During the rapid retreat, Ye Chong soon discovered that the mutated hyena and S1-level hyena encountered this time were not easy.

If it was said that when he escorted Li Panpan back to school that day, the combat power of the mutant hyena dogs he encountered was 1, and the combat power of the S1-level hyena dogs was 10, then the combat power of these mutant hyena dogs today should be 5, and the combat power of the S1-level hyena dogs was 30.

"A horse-rider.

This is by no means an ordinary mutant hyena and S1 grade hyena, but a well-trained special operations force!

No wonder these guys didn't run away when they saw me, but followed in a leisurely manner. It turned out that they were the last in strength.

And, I doubt it.

This special operations force composed of mutated hyenas and hyena dogs is chasing after me.


They know who I am.

The purpose of them blocking me here today is not just for that life, but to avenge the dead mutated hyena and S1 hyena.

Special Operations Forces?


It happened to be a great opportunity to hone my agility and combat skills.


What about the three of them?

Can it withstand the siege from dozens of elite mutant hyenas? "

Although Ye Chong's thoughts were flying wildly, his hands didn't stop at all. The Starry Sky Blade flew up and down, slashing left and right. There was nothing fancy at all, and he used all his strength.

no way.

In the central area besieged by crowds, the only thing they can do now is to fight head-to-head.

Because although doing so consumes a lot of money, the effect is the most prominent, the momentum is amazing, and time is saved.

Ye Chong understood very well.

Although he had successfully led most of the mutated hyenas and hyenas far away, it didn't mean that the three of Zhang Dong and the others could really resist the siege of dozens of elite mutated hyenas.

You must know that each of these elite mutant hyenas has the attack ability of five ordinary mutant hyenas.

There are about 30 elite mutant hyenas besieging Zhang Dong and the others, which means that at least 150 ordinary mutant hyenas are attacking them.

The key is that these 30-odd elite mutant hyenas have a larger attack space, more flexibility, and higher efficiency.

Thirty men are as powerful as 150 women, but thirty men can bring the target to death faster.

Under the current situation, Zhang Dong and the three of them would be torn to pieces by those ferocious beasts, even if they were negligent, there would be no bones left.

Ka Ka Ka!

After drawing a certain distance from the other battle group, Ye Chong used a big tree as a fulcrum, and continued the bloody battle without retreating.

From time to time, he also tried to catch a glimpse of another Chapter through the gaps.

But... how is it possible?

These mutant hyenas are all tall and big, and their weight is at least about 400 kilograms, which is much bigger than the male lions in Heizhou.

The S1 hyena dog is a breakthrough from the mutant hyena, and it looks tall and strong, weighing nearly 1000 kilograms, like a hill.

At this very moment, it was the fierce battle time of pouncing and biting attacks, so Ye Chong couldn't see the situation of the other battle group at all under the shadow of beasts.

"This second battle is the most severe test for you.


The only thing I can do now is to involve most of the troops.

The rest will depend on your hard work.

Speaking of which, your current battle group is less than ten meters away from the entrance of the Swastika Stone Forest. If the tactics are proper and flexible enough, it will not be a big problem to go back inside.

The key is that you are afraid that after you suddenly find out that the strength of these mutated hyenas has skyrocketed, you will panic and cause catastrophe.


Zhang Dong.

Xin Xiaomeng.

Han Lina.

Take care everyone!

Let us grow in blood and tears. "


When Ye Chong was distracted from his thoughts, an S1-level hyena dog found the space and patted his back with a huge front paw.


His chest felt hot, and he couldn't spit out a mouthful of old blood.

But he quickly turned around, and the blade of the starry sky reversed and stabbed back, sending it into the chest of the attacker.

Immediately afterwards, he staggered his figure, avoiding the attack of the two big mouths, and then touched his chest with his left hand, opening his mouth to spit, but finally held back.

no way.

At this time, if a mouthful of old blood was really spurted out, all the besieging mutant hyenas and hyena dogs would be bloodthirsty and explode.

At that time, with the opponent's attack power soaring, it's hard to say whether he can still withstand it.

After this injury experience, Ye Chong didn't dare to be distracted, and immediately devoted all his energy to the battle.

As a result, the decadent situation just now eased a lot.

There is also a big tree next to the key. Although the branches and leaves have fallen under the attack of the group of beasts, the trunk of the tree is not damaged. Ye Chong can rely on this tree to improve his defense and use it as a fulcrum to launch an attack.

At this moment, Zhang Dong, Xin Xiaomeng, and Han Lina stood back to back not far from the entrance of the Wanzige Stone Forest, forming a triangle and maintaining an attacking state.

Although the two women used long swords, fortunately, their swordsmanship was good, and they were weapons of junior warriors. They flew up and down and focused on defense. Those elite mutant hyenas could not do anything about them for the time being.

Zhang Dong's long spear was long and heavy, with a weird shape. It was a rare heavyweight long weapon among the weapons of junior warriors. Once deployed, it was amazingly powerful and pushed all the mutated hyenas in front of him away three meters away.

At this time, I heard him say in a deep voice:

"These mutant hyenas are very odd.

They're bigger than the last time we encountered them, and obviously smarter.

Although they are not S1 hyena dogs yet, I guess they are equivalent to quasi warriors in the human race. They are very powerful, much more powerful than ordinary mutant hyenas.

Moreover, there are too many of them.

We must return quickly.

If it's too late, I'm afraid something big will happen. "

"Aren't we going to rescue Ye Chong?" Xin Xiaomeng frowned slightly.

"Save him?" Han Lina shook her head, "No, we approached him not to save him, but to harm him and put him in greater danger."

"Yeah, let's do what Ye Chong wants, and withdraw immediately." Zhang Dong's spear swiped three shots, forcing the three mutated hyenas away, "You two retreat first, and I will cover them." .”

"No, if the three of us separate again, we will be surrounded by these smart guys and killed one by one." Xin Xiaomeng bit her red lips lightly, "Our current formation is the safest and cannot be messed up."

"No chaos?" Han Lina's eyes lit up, and she suddenly chuckled, "No chaos, but we can turn around!"

"Great idea!" Zhang Dong's eyes lit up, "We can maintain the current triangular defensive formation, and then turn back!"

"Then how do you turn?" Xin Xiaomeng's face brightened, "Counterclockwise? Or clockwise?"

"Men left and women right!" Zhang Dong grinned, "I turn left, you turn right."

"Screw you!" Han Lina raised her mouth and cursed with a smile, "Are you feeding us as meat buns?!"

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