After eating, Ye Chong didn't leave the restaurant in a hurry, but drank beer with Zhang Dong and chatted for a while.

Zhang Dong is a talker, but he is not talking nonsense.

What he said was informative.

Because he likes to chat with people, and also likes to learn information from the Internet, especially the campus network forum, so he knows a lot.

The two laughed and talked while drinking.

Zhang Dong spoke eloquently and happily, and Ye Chong was full of interest and enjoyed listening to it.

Especially when Ye Chong interrupted occasionally and asked some moderate questions, Zhang Dong became even more excited.

"Lao Ye, let me tell you, you are asking the right person when you ask me." Zhang Dong took a sip of beer, and then slammed the bar, "Hey, I haven't been to the arsenal of the Nine Martial Arts Academy. But I've heard people talk about it."

"The kid next door to me is from the Martial Dao Sect Shenbing Mountain.

According to him, the weapons of the Nine Martial Arts Academy are all refined by their sect. There are many types of weapons with great differences in quality, and there are even many magical weapons in them.

Lao Ye, let me tell you, don't underestimate Shenbingshan.

I read from the ranking list of martial arts sects on the campus network forum that the strongest part of Shenbing Mountain is the weapon refining. Many teachers in the martial arts refining department of our college came from there.

Hey, Lao Ye, do you still remember the person who invited you to join the martial arts refining department?

He is Ou Ye Dao from Shenbing Mountain, nicknamed Ou Ye San Dao, he is very capable in refining warrior swords, and now he is the head of the Department of Martial Arts Refining. "

"Warrior's sword?" Ye Chong frowned slightly, and muttered to himself, "A magic weapon?"

"Lao Ye, haven't you been to the scene of the martial arts refining department today?" Zhang Dong shook his beer glass, "There are many weapons of warriors there."

"I've been there, and it feels pretty good." Ye Chong nodded calmly, "Those weapons can be seen at a glance, and they are much better than our common civilian knives."

"Hahaha," Zhang Dong burst into laughter as if hearing a big joke:

"Old Ye, are you kidding me?

Return civilians... civilian knives?

Brother, the thing you mentioned and the weapon of the warrior are two different things, right?

Quack, is this like a cheap wooden knife compared to a standard army knife? "

"Zhang Dong, I have a suggestion for you. You should speak well." Ye Chong glanced at the other party with a smile, "Don't laugh like a duck."

"I'm going! Lao Ye, don't use duck to describe me, I'll throw up when I think about it." Zhang Dong returned to seriousness, "The biggest difference between the warrior's knife and ordinary knives is not only in the material, but also in the connotation."

"What?" Ye Chong couldn't help being slightly startled, obviously having some doubts about Zhang Dong's statement.

In the depths of Ye Chong's memory, of course he knew that the world of martial arts had already existed in the world, and it was always in a state of seclusion.

However, his understanding of the martial arts world is only superficial, and he doesn't understand its internal situation at all.

Of course, it also includes things like the sword of the warrior.

However, after the recovery of spiritual energy, under the new world environment, especially under the threat of mutant beasts, the martial arts world, which has been hidden from the world, suddenly became active, and actively opened channels for external communication.

In this way, all kinds of information about the martial arts world will naturally increase.

It's just that Ye Chong has been busy with his own affairs during this time, so he doesn't know much about it.

Hearing Zhang Dong suddenly talk about information about the martial arts world, he was naturally a little shocked.

"Speaking of which, there is no way for the martial arts world to take the initiative to open channels for external communication.

Because it is impossible to watch the secular world go to perish under the pressure of mutant beasts.

The lips are dead and the teeth are cold.

If the secular world is completely occupied by mutant beasts, then the next one to fall will undoubtedly be the martial arts world.

If the skin does not exist, how can the hair be attached?

The martial arts world still understands this truth. "

When Ye Chong was thinking of this, Zhang Dong continued to say:

"All weapons of warriors are sharp weapons that contain the laws of martial arts, and it can even be said that the greatest power of weapons of warriors comes from the laws of martial arts contained in them.

I heard from my buddies at Shenbing Mountain that some of the top weapons of warriors, which are called magic weapons in the martial arts circle, can sublimate their souls after living for a long time.

In the world of martial arts, the soul of a warrior's weapon is often called the weapon spirit.

The existence of Qi Ling is like adding a brain to the human body, which has unimaginable significance for the improvement of one's own strength. "

"Qi Ling?" Ye Chong frowned slightly, and muttered to himself, "I seem to have seen it in a document, right?"

"What?" Zhang Dong was stunned for a moment, then looked at Ye Chong, who was bewildered, "Do you know Qi Ling? Where did you see it? What kind of information? Let me take a look? Can you?"

"Zhang Dong, I have another opinion." Ye Chong raised his hand and made a pause, "When you speak, try to pause in the middle, are you choking? Damn, I'm going to choke to death anyway gone."

"Haha, Lao Ye, you are so annoying." Zhang Dong grinned, a leek leaf was pressed against his big white teeth, which brought a strange contrast.


There was a burst of laughter like silver bells.

Immediately afterwards, two girls ran past with a charming smile, and a warm and charming spring breeze rippling in an instant.

"It's these two young ladies again." Ye Chong smiled and shook his head, he really didn't expect the girl who ate next door to appear nearby again.

"Stop barking like a little girl." Zhang Dong turned his head to look at the backs of the two pretty and lively figures, and said to Ye Chong with some dissatisfaction:

"The pure cute girl on the left is called Xin Xiaomeng, the one on the right is a little taller, and the... the one who is more curvy is called Han Lina.

How is it, Lao Ye?

My eyesight is not bad, right? "

"What?" Ye Chong looked at the other party with a half-smile, "Zhang Dong, you... succeeded?"

"Hahaha, Lao Ye, let me tell you, you look okay, but your heart is not very clean," Zhang Dong grinned, happy to say, "Don't get it wrong, I Zhang Dong Is Dong that kind of person?"

"Hahaha, when I like a person, what I grasp is the heart, not the hand.

Lao Ye, did you hear their laughter just now?

Hehe, that is the love and affection that come from the heart. "

"Oh, love and love?" Ye Chong nodded calmly, "It's just that when you say it from Zhang Dong's mouth, it always feels like love and love."

"What?" Zhang Dong scratched his head, "Lao Ye, don't talk about it, what's the difference?"

"Of course." Ye Chong sighed, "Love and affection are for the heart, love and love are for the chest, Zhang Dong is for the hole, I'm afraid it will be nothing."

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