Bao Wang Bao got up and poured Ye a cup of tea.

After putting down the teapot, he touched Huazi on the table and handed it forward: "Brother, this is not to flatter you, but everyone understands that you are the hope of the human race."

Ye Chong smiled casually, took the cigarette and held it to his mouth.


Bao Wang Wang Bao lit a lighter and lit a cigarette for the other party.

Ye Chong habitually tapped the back of Bao Wang Bao Wang Bao's hand with his fingers as a thank you.

The latter lightly closed the lighter cover with a look of anticipation on his face.

"Even if a god-level existence dominates the war, there is nothing to worry about." Ye Chong exhaled a puff of smoke, "The number of Gods of War in my Winter City, bright and dark, adds up to a lot, and the help of the Winter City Defense System , against the beast army, there should be no problem."

"It's not that simple." The Tyrant Wang Bao also lit a cigarette, took a puff, and then said amidst the smoke, "According to reliable information, this time the orcs are fully mobilized, and the number of beast gods coming is not large. less than a hundred.

You also know what a powerful force it is.

In addition, this is only superficial strength. It is very likely that the beast army has backup troops. The specific situation is unknown. "

"So many?" Ye Chong was slightly stunned, "Since there is a large gap in the number of god-level existences, then it's... nothing, after all, there are still great god-level existences in charge.

I believe that with the presence of the tyrant, everything is under control. "

"Hehe," Wang Bao Wang Bao looked at the other party meaningfully, then chuckled and shook his head, "The existence of the god level is a strategic deterrent force, if they participate in the war, then don't fight, the world will soon destroy."

"Okay, understandable." Ye Chong frowned, "Why are there so many beast gods here? Is the Zerg orc so powerful?"

"Not only the Insect Beast Race," said the Tyrant King Wang Bao, "there are also the Land Beast Race, Water Beast Race, and Bird Beast Race. Each group has a lot of beast gods."

"It seems that it is as the Tyrant King said," Ye Chong flicked off the cigarette ash lightly, "This time the orcs are bound to win the winter."

"But with you here," Tyrant Wang Bao looked at the other party intently, "There is no doubt that they will return home without a feather."

"Stop." Ye Chong laughed and said, "Don't set me up, old man. I'm very weak now, and I'm afraid I won't be able to participate in the battle."

"Huh?" The Tyrant Wang Bao waved the smoke in front of him, "I see that your complexion doesn't look too good either, why are you getting sick?"

"I don't know either," Ye Chong sighed with a wry smile, "In short, my body is empty right now, I can't exert myself, and I don't have any desire to fight.

Let me go to the battlefield at this time, and I can only be used as cannon fodder. "

"Have you put in too much effort?" Wang Bao asked inexplicably, "How is Xiao Zhao?"

"Are you asking if she is pregnant?" Ye Chong shook his head, "I always feel that reproductive isolation should still exist, otherwise, it shouldn't be the result now."

"Well, there's no need to rush this kind of thing," the Tyrant King smiled violently, "Maybe you have a special physique, and you should find a way to recuperate after the war, and it should be fine.

Ha ha.

But you said that you can't exert your strength, so what's going on?


You should know your body well. "

"Where, where, I'm in this mountain, so it's hard to know my true face," Ye Chong smiled slightly, "Maybe...the Tyrant King knows better.

Of course, maybe Xiao Zhao also knows myself better than I do. "

The Tyrant King laughed violently: "I know but I can't hide it from you."

"I'm just curious," Ye Chong couldn't help but twitched his lips, "The Tyrant King urged me to marry Xiao Zhao, does he really want me to leave offspring for research, or does he just ask Xiao Zhao to study my body?"

"Brother Ye, you are thinking too much," Wang Bao said slowly, "It is the decision of the high-level officials of the empire and the human race to let you leave descendants. This is not what you think, it is just for research, but It is the hope of retaining as many human races as possible.

As for Xiao Zhao studying your body...

Ha ha.

I believe you are not a virgin.

It is really natural for husband and wife to explore each other, and it is perfectly normal.

Of course, Xiao Zhao has indeed admired you for a long time, and is even more curious about your strength.

You are already husband and wife, so it is not surprising that Xiao Zhao wishes to have a deeper understanding of you.

What's more, your combination also has the effect of double cultivation.

Xiao Zhao hopes to use this to quickly improve his realm and strength. I don't think I'll mention it, but you have already thought of it. "

"What's the use of thinking?" Ye Chong smiled wryly and shook his head, "My small body has already been tossed to death, and in the current state, I can't participate in the war."

"Oh?" The Tyrant Wang Bao stretched out his hand, "Let me take your pulse and see what happened?"

"No," Ye Chong leaned back and smiled, "I don't like getting too close to men."

"Hehe," the Tyrant King laughed suddenly, "It seems that you are really acting. Okay, let's talk about the conditions."

"I don't understand what the tyrant king means." Ye Chong smiled, "However, since you mentioned conditions, I like this. I just want to ask, can my confinement period end?"

"If Xiao Zhao hears your words," Bao Wang Wang Bao said, "then she will be in great pain."

"So, I didn't tell her, but I said it after I saw the Tyrant King," Ye Chong continued, "The reason and purpose of the confinement, the Tyrant King mentioned it just now, and this is the situation now, it is meaningless to continue the confinement .”

"After the war, what do you want to do?" Wang Bao asked suddenly.

"What will happen in the future," Ye Chong smiled, "naturally it will be decided in the future."

"If this war fails," Tyrant Wang Bao said solemnly, "it is very likely that both the empire and the human race will lose their future, and the future of the world also means only destruction."

"So," Ye Chong nodded, "as long as I'm still alive, I won't let this happen, because only in this way, my life after confinement will be meaningful."

"Fairy Wood"

"How do you plan to deal with Xiao Zhao's matter?" Wang Bao Wang Bao looked at the other party with an inexplicable meaning in his eyes.

"The raw rice has been cooked, and I am hers," Ye Chong said with a smile, "What else can you ask me to do?"

"Okay," Wang Bao nodded his head, "people in martial arts are the most taboo and distrustful, they always give up..."

Before Tyrant Wang Bao finished speaking, Ye Chong grinned and said, "Wait, there is no final abandonment, and there is no beginning of chaos. Even if there is, it is not me who is chaotic."

"..." Bao Wang Bao Wang looked speechless, "Okay, then I won't say anything, I hope you can remember what I said today, and don't let Xiao Zhao's infatuation for you be let down."

"I know." Ye Chong nodded solemnly, "When will the beast army arrive?"

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