Ye Chong was the only one left in the huge lecture hall.

Scenes of memories of past events emerged one by one as if they were in a movie.

Among these memories, the one he couldn't accept, let alone forget, was the death of Niu Yuanyuan.

The cause was tonight's aerobics rehearsal.

In his last life, he did not accompany her, leaving behind a lifetime of regret and remorse.

In this life, he will never make the same mistake and let the tragedy happen again.

"Don't worry, Yuanyuan, I will use all my efforts to change your destiny and make you the happiest woman in the world." Ye Chong looked out the window with piercing eyes, the bright sun seemed to be nodding and laughing , colorful and full of vitality.

The whole morning, Ye Chong sat in his original position, his body straight, deep in thought.

The lecture theater was a public classroom, and people came and went, but it didn't affect him at all.

At noon, Niu Yuanyuan came to look for him, but he persuaded him to go back.

no way!

He must be in a hurry now!

Only by getting through the memories of the two lives as soon as possible can he think of a solution to the problem and re-understand himself now.

Of course, there is another reason!

He can't move!

To be precise, his legs were so numb that he couldn't move at all.

He knew that this was probably because after rebirth, the old and new divine senses had not yet fully fused, so they could not fully control the body.

What Ye Chong has to do now is to solve this problem as soon as possible, at least before night falls, otherwise, it will be too late.

At this time, one after another of memories shuttled back and forth in his mind, becoming integrated, and everything gradually became clear.

However, as the memories became clearer and the past emerged, his brows became pimples.

And his heart began to bleed and sob, even roaring silently.

He grew up in an ordinary family of four. Although it can't be said that they are rich, they don't have to worry about food and drink. From childhood to adulthood, they are carefree.

However, just one month before the college entrance examination, his family suddenly disappeared, including his parents and the cutest little sister.

The house was turned into a mess.

Everything that could be smashed was smashed.

Nobody knows what happened.

Even Uncle Long, who specializes in investigating this matter, has no clue.

For the next month, Ye Chong frantically searched for his family, but in the end, he found nothing, as if they had completely disappeared from this world.

This incident seriously affected his studies and caused his grades to decline all the way.

However, he still took the college entrance examination as scheduled, because this is what his parents expected.

As soon as the college entrance examination was over, he continued to frantically search for his family.

He always felt that his parents and younger sister must need him very much now.

And, most likely missing him in a miserable corner!


Ye Chong stared blankly, looking out the window.

At that time, he didn't know why his family members disappeared. When he went to university, he still searched hard, refused to give up, and had no intention of studying.

Even, in the process of looking for his family, he encountered danger many times, and the dangers were everywhere. It was not easy to survive.

Now that he has the memory of his previous life, he understands exactly what happened.

"Don't worry, Dad, Mom, and little sister, you will always be my family." Ye Chong pursed his lips tightly and his eyes were firm, "In this life, I will definitely let those bastards be smashed to pieces and pay the price they deserve!"


Ye Chong's eyes were cold, and he let out a long breath.

Soon, he smiled again with tenderness on his face.

If there is any happiness in the process of looking for her family, it is meeting Niu Yuanyuan.

"I still remember that night, when I was struggling to find my family on a remote street, I saw three hooligans stop her as she was riding by.

I don't know why, but I just rushed up with a brick.

But I am weak, how can I beat three guys with knives.

Soon I was knocked to the ground, covered in blood.

But every time I would yell and get up and rush up again.

I even cracked the heads of two hooligans with a brick.

Later, another group of pedestrians passed by, scaring the three hooligans away.

Thinking about it now, I'm really a little scared.

If the knives of those hooligans had stabbed harder, maybe everything that happened later would not have happened.

Later, she and the pedestrians took me to the hospital and stayed with me until I was discharged.

It was during that time that we became good friends who talked about everything and knew her name.

That kind of feeling is very innocent, just like in the movie, innocent and easy to be sad.

Especially for me, after losing my family for such a long time, suddenly there is a true love, very gentle, very heart-warming, like love, but also like family affection, without this love, I would not be Know if you can survive.

Niu Yuanyuan likes to dance very much. After the college entrance examination, she went to a children's dance class to be a teacher. On the night of the accident, she had just returned from class. In order to hurry up, she took a shortcut. "

Whenever this matter is brought up, she laughs and says:

"Ye Chong, you are my true son! You are my father-in-law!"

