Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 149 As if embracing the dawn

"Okay," Ye Chong looked quietly at Bao Sihai, who is tall and broad, "but I have a request, if Director Bao can't meet it, then even if I enter the martial arts combat department, I will feel a shadow in my heart, which will affect the martial arts Cultivation techniques and combat skills will not be able to help you when you are on a mission, and it will even hurt everyone."

Ye Chong knew very well in his heart that under the current situation, he had no other choice at all, and he would accept it if it didn't work out. It was really choking, and he must be the one who finished.

"A request?" Bao Sihai, who was tall and broad, was startled for a moment, then smiled and said, "Just tell me. As long as it's reasonable, I will consider it carefully."

"Director Bao, when you first asked me to come over, you planned to let me swipe the card on the recorder, right?" Ye Chong pointed to the recorder on the wooden sign, "Because I can only check in after I have completed the registration procedures." You're a student of the Martial Arts Department, right?"

"Yes, no problem." The tall and broad Bao Sihai was slightly startled, "So, you want to say..."

"Director Bao, look at where I am standing now," Ye Chong paused, pulled Zhang Dong aside, pointed to the recorder on the wooden sign, and said calmly:

"There is still one and a half steps away from the recorder, and I won't take advantage of you, just count it as one step, that's 12 steps.

One step is 1, and 10 steps is 12 million.

Then deduct the total of 100 million you punished me.

Well, you need to give me 20 points now.

Director Bao, you seem to be a man who keeps his word. I follow the rules you set at the beginning, so it shouldn't be a problem, right? "


There was an uproar at the scene.


Bao Sihai, who was tall and broad, shook his body, so that he didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood.

He touched his forehead and sighed, "Okay, I agree with your request, go and swipe your card."


The students who were watching at the scene immediately seemed to be blown up.

"Damn it! 10 points! Ye Chong earned it with a single word like this? I'll be damned, I joined the most popular main department - Martial Arts Combat Department, and earned 20 points in vain. This is so cheap." You've made a lot of money."

"Don't talk about it, snot and tears, it's Ye Chong's criticism."

"The key is that he joined the Martial Arts Actual Combat Department and earned so many points. Why do you feel a little reluctant to suffer a big loss?"

"Hey, I'm afraid Ye Chong will be the favorite of the martial arts combat department from now on, right?"

"That's more than that.

Today, teachers from various departments are vying for him, which shows that he is very sought-after.

The Martial Arts Combat Department he joined was headed by Principal Yan himself.

If you think about it, it would be strange if he didn't become the man of the school. "


Ye Chong's current strength is indeed good, especially his rich combat experience.

But there are also problems.

Don't forget, there are so many prospective warriors in our school, and there are also many three-star and four-star prospective warriors.

Once these people break through, there will be an explosive growth in physical fitness, blood and mental strength.

Moreover, the most important thing is that after becoming a martial artist, you can really learn those advanced martial arts skills and combat skills.

Hehe, you must know that these martial arts and combat skills are not the simplified versions of the skills and skills that non-warriors learned before.

Not to mention the world of difference, there is also an incomparable gap.

But what about Ye Chong?

Now he is not even a one-star quasi-martial artist, and when he can become a martial artist is simply far away.


If this is the case, if a strong warrior fights with someone who is not even a quasi-warrior, the result can be guessed without looking at it, right? "


After Ye Chong swiped the card on the recorder, Zhang Dong was talking to him when the phone vibrated twice.

He took it out and looked at it, and couldn't help but smile.

The first message was to congratulate him on becoming a student of the Martial Arts Department, followed by some simple introductions and procedures.

The second message was what made him laugh.

The above reminded him that he had received a full 20 points.

Is it so efficient?

Ye Chong raised his head and looked at Bao Sihai, but the latter smiled and nodded, with a gentle look in his eyes, but he didn't speak.

10 minute later.

Together with Zhang Dong, Ye Chong went to the restaurant for dinner with the flow of people.

Behind them, there were quite a few people, men and women, chattering louder than them.

"Lao Ye, you can do it," Zhang Dong looked at Ye Chong with a hint of meaning in his eyes, "Is this what you mean by random assignment, just go with the situation?"

"What?" Ye Chong looked calm, "Is there any problem?"

"Hey, there are no major problems, but there are many minor problems," Zhang Dong grinned, "I advertise by shouting, but you advertise by refusing to greet and being silent."

When he said this, Zhang Dong paused, looked back, and then lowered his voice and said, "This can't help but make me say a word - don't, don't, I don't want it."

"Get out!" Ye Chong pushed the opponent and said:

"To be honest, what I told you earlier is all from my heart.

Until Director Bao finally said that sentence, I was reluctant to enter the martial arts combat department.

If I have to make a choice, I think, then I am more interested in the martial arts command system.

After all, being in the martial arts command system can not only improve one's own strength, but also cultivate the team's ability to command operations.

And most importantly, I can learn about military strategy and military strategy from it, which I am also interested in.

However, what Director Bao said later, hehe, it can be regarded as the aggressive method he used, which had a great influence on me.

For those of us who embark on the journey of martial arts and will become warriors in the future, it is impossible to shrink our heads and blindly retreat.

That will only make us more and more afraid, less and less adventurous, and in the end become submissive, like a shrinking turtle.

Director Bao said that a good man must be proud and heroic.

Dare to fight.

Dare to fight.

Dare to achieve yourself in actual combat.

Only in this way can one become a true warrior.

This is a man's life.

Even if he was smashed to pieces for this, so what? "

"Old Ye, do you think the things Director Bao said are true?" Zhang Dong murmured, "Have the Global Martial Arts Federation and the National Martial Arts Department issued so many tasks?"

"Of course, Director Bao didn't lie to us." Ye Chong nodded, "The changing trend of the world environment should be even worse."

"If it wasn't like this, why would President Yan, the majestic Nine Martial Arts Academy, go out on missions himself?"

"Maybe, he is anxiously waiting for us new forces to stand up early?"

After Ye Chong finished speaking, he looked ahead, with no joy or worry on his face, and a resolute look appeared in the interlacing of lights.

Surprisingly, Zhang Dong, who was a bit talkative, also chose to be silent, and followed Ye Chong without saying a word, with a calm face and firm steps, as if he was about to embrace the dawn.

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