Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 198 Big Big Wolf and Brother 2

"If you really don't want to hold me back, then calm down." Ye Chong looked around and said softly, "I'm here, don't be afraid."

"Yeah." Li Panpan shuddered and closed his eyes, "Then you...won't you charge me more points?"


Ye Chong didn't tense up all of a sudden, so he didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Xindao: What impression did I make on her?It's all like this, are you still thinking about points?

"Cough, cough, cough." Ye Chong coughed twice, raised his head and said, "Don't worry, I won't charge you more points. If you faint again this time, I will carry you home for free."

"Yes." Li Panpan agreed lightly.


Following her body swaying, she closed her eyes and fell down.

What the hell!

Ye Chong was shocked, and with a stretch of his left hand, he took him into his arms.

At this time, he really wanted to give himself a big slap in the face.

But at the end of the day, I realized that with my left arm around my waist and my right hand holding a knife, how could I have free hands to clean myself up?

"Damn it.

I have to send this chick home quickly.

Otherwise, I'm afraid there will be a big problem.

Even if she has nothing to do, I'm always bumping into her and making intimate contact with her, I'm afraid I'll get wet sooner or later.

If this is the case, how can I be worthy of my two brothers? "


The mutated gray wolf saw the fighter right away, so of course he wouldn't miss it easily, and immediately launched an attack.

Suddenly, two to three hundred mutated gray wolves swarmed all around, completely engulfing the two of them.

at the same time.


Ye Chong exploded completely.

He held Li Panpan with his left hand, and with a turn of his body, the blade of the starry sky with his right hand swept across.

Puff puff!

Ka Ka Ka!


There were three or four mutated gray wolves with stumps flying across, blood spattering, and they fell to the ground amidst howling.

It's just that the mutated gray wolves fought fiercely one after another, the ones in front fell down, and more rushed up.

Ye Chong's back was bulging, and his left hand was occupied by Wenxiang nephrite. He could only hold the knife in his right hand, flying up and down, and sweeping left and right. Although there was no danger, it was always a crisis.

"Damn it.

The attack power of these mutant gray wolves is definitely many times stronger than that of the mutant hyenas.

In addition, these guys are fighting in a team, and the offense and defense are orderly. Compared with the mutated hyena group, it is simply a sky and a ground.

If this fight continues, I'm afraid I won't be able to last long.

What's more, there are six or seven Big Big Wolves still watching.

It's okay to say that they are S1-level monsters, but if they are S2-level or above monsters, I guess I will be in bad luck today. "

Ka Ka Ka!

The blade of the starry sky slashed downwards, and a mutated gray wolf was split in half from the shoulders to the tip of the rear buttocks. Endless blood spurted out wildly, and the scene was immediately stench.


Two mutated gray wolves attacked from Ye Chong's left side.


The target of the attack was not him, but Li Panpan's buttocks and head.


Ye Chong's left foot kicked the big pervert who opened his mouth and bit her ass.


The blade of the starry sky stabbed out, directly giving the big bad wolf who bit her head a chill.

Ka Ka Ka!


Ye Chong misplaced his footsteps, changed his body shape, and the blade of the starry sky swept and slashed straight, without stopping for a moment.

In the bloody wind, countless mutated gray wolves howled to the sky, the night was dark, the sky and the earth shook, making people feel like they were on the battlefield of Shura.


dong dong!

Boom boom boom!

Six or seven Hui Tai wolves, who were slightly taller than adult elephants, all walked slowly towards the center of the battlefield.

There is a strange and treacherous blood-red light in their eyes.

Every step they took forward caused the earth to roar.

They are full of fangs in the bloody mouth, shining with cruelty and blood.

The eyes they looked at Ye Chong were full of endless jokes.

"Are you going to fight?" Ye Chong's mouth curled up, and he subconsciously looked at Li Panpan, who was still lying motionless on his left shoulder, "Then let's fight! What Ye Chong promised to accomplish, even if I die, I won't let me die." Take a step back!"

Ka Ka Ka!

Ye Chong slapped the blade of the starry sky to the right, and patted a mutant gray wolf that rushed up into a meatloaf, and then went straight to meet the gray wolf.

His eyes were burning with a flame of contempt for everything, as well as the infinite desire to kill wildly, as well as the arrogance and agitation that traversed the world.

Ka Ka Ka!

Boom boom boom!

The distance between Ye Chong and Big Big Wolf is getting closer.

100 m.

50 m.

30 m.

20 m.

10 m.


Swish swish!

The seven big gray wolves immediately fought with Ye Chong completely.


All of them are S1 level monsters.

However, their individual combat effectiveness is much stronger than that of ordinary S1 monsters.

In particular, the joint combat capability is even more prominent, with orderly advance and retreat, and both offensive and defensive capabilities.

Speaking of it, this is really a bit like a formation.

If we say that a big gray wolf is a point of strength.

Then the seven gray wolves are seven points of strength.

However, what they are showing now is the strength of seventy-seven and 49 points.

In other words, I am now fighting a full 49 gray wolves.

No wonder I am passive.

No wonder I was in danger.

If this goes on, I'm afraid it won't work! "


Ye Chong turned around to avoid the big claw of a big gray wolf, and then turned his head to avoid the attack of a bloody mouth.

But at the next moment, the other five big gray wolves rushed over with a whoosh.

This scene is like a group of big wolf dogs pounced on a little cat at the same time.

Swish swish!

Ye Chong's agility is very practical, he slipped under the belly of a big gray wolf when there was no time left, and the blade of the starry sky in his hand pointed upwards, swiping it.


The screams suddenly sounded, and the scene was in chaos.

Big Big Wolf, who was passing by, turned around in a rage, and immediately stood up, wanting to pounce down and completely swallow this little man who got into his crotch.



There was a strange noise.

I saw a huge opening in the abdomen of this big gray wolf, and a pile of intestines and stomachs flowed out and fell to the ground.


The pain made Hui Tailang tremble for a while, where he couldn't stand in a human form, he fell sideways and fell to the ground.

"Damn it.

It turns out that the belly of these guys is the gate of life.

This is easy to handle.



Of course it's hooliganism.

In today's matter, if you don't play hooligans, you may have no way out.

come on.


The second brother is here. "

Swish swish!

Although Ye Chong is carrying a backpack and a military nano bag, and he is still holding Li Panpan in his left hand, what he pays attention to in actual combat is to use the shortest distance, shortest time, and shortest reaction to achieve the most effective attack, defense, and dodge effects .

At this time, although the military nanobag, the backpack and Li Panpan are all burdens outside the body, they have already integrated with him.

Not to mention anything else, now that he has got out of the encirclement, it is not difficult to avoid the attacks of these big gray wolves.

But what's interesting is that Ye Chong is really a hooligan, like the second brother, he turned around and ran behind Big Big Wolf, staring where he shouldn't be.

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