Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 219 Execution Plan


A silver bell-like laughter sounded instantly.

Maybe it was because Xin Xiaomeng and Han Lina were too close to the table. With their laughter, the whole table trembled.

"It's time to lose weight, both of you, your waist and legs are quite slender, but your upper body is too bloated, and the table will suffer with you." Ye Chong shook his head, "Also, the center of gravity is unstable, and your feet are floating. avoid."


"in vain!"

Xin Xiaomeng and Han Lina rolled their eyes at Ye Chong, bowed their heads and ate, but they would laugh from time to time, at least they were good-looking, otherwise they would be like going crazy.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't expect that I ate so much?" Zhang Dong looked at the pile of empty oyster shells in front of him, his face embarrassed, "I have something on my mind, and this stuff is so enjoyable, so... what the hell I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I'm used to it." Ye Chong smiled slightly and shrugged, "The remaining two...Let's leave it to the two of them to eat. Both of them burst into tears just now."

"Who said that?" Han Lina smiled and said, "Is that a joke?"

"Yes, it's not crying." Xin Xiaomeng also pouted.

"Hehe, don't talk about it, whether you cry or laugh, it's just tears of bitterness." Ye Chong raised the corner of his mouth and pointed at the two oysters, "If you don't eat it, you'll really cry."

Xin Xiaomeng and Han Lina giggled, picked up the oysters, poured ginger juice into the oyster shells, and then slowly tasted them.

"You don't want to eat, Lao Ye?" Zhang Dong was a little embarrassed, rubbing his hands together, "I'm sorry, I was too involved just now."

"..." Ye Chong was stunned.

Did you say that?

When you encounter something good, you immediately devote yourself to it, regardless of whether others live or die?

"How about... I'll use the points to buy some more?" Zhang Dong stood up, "How much do you want to eat?"

"Whatever." Ye Chong lowered his head and took a bite of the chicken leg, "Any amount is fine."

"Oh, Lao Ye, look at you, just how many?" Zhang Dong sat down again, picked up the chicken leg on his plate and took a bite, "Hehe, don't say it, this Shangrao chicken drumsticks are delicious, much better than broken oysters."

"..." Ye Chong sighed, put down the chicken legs, frowned and said, "Actually, I don't have any appetite for anything to eat now. If you hadn't asked me to come out today, I wouldn't have planned to come out to eat at all."

"Huh? What's the matter, Lao Ye? Tell me, let Brother Dong give you advice." Zhang Dong patted his chest, and suddenly said: "It's bad, I forgot to eat chicken breast today, Ma De , my pectoralis major."

While speaking, Zhang Dong was about to get up.

"Sit down!" Ye Chong growled, and then said, "Zhang Dong, I really have something to do."

"What's the matter?" Zhang Dong patted his chest again and said, "Just say it, don't be afraid of anything."


Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Ye Chong didn't hold back for a while, quickly covered his mouth, then panted heavily and said:

"Okay, Zhang Dong, enough buddies.

Then I said, don't spread the word.

The last time I went to Leqing Mountains was to complete task No. 007, which was to kill an S1 monster.

However, I encountered a beast tide during the mission.

Speaking of which, Principal Yan Jinglei also knows about this, so I won't say more.

Let me tell you about a strange thing that happened to me. "

"Tell me, tell me quickly, what's the strange thing?" Zhang Dong looked more anxious than anyone else, his eyes were shining brightly.


Xin Xiaomeng and Han Lina also stopped eating and drinking, and looked over curiously.

"Haha, by the way, Lao Ye, didn't I tell you that Mengmeng and Nana just wanted to hear what you said about the Leqing Mountain Range. In the future, we will inevitably go there for missions." Zhang Dong grinned With a smile, "Be more specific, I will treat you to a big meal another day."

Big meal for your size!

You're cute even when riding a horse, Nana?

Friendly enough huh? !

Ye Chong couldn't talk nonsense about what was on his mind, so he smiled and said, "Okay, then I'll talk about it. At that time, in order to avoid the beast hordes, I ran around, and guess what happened?"

"Lao Ye, just say it directly, don't be fooled, you are so anxious to death?" Zhang Dong waved the chicken leg in his hand, expressing his dissatisfaction, "What happened? Did you find the treasure?"


Ye Chong looked at Zhang Dong with piercing eyes, then nodded vigorously, and said with a smile:

"Zhang Dong, you are worthy of a high IQ, you have a good eye, and your judgment is very accurate.

When I first escaped to a woodland with tall trees, I realized that something was wrong.

There were many huge brown demon bear corpses lying on the ground, and the scene was chaotic. It looked like a big battle.

But the strange thing is that the scene is full of brown demon bear corpses.

emmm, it should be six heads.

I was thinking at the time, what the hell is going on?

Could it be that there was internal strife among the brown demon bears fighting for power and profit?

However, time was really tight at that time, and there were all ferocious mutant beasts such as mutant tigers, mutant wolves, and mutant jackals.

I have to run for my life, don't I?

So I didn't have time to look carefully.

However, I immediately discovered a more strange thing. "

When talking about this, Ye Chong took a sip of orange juice, and then wanted to get up. At this moment, Zhang Dong said anxiously: "Lao Ye, I didn't drink this glass of orange juice. It's yours now, hurry up Say, I'm in such a hurry."

Ye Chong grinned, and continued:

"it is good.

I say.

After seeing the dead body of the brown demon bear, those crazy mutated beasts stopped chasing, but kept roaring and roaring around the periphery.

In the blink of an eye, I was surrounded by them.

Ma Dan.

In that environment at that time, there were three layers of mutant beasts outside, and three layers outside, and I couldn't escape even if I wanted to.

But at least if I stand between the corpses of the brown demon bears, they won't attack me.

So, I'm safe for now.

However, it is not a problem to stay so long.

Then I tried to think of a way, but no matter how I tried to think about it, I couldn't think of a way.

no way.

Then I did one thing. "

When he said this, Ye Chong took another sip of orange juice.

Ma Dan.

There is really no way.

It takes time to make up a story, okay?

At least the three of them can't see the flaws, right?

"Say!" Zhang Dong almost roared.

Xin Xiaomeng and Han Lina also looked eager to pounce on Ye Chong for a small bite. Although their small cherry bites would definitely not hurt, they would definitely make people die from itching, wouldn't they?

Ye Chong instinctively leaned back, and continued:

"I dug out the beast eyes of the brown demon bears, and I also dug out their bear galls.

on horseback.

Even if I die, I have to die with a lot of wealth, right?

Otherwise, he would be a pauper even in the underworld, and would be looked down upon by ghosts.

Moreover, the key point is that I found that these brown demon bears are not low-level.

Five S2-level brown demon bears, and one S3-level brown demon bear.

If their body materials are brought back, they will definitely earn a lot of points.

How can I let ordinary people use common sense to deal with things like a lunatic?

So I dig and dig, and I have to work hard to make money even when I am dying! "

"Then what happened afterwards?" Zhang Dong, Xin Xiaomeng and Han Lina asked at the same time.

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