In the next moment, Ye Chong threw off his feet and ran forward.

It's strange to say that people are not forced to do it, and always feel that they are not good at it.

But it was only when he was on the verge of life and death that he realized that his potential was limitless.

Ye Chong's physical skills in actual combat are good, he flickers and moves, erratic, and can make the most correct response in the shortest time and shortest distance.

This is one of his specialties.

Speaking of which, even if you use ocelot, lynx and tiger to describe him, there is nothing wrong with it.

After all, it has been proven in the Yingdao Trial and the pursuit of the man in gray and the beast tide.

But I have to admit, there is a problem.

He wasn't fast enough.

At least compared with the current mutant tigers, mutant leopards and other mutant beasts, there is no obvious advantage.

And, there's an even more serious problem.

Compared with mutant beasts that are good at physical fitness, human bodies are relatively thinner.

This is normal.

Orcs are different from humans.

Even within the human race, before the advent of the new era, there were great differences between different races in terms of height, physique, blood and spirit.

For example.

Let the big black man of Avorika compare his strength, speed and endurance with the strong Asian man. Under normal circumstances, as far as ordinary people are concerned, there is basically no comparison.

Of course, except for talking on paper, except for hitting with the keyboard, you have to tell the truth.

on the other hand.

There is also no comparison between Avorika and Asiatic people in terms of IQ, hard work, and innovation.

"Compared with people of the same level, I have confidence in agility, but I have no advantage in speed.

If compared with the mutant beasts in the beast tide, there is a very obvious gap in speed.

What's more, what I am facing now is not an ordinary mutant beast, but a monster, or an S3 brown demon bear.

It may not be easy for me to compare my speed with this big guy who explodes at every turn.

The reason why the opponent hasn't caught up with me until now is nothing more than two reasons.

One is that the S3 brown demon bear fought with the gray-clothed man just now, and the physical exertion was too great.

The two men in gray should have blew themselves up in the end, seriously injuring the brown demon bear.

Speaking of it, no matter what the reason is, it is a great thing for me.

However, since the new era, the recovery ability of the human race has improved, and the recovery ability of the orc race has improved even more.

Especially monsters, and they are still S3 level monsters, their self-recovery ability will be very strong.

In other words, if I can't escape in a short enough time, it is very likely that I will fall into the place of death.

At that time, it will be useless even if I scream and kneel down to beg for mercy, I am afraid that it will turn into warm dark food and be excreted in the end.

emmm, this is not the end of life I want. "

Ye Chong was thinking wildly in his mind, but his feet were not idle. He ran all the way, running faster and faster.


He felt as if his body was broken somewhere, and there was a light sound.

Immediately afterwards, he felt that his body suddenly became much lighter, his strides became larger, his frequency increased, and he bounced better.

Swish swish!

This feeling is so beautiful.

Feeling refreshed, Ye Chong turned his head and saw that the S3 brown demon bear had already been dropped nearly a hundred meters away.


Could it be that I broke through the limit of my body's speed on the line of life and death?

Otherwise, how could it be possible to suddenly have such a wonderful feeling, and the speed soared?


This little life of mine has been recovered.

Now this woodland is full of tall trees, and the distance between the trees is very large, which is beneficial to me, and even more beneficial to the brown demon bear.

However, if you go further, it should be a real dense forest, right?

In that kind of place, with the size of the brown demon bear, I am afraid that there will be many obstacles and difficulties, but for me, I can give full play to my physical advantages.


Now that the chance to survive is right in front of me, what am I waiting for? ! "

Ye Chong swayed his body, and then suddenly accelerated a bit. It seemed that he really wanted to put on his wings.


At this time, a violent roar suddenly came from behind, and amidst the buzzing sound, the surrounding leaves were also shaken and fell.

Followed by.



Ye Chong's instinct flickered and turned, and a huge monster roared past, directly smashing a thick tree in front of him, and then stopped.


The S3-level brown demon bear turned around, and blood was surging in a pair of giant blood-red eyes, and its body also seemed to be a circle larger than before, bulging, as if there was infinite power hidden in it.


Ye Chong was startled, his face changed drastically.

Berserk is a phenomenon of bursting blood and strengthening body that occurs in the body of a strong person. It can suddenly double the strength of the body. When the strength soars, it is often possible to kill the target by surprise.

According to records, madness is more common in high-level spirit beasts in the martial arts world.

But speaking of it, if a high-level spirit beast can do it, so can a high-level monster.

After all, one is a captive monster and the other is a wild monster, there is no difference in essence between the two.

Similarly, in the human race, as long as the level is high enough and the requirements are met, people who practice body training can also undergo madness, causing their strength to increase suddenly.


Everything in the world has its advantages and disadvantages.

According to the records, although madness can bring about a surge in strength in a short period of time, the disadvantages are not small.

Often after the berserk time is over, the body will become weak, and it may even fall to one or two realms.

Speaking of it, it's okay to be physically weak, and it's okay to spend time resting and recuperating.

But if you really fall into the realm, it's not that simple.

I am afraid that without a period of retreat and hard work, it is impossible to return to the original state.


its not right!

This brown demon bear is clearly an S3 monster, but why does it only have two crystals in each eye?

Could it be that the capital of this guy's madness is Mu Jing?

So, is it understandable in this way——

After its pair of eye crystals exploded, it instantly strengthened and its strength increased dramatically.

At the same time, it also caused this guy's realm to drop, turning him into an S2 monster?

If this is the case, is it a good thing for me?or bad thing? "

Ye Chong was thinking wildly, but his body didn't dare to act rashly.

He understood very well.

The speed shown by the brown demon bear just now after going berserk is by no means comparable to him. If he is not careful, he will be defeated by the opponent from behind in one fell swoop.

It's like meeting a huge mad dog. If you want to run, can you really outrun it?

It's better to stand facing each other, maybe relying on body skills to react, maybe escape the catastrophe.


Bang bang bang!

The blood-red eyes of the brown demon bear flashed, and he raised his head and roared towards the sky, and then a pair of bear paws hit his chest, and then he rushed straight at Ye Chong.

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