"With the Starry Sky Blade, a low-level high-grade weapon for warriors, it's not a big problem for me to kill an S2-level brown demon bear.

Just now I had a lot of opportunities to kill the one chasing me.

However, if I were to fight two S2-level brown demon bears, it would be impossible for me to be so relaxed, and it would be unavoidable to be in a hurry.

If it is really a battle with three or more S2-level brown demon bears, there is no doubt that the best choice is to run away.

Of course, the premise is that I can escape.

If it looks like this, the gray-clothed man can survive the main attack of an S3-level monster and the siege of a total of five S2-level brown demon bears in succession until now, and kill four S2-level brown demon bears. The strength is strong enough.

There is no problem or difficulty in crushing me.

But, hey, it seems like I shouldn't be worrying about these things now, but should... get on with my work, right? "

When he thought of this, Ye Chong came to the side of the two newly fallen S2 brown demon bears, bent down, and dug the starry sky blade in his hand, and quickly dug out the four beast eyes and put them away , and then began to dig out the bear gall of the brown demon.


There was a muffled sound from the battle group in the distance.

Ye Chong looked up and saw that the man in gray was hit in the back by the S3 brown demon bear, and spewed out a mouthful of blood with a puff.

Coincidentally, when the man in gray was seriously injured, he also looked over, and saw him grinning, showing blood-soaked teeth, as if he was about to say something.

But at this moment, the big paw of the S2 brown demon bear slapped straight over.


The man in gray flew upside down, a mouthful of blood flying in the air.

"What a vicious look.

What do you mean by looking at me?

Blame me for not saving you?

Or do you think I picked things up?

Ma Dan.

You came to kill me, so why don't you let me save you?

The point is, even if I want to save you, can I save you?


There was sarcasm in those eyes.

Could it be that they laughed at not taking advantage of the chaos to escape, but that they were greedy for money and reckless about their lives?



Time to run?

The man in gray is sure to die. After the S3 brown demon bear kills this guy, the next target must be me.

Now is a good time, if you don't run, it may be too late. "

Ye Chong reached out and wiped the blood stains off the brown demon bear's body, then swung the blade of the starry sky with one hand, and immediately ran straight to the side.

Whoa whoa whoa!

The mutated beasts surrounding them had much higher IQs than the normal beasts, and now they had already listed Ye Chong as one of the dangerous people. When they saw him rushing over, they immediately ran away.

"Hey, it's easy."

The corner of Ye Chong's mouth curled up, and he ran wildly.


Ka Ka Ka!


Suddenly, there was a violent bang near the battle group in the distance.

Ye Chong frowned and looked back.


This is?

In the original battle group, only the S3 brown demon bear was standing there alone, its body still shaking.

The S2 brown demon bear fell dead on the ground, motionless.

As for the man in gray, he had long since disappeared.

"Run away? That guy ran away?" Ye Chong's face changed drastically, and then he looked around, "Isn't it the end of the battle? How can you still run away?"


Just as Ye Chong was thinking wildly, the S3 brown demon bear swayed and fell to the ground, causing the whole ground to shake.

"What the hell!

What's happening here?

The S2 brown demon bear fell down.

The gray-clothed man disappeared.

Now the S3 brown demon bear fell to the ground again.

Could it be that the legendary God opened his eyes and dropped the pie? "

Ye Chong hesitated for a while, wondering whether he should go or not.

However, if you hesitate for too long, you will lose your chance.

Da da da!

He walked over slowly with a knife in both hands, but he didn't dare to get too close to the S3-level brown demon bear. Instead, he went straight to the S2-level brown demon bear that was lying dead on the ground.

It was just that he was startled when he got close.

"Why so much blood?

And the mess.

what is that?

Pieces of clothing?

What the hell! "


Ye Chong suddenly trembled and looked at something.


The head of the man in gray.

And backpacks!

That long gun!

"Is that guy dead?

How could it be so tragic?

It's like an explosion site.

What just happened?

Did he blew himself up? "

Ye Chong's face became a little ugly.

However, the growling and roaring of the mutant beasts around him quickly woke him up.

"I have to get out of here quickly.

The movement just now was too loud, and the current blood gas concentration is also very strong.

If it could attract brown demon bears, it might also attract other high-level monsters.

If another powerful one comes, then I will make a calculation, and I still have to die. "

When thinking of this, Ye Chong picked up the Starry Sky Blade and dug on the S2 brown demon bear.

After taking away the beast eyes and bear gall, he took a look at the S3 brown demon bear, seeing that the other's chest was still heaving, how could he dare to go over.


Ye Chong grabbed the backpack left by the man in gray, and then he was about to run away.

At the same time, the mutated beasts onlookers roared loudly, he couldn't help but pause, and a fiery look appeared in his eyes.

"Damn it.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Such a high-level S3 brown demon bear is lying on the ground half dead, so I just left?

Are you afraid that you will regret it for the rest of your life?


Wealth is in danger!

Kill it and earn big! "

Da da da!

Ye Chong gritted his teeth, and walked over with the Star Blade.

But for some unknown reason, his body was shaking violently.

After finally reaching five meters away, Ye Chong held a knife in both hands and was about to strike down with all his might.

Also at this time.


The S3 brown demon bear with its eyes tightly closed suddenly opened its big blood-red eyes, which were filled with a strong sense of joking.

"Fuck! I'll let you go today!"

Ye Chong shuddered Lingling, and immediately turned around and ran away.

While running, he comforted himself: "Ma De, the little life is more important, keep the green hills there, don't worry about running out of firewood, if I have a chance, I'll dig out its eyes and take its guts, today...forget it! "



Swish swish!

Once he started running, Ye Chong's speed was really not slow.

Let alone fleeing with so many goodies.

Can you hurry up?

This is a race against fate.

It's also a race against money.


Ye Chong flicked and moved forward at a fast speed, running wherever he was quiet.

Isn't most of the mutant beasts staying at the scene of the battle anyway?

What made Ye Chong happy was that after such a toss, the beast horde didn't follow, obviously because he was intimidated by him.


its not right.

The beast tide didn't follow, what was the sound behind it? "

Ye Chong frowned and looked back, and was immediately scared.

I saw the S3 brown demon bear following him leisurely.

Its blood-red eyes overflowed with infinite mockery.

It's like a vicious wolf chasing the chick.


Ye Chong's heart suddenly became tense, and he secretly said:

"This is the end!"

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