Hearing this, he felt a little unhappy, and asked, "I'm not a eunuch, why do you call me Father Fu?"

Niu Yuanyuan would always laugh and tremble, saying: "I don't care, I don't care, you are mine anyway."

When thinking of this, Ye Chong couldn't help smiling.

Later, because of his mediocre results in the college entrance examination, and in order to find his family easier, he applied for Yangcheng University, and successfully entered the School of Economics and Management to study marketing.

Unexpectedly, Niu Yuanyuan also applied for the same major at Yangcheng University, and the two were enrolled in the same class.

But she didn't tell him any of this in advance.

Otherwise, he would definitely persuade her not to be so stupid.

When he heard the news, he was both excited and sad. He didn't know whether to be happy or sad. He hid in the room and thought for a long time full of self-blame.

He knew very well that Niu Yuanyuan's college entrance examination score was nearly 100 points higher than his own. With this score, even if she applied to several prestigious universities in the capital, there would be no problem, but she actually chose Yangcheng University.

She does this, even a fool can understand why.

But just because he understood this, Ye Chong felt even more panicked.

He felt that he had delayed Niu Yuanyuan, who had a better development.

Especially after that incident, he suffered even more and blamed himself for a whole 100 years.

If she hadn't chosen to study at Yangcheng University because she wanted to be with him, how could she have died so miserably? !

"Now, God is sorry, it brought me back to this turning point that determines the fate of my life. Of course I must cherish it!" Thinking of this, Ye Chong couldn't help but frowned, clenched his right fist, and made a crisp sound like popping beans The voice seemed to burst the air, "Niu Yuanyuan, my girl, as long as I'm here, no one can make you unhappy! And no one can decide your life or death!"

Whoa whoa whoa!

The students and teachers of unknown majors in the lecture theater all looked over in shock.

Only then did Ye Chong realize that before he knew it, it was already afternoon, and the auditorium was already full of people.

He smiled awkwardly and sat down.

"That classmate, if you don't like listening to my class, you can leave!" A male teacher in his 30s on the podium looked at Ye Chong coldly, "I don't want to be disturbed during class! You influence other students!"

"No, teacher, I'm sorry!" Ye Chong smiled apologetically again, "I really like listening to your lecture on organizational behavior, and I will pay attention to it!"


For some reason, there was a sudden burst of laughter at the scene.

The teacher on the podium shook his head, gave him a cold look, then picked up the textbook and began to read the foreign language.


Ye Chong's face became hot, and he raised his legs in embarrassment.


He couldn't help but his face changed, showing endless ecstasy.

"Huh? Am I able to move?!"

Soon, Ye Chong pinched his thigh with his hand to confirm this.

At the same time, a sparkle of light appeared in his eyes.

"Liu Xiqiang, the famous young master in Yangcheng City, is the one who caused Yuanyuan's death! If this bastard hadn't coveted Yuanyuan's beauty and made people want to be the overlord, Yuanyuan wouldn't have jumped off the building to keep her innocence!"

"The most hateful thing is that the incident has already happened, and they even faked the scene, making people mistakenly believe that Yuanyuan jumped off the building when she was drunk!"


Ye Chong let out a long breath, his eyes were cold.

"If I didn't believe this, and went through a lot of hard work, found the surveillance camera on the opposite floor, and discovered the truth, then Yuanyuan would really die with regret."

"When I saw Yuanyuan, her eyes were open, filled with unwillingness, pain and despair. When I closed her eyes, there were still tears falling!"

Ye Chong slowly closed his eyes, his mind full of painful past events.

And Song Jiafeng, that bitch.

When it took him several months to really find out the truth, he realized that this bitch had obviously played a role in this matter.

Yuanyuan is so kind!

This kindness prevented her from seeing through Song Jiafeng, who was actually a she-wolf in sheep's clothing.

If there were no conclusive evidence for what she did, who would believe that a young and beautiful girl has a heart like a snake?

"All right!


Let me and Yuanyuan witness Song Jiafeng's ugly face!

And my top priority now is to make myself stronger as soon as possible.

After all, my body now is still the same as it was 100 years ago.

In this era of advocating force, it can be described as powerless. "

Let's not talk about anything else, just talk about Yangcheng University.

