Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 228 Don't be such a tiger

"At least a hundred mutated hyenas are outside, aren't you really afraid?!"

"Not afraid!"

"There are still a lot of monsters above S1 level in there, aren't you afraid?!"

"Not afraid!"

"In this battle, the blood will surely stain the earth red, you are not afraid?!"

"Not afraid!"

"Okay!" Ye Chong held his head high, his eyes sparkling, and he lifted the starry sky blade upside down with his right hand, as mighty as a god of war. "You are not afraid, this is very good! Because you are timid before a battle, you will definitely lose!"


Ye Chong turned his right hand, inserted the blade of the starry sky into the ground, pushed his hands together, and continued:

"However, if you are not afraid, you are not afraid, but when you know that the enemy is far superior to you, you can't be aggressive, especially when we still have a safe zone.

The Wanzige Stone Forest is a magical place, neither mutant beasts nor monsters will enter here.

So, it is our safe zone, it is our city.

In other words, when we are injured or need to rest during the bloody battle, we can return to our city to make adjustments, and then prepare for the next wave of attack.

However, I want to remind everyone of one thing.

Having a safe city does not mean that we can stand here and wait for help.

Because the sound of fighting here will attract more and more powerful high-level monsters.

And we will never wait for reinforcements in this deep mountain and old forest.

It can even be said that the longer we stay in the safe city, the greater the danger.

Therefore, the purpose of our battle is very simple.

It is to kill the enemy and escape from the sky in the shortest possible time.

In other words, we need to kill as many mutant hyenas and hyena dogs as possible as soon as possible.

Otherwise, even if we can escape, with a long tail, we will eventually be submerged in more and more rolling beast tides. "

When he said this, Ye Chong paused for a moment, and then said in a deep voice: "Do you understand what I mean?"

"Understood!" The three replied in unison.

Immediately afterwards, Xin Xiaomeng added:

"That is to say, if you can't fight, you should retreat to the Wanzige Stone Forest, and attack again after resting.

and also.

Even if we can fight well, we can’t leave right away. Instead, we will use the Swastika Stone Forest as a base to kill as many mutant hyenas and hyena dogs as possible. Otherwise, leaving with a long tail will only make us fall into the beast tide and cannot extricate ourselves. . "

"Yes," Ye Chong smiled and nodded, "That's what it means."

Speaking of which, whether it is Zhang Dong, Xin Xiaomeng, or Han Lina, they have already seen Ye Chong's combat power, combat strategy and experience, and it is precisely because they admire him and believe in him that they are willing to follow him out. Leqing Mountain makes money.

As for the fact that Ye Chong didn't make a move in the last battle, in the eyes of the three of them, it was entirely because of the other party's deliberate cheating and cheating, and it was definitely not because of fear, fear or any bad things.

Now that Ye Chong is commanding the battle with excitement in his mind, it seems that he has already recovered the crazy demeanor of the lunatic Ye back then. Of course, the three of them are convinced and obey the arrangement.

"Okay!" Ye Chong nodded, "When we fight later, I will be in front and you will be behind. Don't leave the entrance of the Swastika Stone Forest too far, and make sure you can return at any time."

"Yes!" The three agreed in unison.

After speaking, Ye Chong Kakaka went straight to the entrance of the Wanzige Stone Forest without hesitation, followed by Zhang Dong, Xin Xiaomeng and Han Lina each armed with weapons.

When I came to the entrance and looked outside, as expected, countless mutated hyenas were squatting on the ground tens of meters in front of them, looking at this place full of expectations.

The military discipline is strict, the birds are quiet, and they are ready for battle.

Swish swish!

The complexions of Zhang Dong, Xin Xiaomeng and Han Lina changed suddenly.

Speaking of which, they have never seen such a situation since they were young, even on TV.

The key is that murderous, beastly and hostile spirits are rushing towards their faces. The three of them have to change their colors if they don't change their colors. They are trembling and trembling from their bodies to their hearts.

Ka Ka Ka!

Ye Chong didn't stop for a moment, and rushed forward with the Star Blade.


The originally well-ordered mutated hyena troop immediately exploded.

Damn it, what the hell is going on?

Didn't you see so many of our dogs squatting here?

Isn't this a slap in the face of our dog?

Swish swish!

The nearby mutated hyena rushed forward, but in the blink of an eye, Ye Chong was completely wrapped up by the mutated hyena.

It doesn't stop there.

A dozen or so S1 hyena dogs hiding in the dark also quickly encircled them.


Zhang Dong, Xin Xiaomeng, and Han Lina suddenly looked confused, and the shocked expressions on their faces were indescribable.

The difference in strength is too great!

How is this played?

Can't fight at all.

In just the blink of an eye, Ye Chong had already completely fought with all the beasts, but before Zhang Dong, Xin Xiaomeng and Han Lina could leave the entrance of the Swastika Stone Forest, they were blocked by more than a dozen mutated hyenas. inside.

"Lao Ye, come back quickly!" Zhang Dong's face changed drastically, "Dangerous! You madman, can you stop being so stupid!"

"Ye Chong, come back soon." Xin Xiaomeng also shouted anxiously.

"Ye Chong, Ye Chong, you go back and kill!" Han Lina shouted.


The positions of Ye Chong and the beasts were already in chaos.


Ka Ka Ka!


bang bang bang!

All kinds of messy sounds are all entangled together.

At the same time, the sky was filled with rain of blood, the stumps and pieces of flesh were scattered in all directions, and the thick bloody smell quickly permeated.

At the same time, Zhang Dong, Xin Xiaomeng and Han Lina also let go of their fear completely, and rushed out like crazy.

It's just that they were blocked at the entrance by more than a dozen mutant hyenas, so how could they rush out easily?


A shrill sound that looked like a wolf or a dog suddenly sounded, and the dozen or so mutated hyenas that were besieging Zhang Dong and the others retreated back.


The three of them froze for a moment, then they looked overjoyed, and rushed straight to where Ye Chong was.

It's just that the dozen or so mutated hyenas suddenly made a detour and immediately blocked behind them.

For a while, Zhang Dong, Xin Xiaomeng and Han Lina's retreat was cut off, and they were immediately surrounded and attacked by dozens of mutated hyenas.


Ye Chong raised his knife and knocked an S1 monster to the ground. He looked back and sighed secretly.

"Looks like it's useless to say more.

Combat experience needs to be accumulated step by step, and hot tofu cannot be eaten in a hurry.

However, thousands of exhortations and ten thousand exhortations, why did they still fall into their tricks?

If things go on like this, if another S1 hyena dog joins their battle group, blood will be spattered on the spot in an instant.

The problem is, now I'm stuck.

If I forcibly approach their battle group, I'm afraid it will backfire, just giving the S1 hyena dog a chance to attack them.

Ma Dan.

This thing looks a little tricky. "

When thinking of this, Ye Chong raised his eyebrows and roared angrily:

"Even if the three of you are injured, you have to rush back to the Swastika Stone Forest!



If it's too late, it's too late! "

After he finished speaking, Ye Chong swept the blade of the starry sky in a circle, and then rushed towards the direction away from the entrance of the Swastika Stone Forest on one foot.

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