Huaxia Kingdom.

Yang city.

Yangcheng University.


Ladder classroom.

On the podium, a middle-aged man with a pale face was explaining Stiglitz's economics course.

In the huge classroom, there are fifty to sixty students, all of whom are first-year students majoring in marketing, from Marketing Class [-] and Marketing Class [-].

Interestingly, there were only a dozen or so students who looked up at the podium.

Most of the rest of the people had their heads down, some were playing with their mobile phones, some were dozing off, and some even lay down on the table, falling asleep in all directions.

The clear man had already discovered the following situation, but he obviously didn't disturb their thoughts, but just continued to explain the principles of economics impassionedly at his own pace.

Jingle Bell!

The school bell rang.

The Qinghuang man closed the textbook with a snap, and without even saying hello, he just put his hands behind his back and floated away. The dozen or so students who looked up and listened to the class were stunned.

Immediately afterwards, the classroom suddenly became lively. Those students who had been playing with their mobile phones and dozed off seemed to be refreshed as if the flowers were blooming in spring.

There is only one exception.

It was a boy sitting in the last row of the lecture hall.

His head was resting on the book, and he seemed to be sleeping soundly.

But strangely, his body was shaking all the time.

It was like a person in single clothes shivering in the icy cold wind.

Even, the fingers of his left hand continued to vibrate up and down, without stopping for a moment.

At this time, a girl in pink stood up and walked towards the back row of the lecture theater.

Swish swish!

Almost everyone looked at the girl, filled with a hot and indescribable emotion.

Niu Yuanyuan.

It was the girl in the pink shirt.

She is about 1 meters tall, with a curvy figure, graceful and colorful, with a small face as big as a palm, which looks like a little fairy, especially a pair of big eyes, as if she can talk, always full of smiles.

She was known to be the prettiest girl in the marketing class.

Some people even said that she can definitely be regarded as one of the flowers of the School of Economics and Management.

Since entering school, hundreds of male students have expressed their deep love to her, and there are many super handsome guys and rich second generations among them.

There was even a student from the art school next door who crazily expressed his deep affection for her. For ten consecutive days, he placed candles of love under her dormitory. At the end, he knelt on the ground and recited, Sing and cry.

However, all this is of no use.

Niu Yuanyuan didn't bother to talk to them at all.

Because this fresh courtyard flower that makes all the boys salivate has long been known.

This drives a lot of people crazy.

Because the instinct of the body tells them that it is really important to get her.

There is no doubt that this is about physical and mental health.

In addition to being mad, they are also angry.

Because the guy who occupied this garden flower has no money, no good looks, no strong family relationship, and he is a shit in his studies. He is simply useless, just a waste.

The sad thing is, for some reason, Niu Yuanyuan just fell in love with that idiot in everyone's eyes. She always appeared by his side with a smile no matter what happened.

This very abnormal phenomenon made almost everyone feel envy, jealousy, hatred and hostility toward that guy who always sleeps in the corner, with deep resentment.

Flowers stuck in cow dung!

This is the view of almost all students on this matter.

Ye Chong.

It's that cow dung.

That is, the big trash who always loves to sleep in the corner.

Learning is not enough.

The body is not good.

Sleep in class.

No shadow after class.

Do whatever you want.

Eat whatever you want.

School trash.

The lower class of society.


It's useless to say anything.

There are people who love people.

At this very moment, Niu Yuanyuan, who is as graceful as a lotus emerging from water, is smiling like a flower and rushing towards Ye who is still sleeping.

Moreover, she actually held an insulated lunch box in her hand.

All the students who saw this scene almost cried.

How can it be like this?

This is simply against humanity!

"I have delicious barbecued pork rice here, does anyone like it?" Niu Yuanyuan smiled sweetly, opened the insulated lunch box, put it on the table, then lightly touched the other person's cheek, and immediately withdrew her hand, His face was blushing, "Class is over, get up quickly."

"Get up?" Ye Chong opened his eyes with difficulty, his expression was in a trance, and he sighed softly, "I can't do it anymore, I can't get up."

"What did you say?" Niu Yuanyuan was slightly taken aback, and reached out to grab the other's shaking left hand, but she didn't want to be knocked back half a step with a bang, and said in surprise, "Ye Chong, why is the static electricity on your body so strong?! "

Ye Chong's eyes were confused, and he looked at the other party blankly, as if he was stupid.

"Are you feeling unwell? Let's go, let's go to the school hospital." Niu Yuanyuan's face was pale and her expression was tense. She reached out and wanted to touch the other's arm, but she seemed to think of something right away. put it down.


How is this going?

Ye Chong closed his eyes, then opened them suddenly, looking around, his face suddenly changed drastically.

Didn't I have been forced into a place of death by the top ten demon kings, am I about to end my soldiers?

Why did it suddenly appear here?

This is where?

It feels so familiar!

It seems to come from the deepest part of my memory.


Ye Chong stared closely at the girl in front of him, the light in his eyes fluttered and changed.

Followed by.

His body suddenly trembled frantically.

And in his eyes, endless tears suddenly gushed out, like torrential rain, falling down.

He looked at Niu Yuanyuan with deep love, pity, reluctance and enthusiasm.

Looking at the scene in front of her, Niu Yuanyuan couldn't help but her eyes turned red. No matter how much she hugged her, she also shed tears.

"Yuanyuan, tell me quickly, am I dreaming?" Ye Chong held the other's small face, and gently kissed the girl's eyes, a warm feeling with a salty taste poured into his mouth middle.