Although the liberal arts and science majors and discipline construction of this university are at the second-rate level in China, which is not worth mentioning, but in terms of the development and construction of martial arts, it can rank among the first-rate in the country.

It is also for this reason that there are many martial arts clubs in Yangcheng University, formal and informal, there are hundreds if not thousands.

Many of these associations have also achieved quite good rankings in regional and even national martial arts competitions, and have won many honors for Yangcheng University.

"If I can't make my body stronger as soon as possible, let's not talk about accompanying Yuanyuan to participate in the rehearsal at night, can it be reliable? I'm afraid it will be difficult to move a single step on the campus of Yangcheng University.

You must know that Yangcheng University advocates martial arts, not just talking but not doing, but has many measures and rules to promote the development of martial arts.

For example, the rule of "everyone has the right to challenge another person in the open air" is quite intriguing!

Accepting a challenge often means a fierce battle. I am afraid that there will be no winner, and I will never give up. Injuries are inevitable. As long as no one is killed, it is not a big deal.

If you don't accept the challenge, although the challenger can't mess around under the constraints of school discipline and school rules, the challenged party needs to give the other party a thumbs up, otherwise it will be useless if you get beaten.

Speaking of which, how many young people who are full of vigor are willing to give the challenger a thumbs up?

Therefore, the possibility of fighting is greater.

There is also a reason for Yangcheng University to do this.

One is because this world is originally a world that advocates force, especially a speculation from the scientific community, which has made the atmosphere of martial arts more intense.

The second is that the predecessor of Yangcheng University was Yangcheng Martial Arts Academy, which itself had a tradition of fighting martial arts. Although it was expanded into a comprehensive university, it still focused on martial arts and did not pay much attention to arts and sciences.

Third, the graduates of Yangcheng University account for [-]% of the number of people exported to the military every year. The reason why the students of Yangcheng University are welcomed by the military is mainly because the graduates have excellent physical fitness, blood spirit, and cultural knowledge , exactly the talents needed for army building. "

Ye Chong shook his head with a wry smile, and then his eyes gradually calmed down.

He came from 100 years later, and has experienced a lot in these hundreds of years.

Whether it is experience, lessons, or martial arts skills, they are very rich.

However, in this resource-poor world, the available methods are limited.

Especially if one wants to improve one's own strength as soon as possible and make him become stronger quickly, there are very few of them.


This is the most suitable exercise he can think of right now.

As the name suggests, the practice of "Body Building Technique" aims to build a strong body, so as to lay a good foundation for the growth of Qi and blood and the development of spiritual power.

Speaking of it, it is not easy to get started with this technique. First, you need to open the shackles of your body.

Only in this way can the door of the body be completely opened and stride forward on the road of cultivation.


It is not easy for ordinary people to break the shackles, even in a lifetime.

"However, that's not a problem for me.

Because I have 100 years of experience, all the shackles are in my head.

I know how to break them and open up my body. "


Ye Chong slowly closed his eyes.

Not long after, his body began to tremble slightly.

That feeling is like having a high fever and playing pendulum.

However, during this process, some light black gas floated out from the surface of his body.


The stool Ye Chong was sitting on made weird noises, and it was getting bigger and bigger.

Swish swish!

Countless eyes looked at the back of the lecture theater, some with doubts, some with anger, and some with sarcasm.

The male teacher in his thirties stopped reading aloud, gave Ye Chong a cold look, shook his head, and resumed his explanation.

Jingle Bell!

The school bell rang.

The auditorium quickly became noisy, but it didn't take long before the silence was restored.


Ye Chong opened his eyes, and there was a gleam of brilliance shining inside.

Immediately afterwards, he stood up, waved his hand casually, and there was an explosive sound in the air immediately, as if a fighter plane flew across the sky.

"I'm done!"

"Because of 100 years of experience and lessons, my cultivation of "Body Building Technique" has come naturally, and I have broken the shackles perfectly without encountering any obstacles."

"The most important thing is that my understanding of "Body Building Technique" is much better than when I first started practicing in my previous life. This is very important!"

"This makes me more powerful than people of the same level. Coupled with my 100 years of combat experience and skills, my strength is definitely worth looking forward to!"

"Ye Chong, have you finished your work?" Niu Yuanyuan's soft and sweet voice sounded from the door of the lecture theater, "Hurry up, it's time for us to go!"

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