Ye Chong frowned slightly, raised his head in thought, and suddenly let out a light sigh.


When I was resting in the tree hole of the giant red tree, as soon as the man in gray appeared, a light yellow circle appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness to protect the bear thing.

I remember it clearly.

At that time, there were only three lines of small characters.

That is:

Body: 9.

Qi: 6.

God: 6.

There are no combat points at all.

So, the first battle in the Valley Woods didn't actually earn me combat points.

That is to say, I seriously injured the Mou family's children, and I still tried to chop Mou violently, which didn't bring me combat merit points at all.

Or to put it more accurately, the first battle did not change the bear game system, and the line of military merit points appeared.

Well, it's clear.

I got combat points after the second and third battles.

In the second battle, I just killed an S1 monster.

In the third battle, I killed an S3-level monster that had gone berserk and fell to the realm.

As for the plot against the man in gray that I imagined just now, I'm afraid it's not easy to measure, and it's a bit far-fetched to count it as a military exploit.

Say so.

I killed an S1 level monster today, plus an S3 level monster that fell into the realm, that is, an S2 level monster, and I got a total of two combat merit points.

Well, the problem is coming.


Why do you feel a little weird?

do not forget.

When I was practicing in Yingdao, I killed 9 S1 level monsters. Why didn't the combat achievement points show up at that time?

Therefore, it is very likely that killing an S1-level monster is the same as killing the Mou family's children, and the combat merit points will not be counted.

If so set, the problem is simple.

All my 2 points of combat achievement came from beheading the S3 monster that fell into the realm. "

When thinking of this, Ye Chong sighed secretly, then leaned on the tree trunk with his hands on the pillow.

"However, there is another possibility.

S1 level monsters are also calculated for combat merit points.

After all, a monster of this level is equivalent to a human being breaking through to a martial artist and becoming a junior martial arts fighter, which is a kind of change like a carp jumping over a dragon's gate.

For ordinary mutant beasts, it is very difficult to become an S1 level monster, the span is too large, it is a leap from beast to monster.

In comparison, the difference between S1-level monsters, S2-level monsters, and S3-level monsters is not so big. After all, they are all monsters, but their cultivation bases and realms are different.

Therefore, if there are combat merit points for killing S2-level mutant beasts, then there is no reason for killing S1-level monsters without combat merit points, but there should be a difference in the number of combat merit points corresponding to the two.

So far, I have killed a total of 10 S1-level monsters and 1 S2-level monster, and then gained 2 combat merit points.

If killing S1 level monsters has combat merit points, then killing S2 level monsters will of course have combat merit points.

Now there are only 2 merit points in total.

Therefore, the combat merit point obtained by killing an S2 level monster must be greater than 0 and smaller than 2. The only option is 1 combat merit point.

So, is there a possibility——


Although Ye Chong secretly deduces various possibilities, he also understands in his heart that facts are facts, and the truth will not change because of vain speculation.

What's annoying is that the bears in the Sea of ​​Consciousness don't have any hints or explanations, and they are very rubbish.

It seems that if you want to really figure out what happened, you can only wait until the future to make a self-inductive analysis in the process of killing monsters, so as to find out the truth of the matter.

However, even if the issue of how to count combat merit points can be ignored for the time being, there are still a few other issues that deserve attention.

What is the use of battle points?

Why should it occupy the first row?

What kind of connection and relationship does it have with physique, qi and blood and spirit?

“These questions are a bit of a headache.

It seems that it can only be observed more carefully in the future.

After all, any slight change in the sea of ​​consciousness is not a trivial matter.

However, what I should be most concerned about right now should not be this, but how to leave this big forest.

Classes should start tomorrow, right?

I'm late or absent from class just after entering the Martial Arts Department, I'm afraid it's not appropriate.

Also, there are many monsters in this forest.

If a few more S3 monsters come out, I can't stand it, I'm afraid I might lose my life here.

Besides, I have gained a lot today, so I have to get these things back sooner. "

In the following time, while thinking about how to get out of here, Ye Chong stuffed the backpack of the man in gray into his backpack, and then sorted out the contents of the military nano bag. Lightning had already struck, and he fell from the tree.

"Although I lost my way and couldn't find a way out, I couldn't just sit here and wait for death.

Not to mention whether there will be high-level monsters discovering me, just the lightning in the sky is very dangerous.

Once I was struck by it, my body would not be a big problem, but my sea of ​​consciousness would definitely be affected.

It is estimated that it will rain heavily on this day, and it will be more dangerous to stay in the tree then.

So, leave quickly.

It's not hard to choose which direction to go.

Although I lost my way and couldn't tell the direction, I could still feel the height of the terrain.

Speaking of which, as long as I go down the mountain, the possibility of finding a way out will be greater.

As for the fact that there is no light in the dark lights, I don't have to worry about it. This is a great opportunity to sharpen my mental strength. "

Soon, Ye rushed down the tree and walked quietly into the distance.

Speaking of it, using mental power to explore the way in the dark is not a mental skill, but it is very helpful for the operation and manipulation of mental power.

Moreover, he doesn't have to worry about being discovered.

Naturally, there is no need to worry about using mental power to detect civil objects.

It's no big deal to detect ordinary mutant beasts.

After all, the level is low, so it may not be able to recognize it as a mental detection.

Monsters are not afraid either. Before the real danger comes, small light yellow circles will appear in his sea of ​​consciousness to wrap those few lines of small characters. This is also an important means for him to predict the existence of danger in advance.

In addition, there is another great advantage of rushing in the dark in the forest, that is, you can continue to sharpen your agility and reaction ability.

Anyway, the eyes can't see clearly, and the mental power can only be detected roughly, not comprehensive, so Ye Chong has been provided with a lot of opportunities to sharpen his body skills and reaction ability.

For example, there are pits, obstacles, puddles on the ground, etc., which can prompt him to choose the most correct way to get out of danger at the first time, otherwise, he will be punished.

"It's not bad. It turns out that walking at night is so beautiful. It's really a good choice for exercising your mental strength and sharpening your body."

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