cannot be seen from the outside.

Zhang Dong knocked on the door for a long time, but when he saw no one said anything, he stopped knocking and started to take out his mobile phone to make calls again.

Ye Chong is not worried anyway, the phone is turned off and charged on the bed, what are you afraid of?

The corner of his mouth curled up quickly, and he was immersed in the sea of ​​consciousness again, but at the next moment, his body trembled:


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