Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 197 Are They Waiting For Someone?


Ye Chong couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth, thinking:

"Damn it.

No wonder the sudden turn of events turned out to be for points after all?

The key points are things outside the body. For it, can you even use your own body to make a fuss?

Look at me, I never take points as...

emmm, hehe.

It seems that people who practice martial arts really have a good heart, and they don't take their bodies seriously at all?

But the problem is, seeing that the 5 points that are about to be obtained are taken away by the other party, am I wronged?

The point is that my left hand was about to do something, but I stopped it alive. Am I worthy of my brother? "

When thinking of this, Ye Chong looked at Li Panpan with a half-smile, looked him up and down, and then said slowly:

"I remember, when I was zipping you, I accidentally saw a shougong sand on your body, and it was flushed red, so pretty."

"What?!" Li Panpan was furious immediately, his face flushed, and he stared fiercely at the other party, "I didn't expect you to be such a hooligan."

"No, didn't you think I was a hooligan?" Ye Chong smiled slightly, and continued:

"I helped you with good intentions, but you framed me as a hooligan. If you want to blame me, blame your Shougong Sha for not being in the right place, right?

Speaking of which, if I tell others about this, emmm, will I really be worthy of the high hat you gave me as a hooligan? "

"You..." Li Panpan was tongue-tied and shivered for a while, "You... are simply a little rascal."

"Hehe, first you called me a big hooligan, and now you call me a little hooligan, you decide whether it's big or small? Is it that important?" Ye Chong shrugged, "Then when I announce the matter of Shou Gongsha, You can just call me an old rascal, it doesn't matter."

"You...shameless." Li Panpan's face was livid, his face twisted, and he stopped talking.

"Li Panpan, take a look, there are still many mutated hyenas waiting to bite you." Ye Chong smiled, "If you don't want me to take you back, that's fine, then I'm leaving , forget about the points you owe me."


A burst of wolf-like roars came from afar, and Li Panpan stood up in fright and said, "It's not that I don't mean what I say, the points I promised you will naturally be given to you, and you won't lose any points. Since I didn't do anything bad, of course I won't ask for your points, cheapskate."

"..." Ye Chong smiled slightly, "Okay, don't forget, the total is 5 points."

"I know, cheapskate." Li Panpan checked the zipper again, and then he straightened his chest, looking refreshed again.

Ye Chong was also amused:

"My cheapskate?

Are you the cheapskate?

Knowing that I didn't violate you, but biting me instead, isn't it just to lose 5 points?


Did I figure it out?

Still trying to take advantage of me?

How is this possible?

I'm not a fool.

Speaking of it, I really don't understand women. "

At this moment, Li Panpan's eyes overflowed with a touch of sadness, his expression was a little complicated, and he couldn't help but secretly sighed: "What a seemingly shrewd idiot. Anyway, you saved my life, thank you."

Ye Chong didn't know what the other party was thinking.

Now his mind is full of points, how can he hold other things?


forget it.

Better not to understand.

It is really terrible to understand.

After resting for more than ten minutes, the two embarked on the journey back to school.

But after turning around a hill, they froze for a moment.


red eyes.

How can there be so many?

Still nothing?

Are they waiting for someone?

"Ambush among us." Ye Chong paused, "Mutated wolf."

When he said this, he slowly turned around and looked behind him, shook his head and said: "The one behind him is also a mutant wolf, not a mutant hyena. No wonder there is such a barking sound. I... negligence."

"They are mutated gray wolves, they look very similar to mutated hyenas, and I didn't recognize them." Li Panpan frowned slightly, and sighed, "Mutated gray wolves have a high IQ and are particularly cunning. Strong, and outstanding team combat ability, likes to encircle, pinch, ambush and surprise targets, is one of the mutant beasts that people in the martial arts world dislike to encounter the most."

"Well, they are indeed mutated gray wolves. They are very big. I have read their information on the Internet." Ye Chong's eyes sparkled and his face was like autumn water. , Seven gray demon wolves."

"What should we do?" Li Panpan's face was gloomy, " saw my mother..."

"Stop! Why are you here again?" Ye Chong smiled wryly and shook his head, "Li Panpan, you are really interesting. When you are safe, you think about how to reduce losses, but when the danger comes, you suddenly collapse. I'm not talking about you, your warrior heart...should I re-sharpen it?"

"I know, this is my shortcoming." Li Panpan raised her teary face, "But...can you promise me...tell my mother...I...I really love her...and... ...and my dad...I will work hard in the future..."

"..." Ye Chong's head was full of black lines, and he was a little bit crazy, " you calm down."

"I'm sorry, I can't control it." Li Panpan sobbed softly, tears streaming down his face, "Ye Chong, you go, I should have died a long time ago, I can't hold you back anymore."

In fact, Ye Chong also understood in his heart.

Li Panpan's current emotional changes are so drastic, it should be a post-war psychological syndrome.

This disease is also called post-traumatic stress disorder, post-traumatic stress syndrome, post-traumatic stress disorder or sequelae of major shocks.

The so-called encounter or confrontation with major pressure refers to threats to life, serious physical injury, or tragedies heard or seen, as well as physical or mental coercion, etc., often manifested as emotional breakdown, personality changes, sadness and suspicion Suspicion, etc., but this does not mean that people with this disease have problems in this area.

Not long ago, Li Panpan was on a mission with the teachers of Jiuwu Academy, and was ambushed on the way to Qinshan Town.

As a girl, at a young age, seeing her companion being bitten and devoured by a monster, the scene is bloody and terrifying, the stimulation must be great.

It doesn't stop there.

Although it was hard to escape a small life, all the equipment and even the clothes around him disappeared.

In the end, I hid alone in the bone-chilling swastika stone forest, not daring to walk or run, hungry and cold, and frightened from time to time.

In this case, it's odd that she doesn't suffer from PTSD.

Later, Ye Chong's appearance brought her hope and expectation to live, but she was attacked one after another by mutated mountain leeches, mutated hyenas, hyena dogs and mutated gray wolves. Li Panpan's already fragile heart , It collapsed completely in an instant.

I'm afraid that this kind of thing will happen to many people.

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