Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 184 Unlimited Dangerous Situation on the Dangerous Peak

Leqing Mountains.

A dangerous peak leading to the mountains in the northwest.

Ka Ka Ka!

Whoa whoa whoa!

Lightning flashes, thunderstorms.

A bald man stood on the top of the mountain holding a knife, letting the rain wash away the bloody places on his body, he remained motionless, as if he had been completely petrified without knowing it.

Behind him, there were seven or eight other men and women, all holding weapons, facing outward, looking around, like killing gods descending from the sky in a violent storm.

At this moment, countless monsters and ordinary mutant beasts of different shapes fell to death on the slopes around the dangerous peak.

Amidst the thunder and lightning, looking down through the heavy rain curtain, there are unknown how many monsters and mutant beasts around, staring upward and roaring again and again.

"Principal, we've been stuck here for more than a day. These guys haven't dispersed yet. I'm afraid it's..." When a tall and thin man next to the bald man was speaking, a bolt of human-shaped lightning shot down, scaring him. He shrank his neck, and then continued:

"Looking at it this way, they will definitely attack again tonight, even more ferociously than last night, Principal Jinglei, what should we do?"

The bald man didn't speak, his sword eyebrows were raised, he looked up to the sky, despite the lightning and thunder raging nearby, there was no fear in his eyes.

The moment after a thunderstorm rang in his ears, the bald man said slowly amidst the rumbling thunder:

"Mutant beasts don't worry.

Although there are many of them, they only play the role of surrounding mountains and do not constitute a substantial threat to us.

As for these monsters, they are not fools.

The attack last night, they have already experienced our strength, if they launch another strong attack tonight, the loss will be even greater. "

"But..." The thin and tall man hesitated for a while, "Principal Yan, are we going to stay here and wait for help? Many teachers have been injured, and I'm afraid we won't last long."

"Stick and wait for help?" The bald man gave a wry smile and shook his head, "The magnetic field here is disordered, and the signal base station has also been destroyed by mutant beasts, so we can't contact the rear at all. No one knows we are here, so sticking to it is inevitable. aid?"

When he said this, the bald man paused for a while, then lightning and thunder glanced down, and then he sighed softly: "I'm afraid the ones waiting for help are not our reinforcements, but more higher-level monsters. "


The thin and tall man's expression changed, he looked back at the others, then lowered his voice and said, "Principal Jinglei, what do you mean... we may not be able to go back this time?"

Yan Jinglei raised his eyebrows and said slowly:

"This afternoon, a beast swarm apparently occurred in the distant dense forest, attracting many mutant beasts.

There are even a few S2 and S3 monsters.

This is a good sign.

If this happens a few more times, the pressure on us here will be reduced a lot.

At that time, even if we can't work together to break out of the siege and act separately according to the plan, at least some of the teachers must be safe and sound.

Only now...

Has the beast tide passed?

Or went to the distance again?

I don't seem to have seen those monsters come back. "

"Beast tide?" The thin and tall man was startled for a moment, then his expression changed drastically, "Principal Yan is talking about the roar in the dense forest in the afternoon? Could it be those missing students that caused the beast tide?!"

"The missing student?" Yan Jinglei shook his head slowly, "Impossible."

"The movement of the beast horde is not small, and it seems to be on a large scale.

There is no possibility for those students to escape such a large-scale animal horde.

After all, their strength lies there. If it is really them, the beast horde will wipe out their bones in a short time.

What's more, it's more than that.

Those monster beasts above S2 level obviously went straight to the scene of the beast tide.

With these powerful monsters around, no matter how lucky those students are, they will surely die.

However, this is clearly not the case now.

It is true that the beast tide is far away, but it has not disappeared.

This shows that the beast tide is still chasing the target enemy.

From this perspective, it is by no means a missing student. "

"If the principal doesn't say anything, I really haven't thought of this." The thin and tall man blinked, then murmured, "If it wasn't the missing student, who else could it be? Could it be that Teacher Bao Sihai led a team to rescue us? "

"Impossible." Yan Jinglei smiled slightly and shook his head, "Before we set off, I issued an order that no teacher from the Jiuwu Academy would be allowed to enter the Leqing Mountains to look for us until our rescue team came out with results. "

"Bao Sihai is impossible.

Chen Bohu is also impossible.

Don't even think about other teachers.

I think it might be someone from the martial arts world who came out.

For example, which martial arts sect or martial arts family entered this mountain range to hunt, or to mine medicinal materials, and accidentally triggered a beast tide, which caused the current phenomenon. "

"People from the martial arts world? I don't know which sect or which family it is from. It would be great if we could be found." The thin and tall man looked regretful. "At that time, we will have no problem getting out of trouble."

"Find us?" Yan Jinglei said lightly: "What can we do if we are found? Before the beast tide, everyone was in danger, not to mention there are monsters above S2 level in the town, it is a great fortune to escape, let them come It’s impossible to save people.”

"Then...principal, what should we do?" Under the light of the lightning, the thin and tall man's face was darkened, "Last night, the monster was launched by Ziye, and it lasted for two full hours. I'm afraid there will be another attack like this tonight. , we... I'm afraid... can we still stop it?"

"Block it, I'm afraid we can't stop it." Yan Jinglei frowned slightly, and looked back at the crowd waiting in formation, "So, the moment the monsters attack is also the time for us to break through."

When talking about this, Yan Jinglei smiled proudly, looked at the other party, and said slowly:

"Old Wang, we are the two with the highest combat power in this team, I think you and my brother will inevitably have to work hard.

I agree with your estimate.

The monsters are likely to attack in the middle of the night, after all, this is their tradition and habit.

Once the action is taken, the scene will inevitably become a mess.

So, that time is also a good time for us to break through.

At that time, you and my brother will try our best to entangle those high-level monsters, and let the other teachers break out. "

"Yes, Principal." The thin tall man agreed in a low voice, and under the cover of the lightning, it could be seen that his face was a little pale, "But... Principal Jinglei, there are many monsters surrounding the mountain. S1 and S2 level monsters, and an unknown number of S3 level monsters, and even... there are S4 level monsters, you and I... the principal and I, can we withstand their attacks?"

"Why, old Wang..." Yan Jinglei's face suddenly changed when he said this, "Not good! Pay attention to air defense!"

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