Ye Chong grinned, and reached out to touch the orange juice.


Zhang Dong grabbed the cup, put it in front of him, and said fiercely: "Don't drink it! Drink it after you finish talking! Just say a word, how thirsty do you have to be to take a sip of orange juice?! And let no one live you?"


Xin Xiaomeng and Han Lina covered their mouths together and laughed coquettishly.

"" Ye Chong pointed at Zhang Dong with a smile, then swallowed, and continued:


and after?

Ha ha, yes.

What you say is weird.

I had just finished digging out the bear's eyes and bear gall, when the beast horde started to riot again. It turned out that it was lightning and thunder from the sky.

That movement is definitely not covered. "

"Yes, it was what happened last night. We all heard about it." Zhang Dong nodded with a serious expression, "The situation at that time was scary enough. If there were no lightning rods in the skyscraper, the whole building would probably be smashed to pieces."

"Yes, I was also very scared at the time. Don't forget that it is in the forest on a rainy night. Trees can conduct electricity. If I am not careful, I will be finished." Ye Chong shook his head with a wry smile, and continued:

"However, those mutant beasts are obviously more afraid than me.

They raised their heads to the sky one by one, trembling, and many even lay down on the ground in fright.

It's this time, can I still be stupid?


So I……"

"Run!" Han Lina's beautiful eyes were full of eager anticipation, "Run."

"Yeah, Ye Chong, run away, you're scared to death." Xin Xiaomeng said anxiously.

"Well, you are all right." Ye Chong glanced at the two of them gratefully, sighed, and continued:

"My instinct was to run.

And I found that when people are running for their lives, they can really burst out with unlimited potential.

Ka Ka Ka!

I rushed out with a bag full of brown demon bear materials.

Don't tell me, it's also strange.

When I ran, it was the time when the lightning and thunder were the most powerful, and the mutant beasts didn't notice me, so ah, I really escaped.

In the future, even though he was chased by monsters again, he didn't make a big mistake, instead he helped Principal Jinglei and the others unintentionally.

When passing through the Wanzige Stone Forest, I also rescued a student who lost contact with Principal Yan on a mission last time. Later, although I encountered several waves of mutant beasts and monsters, it was still safe and sound. Passed smoothly.

Hehe, after meeting Principal Yan and the others, it is considered completely safe. "

After hearing Ye Chong finish speaking, Zhang Dong, Xin Xiaomeng and Han Lina were all in a daze, a little dazed, as if they were still immersed in the story and couldn't extricate themselves.

Speaking of which, Ye Chong also felt a little embarrassed.

He didn't intend to make up such a story, but wanted to hand over the backpack of the man in gray to the school to show that he had nothing to do with the disappearance of the Mou family and the man in gray.

However, when he thought about it later, he realized that the problem was not that simple.

Because now the entire Ninth Five-Year Academy has connected the disappearance of the Mou family and the gray-clothed man with Ye Chong's entry into the Leqing Mountains.

Who told the time of the two to overlap?

And there is still a deep conflict between the key two parties, isn't it?

Under such circumstances, if Ye Chong remained silent and pretended not to know anything, wouldn't it bring more doubts to people.

All the teachers and students in the school know it, but you don't know it. What about cheating ghosts?

I'm afraid it's not because there are ghosts in my heart, but it's true to pretend to be confused on purpose, right?

At least if the suspicion can't be cleared away, he didn't run away.

This situation is very unfavorable to Ye Chong. Once people find that the gray-clothed man's backpack or the contents are in his hands, it will be a certainty.

At that time, even if he, Ye Chong, denies it in every possible way, or tells the whole truth, it will be useless.

Because even if he is right, the Kyushu Martial Arts Academy will not punish him, but can the Mou family in the martial arts world let him go?


Stop dreaming.

Whether it was right or wrong, the Mou family, as a martial arts family, would not let him continue to live after killing so many members of the Mou family.

Because if he lives an extra day, the Mou family will be ashamed to see others for a day.

This is related to the development and face of a martial arts family in the martial arts world, it is impossible to pretend to be confused with understanding.

But then again.

If Ye Chong took the initiative to break the silence, handed in the backpack of the man in gray, and then Balabala said how and how the backpack was picked up, in order to reverse black and white and remove the suspicion, then there would be a problem.

how to prove?


Physical evidence?

All proof.

no way.

There is no basis for saying it.

Under such circumstances, everyone will think of a possibility, that is, Ye Chong did this, it is very likely that he killed the Mou family and the man in gray, and now he is taking the initiative to hand in the backpack, just to take the initiative to clean up clean.

However, because there is no evidence, from another perspective, this is a kind of self-reporting in disguise.

Although there is also not enough evidence to prove that Ye Chong did this, but one thing has been confirmed for sure.

That is, he, Ye Chong, is indeed closely related to the disappearance of the disciples of the Mou family and the man in gray.

Well, the problem is coming.

In the first case, that is, pretending to be confused and not handing in the backpack, it can only show that Ye Chong is a suspect without evidence.

The second situation is to voluntarily hand in the backpack, which undoubtedly shows that Ye Chong is a suspected object supported by evidence.

Therefore, after Ye Chong thought about it later, he didn't dare to use these two methods of self-help.

no way.

This is not self-help, it is suicide.

Speaking of which, he also thought of a way, which is to blame others.


Who to blame?

How to blame?

You know, putting blame on this kind of thing is a technical job, which is easy to say but difficult to do, and you might even shoot yourself in the foot with a stone.

Just think about it.

If you really want to do it, at least you will be sorry for your conscience. It doesn't matter if the target of blame is a bad guy. If it is a good person, it will make you feel uneasy forever, and you will definitely form a demon, which will suddenly erupt one day in the future and make you sink.

"What? After listening to my story, how do you see that you don't have any reaction?" Ye Chong raised his mouth and looked at the three people who were still in a daze. "Talk about your views?"

"What do you think? What do you think?" Zhang Dong sighed, "You really earned a lot this time, five S2-level brown demon bears with animal eyes and bear bile, it is estimated that at least hundreds of thousands of points will be earned. Don't forget, what about the S3-level brown demon bear's beast eyes and bear gall? I'm afraid it's also worth hundreds of thousands? Lao Ye, what the hell, you've really blown it this time."

"Yeah, Ye Chong, you... are so lucky." Xin Xiaomeng looked pure and cute, with sparkling eyes.

"Ye Chong, why don't you share half of the meeting?" Han Lina smiled coquettishly, "Well, there are four of us, so you can divide it into four, so that we can get a share too."

Ka Ka Ka!

Ye Chong shook his body, so he didn't faint.

My God, it wasn't designed that way.

Dividing people's money, isn't it killing people?

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