"Ye Chong, don't scare me, okay?" Niu Yuanyuan trembled slightly, hugging each other tightly, "We were studying economics just now, you fell asleep, I brought you the meal, I..."

Suddenly, Ye Chong lowered his head and kissed her red lips. Both of them were trembling all over, and neither of them would say another word.

However, his heart was screaming crazily:

I am born again!

Back to 100 years ago!

Back to the college days that I dreamed about but regretted endlessly!

At this moment, boos erupted from the front row of the lecture theater.

"What a good Chinese cabbage, it's just eaten by a pig!"

"Niu Yuanyuan is beautiful, but she has a problem with her eyesight!"

"Let's leave a bunch of handsome guys behind, and insist on getting along with a worthless piece of trash. It's really sick."

"Let's go, let's go, look down, it's not suitable for children! Let's go and see the little girl!"

Niu Yuanyuan looked at the boy in front of her with a blushing face, her eyes were full of concern and worry: "Ye Chong, are you really okay? The static electricity on your body was so strong just now, it was scary."

"I'm fine," Ye Chong touched the other person's head with his hands, unable to hide his excitement, "I had a nightmare just now, didn't it scare you?"

When he was talking about this, he suddenly turned his head to look at the insulated lunch box on the table, and said with a smile, "Yuanyuan, is this the rice you brought me? Haha, it's been a long time since I ate this delicious food!"

"Hmph! Nonsense!" Niu Yuanyuan took the insulated lunch box, handed it to Ye Chong, and said angrily, "Didn't you just eat barbecued pork rice last night? Hee hee, I know you like this, so I bought you another one this morning." Let’s eat it quickly, there’s roast goose in it.”

"Really? Wow, roast goose, it's been a long time..." Ye Chong picked up the insulated lunch box, paused, and said with a smile: "Yuanyuan, you can eat together, I'll eat it by myself, I'm sorry..."

"Ye Chong, you're so weird today." Niu Yuanyuan quietly looked at the man in front of her with affectionate eyebrows, "I feel like we haven't seen each other for a long time."

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Ye Chong turned his head and coughed, his eyes moistened.

Long time no see?


It's really been a long time.

It has been a full 100 years!

On that day 100 years ago, yes, today, you had an accident, I missed you for 100 years, regretted it for 100 years, and suffered for 100 years.


It was the pain from the deepest part of the heart, which could not be forgotten, engraved on the bottom of my heart, and hard to extricate myself from.

did not expect.


I was born again.

I can hold you in my arms, kiss your tears, and eat the barbecued pork rice you brought. such a happy thing.

I swear!

Must not let the past scene repeat itself, I want you to live a happy and happy life.

"Yuanyuan, don't participate in the evening rehearsal." Ye Chong raised his eyes and looked at each other affectionately. "Let's go to the movies together, shall we?"

"Hee hee, how can there be rehearsal today? It's tomorrow." Niu Yuanyuan smiled sweetly, giving people a sunny feeling, "Then what movie shall we watch?"

Da da da!

There was a sound of footsteps.

"Yuanyuan, Yuanyuan, I've been looking for you for a long time!" A tall girl came from a distance with a smile, "The rehearsal time has been advanced, don't forget tonight, there are surprises waiting for you after the rehearsal, hehe."

Niu Yuanyuan was slightly taken aback, and subconsciously glanced at Ye Chong, then looked at the tall girl and said, "Song Jiafeng, didn't you agree last time that the rehearsal will be tomorrow? It's too hasty to start today, isn't it?"

"Hee hee, let me tell you, there is a reason for the advance." Song Jiafeng gave Ye Chong a cold look, and then leaned into Niu Yuanyuan's ear and said, "Some important people want to see our performance, so dress up nicely. I am leaving."

After speaking, Song Jiafeng rolled her eyes at Ye Chong and drifted away.

"Yuanyuan, don't go today." Ye Chong put down his lunch box and sighed, "Go to the movies with me!"

"But... but... I am the protagonist of the show. If I don't go... I'm afraid... it's not very good..." Niu Yuanyuan frowned slightly, with a embarrassed expression on her face, she suddenly raised her head and looked at the other party , "Ye Chong, how did you know I was going to rehearse tonight?"

"I guess!" Ye Chong smiled slightly, but couldn't hide the sadness in his eyes, "If you can't refuse, then I will go with you."

"Hee hee, why are you free today? I asked you to go before, but you didn't go!" Niu Yuanyuan cheered and laughed, "After the rehearsal, let's have supper together, okay?"

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Ye Chong nodded with bright eyes.

"Ye Chong, that's very kind of you." Niu Yuanyuan smiled sweetly, "Let's go, the next class is marketing management, in the classroom of international trade major, if you are late, you will be late. Hey, the barbecued pork rice I bought you I didn't even eat it."

"You go first, Yuanyuan," Ye Chong picked up the insulated lunch box, "The most important thing for me now is to finish eating the best barbecued pork rice in the world."

"Hee hee!" Niu Yuanyuan blushed, "Then I'm going, um, remember to drink plenty of water, you have a lot of static electricity on your body, you should discharge it!"


While watching Niu Yuanyuan walking away, Ye Chong ate the char siu rice with big mouthfuls.

He didn't raise his head until he ate every grain of rice in the insulated lunch box.

of course!

Maybe the time to discharge is tonight.

There was an electric arc in Ye Chong's eyes, which was extraordinary.

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