Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 1934, dare not give birth

When Ye Chong thought that this kind of leisurely life would continue, Dai Yulong suddenly came.

Ye Chong looked surprised when he saw the other party.

He even rubbed his eyes subconsciously.

That's right.

Not a hallucination.

Dai Yulong smirked all the way: "Lao Ye, I'm living a good life."

"Why are you here?" Ye Chong put down the cup filled with goji berries, and sat up from the recliner.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, can't I come over to see you?" Dai Yulong smiled and sat on the wicker chair beside him. He was not polite, picked up a can of Coke and drank it.

"Does it mean..." Ye Chong looked at the other party with a half-smile, "My life of confinement is coming to an end?"

"Confinement?" Dai Yulong casually glanced at the wolfberry cup, "You are happy like a fairy every day, traveling in the mountains and rivers during the day, and roaming the rivers and lakes at night, if this is considered confinement, then I guess everyone wants to be confinement to death ?”

"Stop doing this," Ye Chong waved his hands wearily, "Life is like a donkey, so sad."

"Hahaha, if you don't know how to say it, don't say it," Dai Yulong laughed loudly, "You don't know how to be blessed while you are in the blessing."

"Old Dai," Ye Chong said seriously, "If you don't come again, I'm really going to die."

When talking about this, Ye Chong stretched for no reason: "I don't know why, I've been very lazy recently, and I can't lift my body a little bit."

"Hehe, understandable." Dai Yulong smiled mysteriously, then glanced at the house, "Lao Ye, is there any result?"

"You're talking about..." Ye Chong yawned.

"Nonsense, of course they created humans." Dai Yulong laughed, "Xiao Zhao is hiding in the house, is she raising her body?"

"How do I know that?" Ye Chong smiled wryly, "It's all about disappearing."

"Hahaha, you," Dai Yulong said suddenly, "Minister please, let's go."

"What does he want from me?" Ye Chong covered his mouth and yawned, "I still want to sleep, I'm too sleepy."

"Lao Ye," Dai Yulong said solemnly, "What's the matter with you? It seems that you are really out of shape."

At this time, Xiao Zhao walked over with a smile: "Your Majesty, please come to the room."

"Xiao Zhao," Dai Yulong said with a half-smile, "Did you cook something delicious for Lao Ye again?"

"Our old Ye has a bad appetite, so I made some of his favorite dishes," Xiao Zhao continued, "It just so happens that the seat is here, let's eat together?"

"Lao Ye," Dai Yulong looked at Ye Chong enviously, "Xiao Zhao's culinary skills are well-known in the bureau. I ate it once during the team building in the bureau last time. It's really memorable. Especially that...that...what is it called..."

When talking about this, Dai Yulong looked at Xiao Zhao with a questioning expression on his face: "It's the sweet, stinky, and milky one..."

"Fried durian ice cream?" Xiao Zhao smiled, "What's so delicious? If you want to eat it, I can make it anytime."

"Haha, then it's a deal, next time you have a chance, you must make it for me so that I can eat enough," Dai Yulong grinned, "So, I'm really hungry.

Xiao Zhao, what delicious food did you do today? "

In the voice of speaking, Dai Yulong really swallowed hard and let out a grunt.


Both Ye Chong and Xiao Zhao smiled.

"One is braised prawns that Lao Ye likes to eat," Xiao Zhao said, pointing his finger, "One is fried sea cucumber with scallions, the other is hand-caught mutton, and the other is Kung Pao Chicken and Duck Blood Vermicelli Soup.


Seat, we really can't eat, please hurry up, let's eat together. "

"Forget it, forget it, if I move my mouth, there will be nothing left for you," Dai Yulong waved his hands hastily, "I'm just addicted to my ears.

By the way, the minister is still waiting for Lao Ye and me.

It was late, and the old man had to lose his temper again.

Ha ha.

such a pity.

So many meals..."

In the voice of speaking, Dai Yulong smiled and looked at Ye Chong.

"So urgent?" Ye Chong nodded, "Then let's go."

"Wait, I'll pack the food," Xiao Zhao said in a hurry, "You guys take it over there to eat."

Ye Chong glanced at Dai Yulong, a look of astonishment quickly flashed in his eyes, and then he said to Xiao Zhao: "You eat first, and I will come back to eat the rest."

"Sword Comes"

"Okay," Xiao Zhao said in a daze, "then you must come back early."

After Ye Chong and Dai Yulong left the Central Mansion, Ye Chong asked suddenly: "What happened?"

"Xiao Zhao doesn't seem to be happy yet," Dai Yulong frowned slightly, "I hope the minister won't be unhappy."

"Reproductive isolation doesn't just disappear," Ye Chong said, "The Tyrant King values ​​my next generation so much, does he really want to be a guinea pig for research?"

"What's the matter?!" Dai Yulong said sternly, "The minister is also thinking about the whole human race and the whole world. In fact, if you really have a queen, it will be a great joy for you, Lao Ye, and you will have no worries."

"Everything is God's will," Ye Chong said. "Before the world returns to peace, it is better not to let the children come to this world to suffer, so as not to worry about the future and not be able to move forward."

Dai Yulong didn't speak, just walked forward.

Ye Chong followed closely behind, and soon entered the cold winter bureau of the Imperial Martial Arts Department.

First meeting room.

Two people.

Ye Chong sat opposite to Wang Bao.

"The war has begun." Tyrant Wang Bao said.

"It's never over." Ye Chong smiled.

"It's different this time." Tyrant Wang Bao frowned, "According to the military's intelligence, the beast army is determined to take down Rindong this time."

"Then fight." Ye Chong said with a smile, "Rin Dong's garrison is very powerful, not to mention that the city's defense system in Rin Dong is strong enough, the beast army will attack the city blindly, let alone whether it can be captured or not, heavy casualties are unavoidable .”

"The situation is different now," said Tyrant Wang Bao, "God-level existence will become the leading force in the war."

"What did you say?" Ye Chong was stunned, "Siege will inevitably hurt the weak, and god-level existences are not afraid of God's punishment?"

"You may have misunderstood one thing." The Tyrant King Paused for a moment, and then continued, "The way of heaven is to maintain the balance and development of the world, not to protect the weak."

"You mean..." Ye Chong had a thoughtful look on his face.

"Once the war starts," the Tyrant King Wang Bao said, "the people of Cold Winter City, even the military personnel, will become cannon fodder, so we must think of a surefire plan."

"That makes sense," Ye Chong nodded, "However, I think the military should take the lead in studying this matter."

"The relevant meeting has been held," Bao Wang Wang Bao continued, "People in the military agree that only if you step in can we have a chance of victory."

"Hehe," Ye Chong couldn't help laughing, "It's a bit...too flattering me, isn't it?"

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