Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 141 This is Interesting

The little fat man tossed and turned in the corridor of the maze for several minutes, his face was red and his ears were red, and he was sweating profusely, but he just couldn't get out.

At this time, there was only a light ding, and the little fat man immediately fell silent, then raised his arms to wipe his sweat, and hurriedly left here with his head down.

Ye Chong sighed secretly, then turned and left.

To be honest, if he was really locked in this kind of labyrinth corridor, he didn't know what to do, maybe he would be as anxious as a little fat man and couldn't find the way, right?

Doesn't that allow people to watch the show for free?

So, he immediately decided to leave.

Otherwise, what should I do if I really lose someone here?

In the northeast corner of the large square, there is also a wooden sign.

Martial Arts Command Department.

What's interesting is that there is also a big circle here, which is similar to the one in the martial arts combat department.

However, the situation inside the great circle is different.

The three big circles of the Martial Arts Department are full of people.

All the people outside the circle tried their best to break into the circle, while those inside the circle tried their best to stay inside.

The space in the circle is limited, so we can only fight and grab it.

So, messy.

Fighting and fighting, chaos.

Ye Chong understood in his heart why the Martial Arts Actual Combat Department did this - in the process of completing the double selection, he also cultivated the awareness and disposition of these future warriors that "warrior must compete".

Compared with the martial arts combat department, which is full of swords and swords, the martial arts command department is quieter and more elegant.

Although there is also a big circle, there are not many people in it.

Three teams.

Three people per team.

There are nine people in total.

When Ye Chong came over, the three teams in the big circle were still at peace and there was no fighting.

Still, each team kept its distance from the other two, full of vigilance.

"Yellow team, listen to me, the red team is the strongest, if you join forces to destroy our green team, when the two teams fight, the yellow team will undoubtedly lose.

However, if the yellow team is allied with the green team, we will definitely be able to kill the red team.

The strength of the yellow and green teams is about the same. Who will win at that time will depend on their own abilities. "

"Hey, yellow team, don't listen to the nonsense of the green team, we have never really fought, so why do you say we are the strongest?

Ma De, I think the captain of the green team is tall and powerful, and he is also a three-star quasi-warrior. He must be very powerful. Only when the red and yellow teams work together can the green team be defeated in one fell swoop. "

"Haha, our yellow team is the weakest among the three teams, no matter which team we compare with, we are vulnerable.

Therefore, if there is a conflict between your red team and the green team, you should resolve it before talking.

Our yellow team will never interfere in the affairs between your two teams, how about it?Hahaha. "

After the captain of the yellow team finished speaking, he grinned and looked at the other two captains.

As a result, the captain of the red team and the captain of the green team looked at each other and nodded.

Followed by.


An interesting scene appeared.

The red team and the green team rushed towards the yellow team. Before the opponent could react, the three members of the yellow team were hit violently and flew out of the big circle.


There was an uproar at the scene.

"Is the yellow team stupid? The good situation was ruined at once, the stupid captain, and the whole yellow team was buried with him."

"It's all right now. It was originally the Three Kingdoms Killing, but now it's Chu and Han fighting for hegemony. I don't know who is better, the red team or the green team?"

"Yeah, no matter which team the yellow team teamed up with at the time, it's not like this now, right? At least they won't be KO'd by both teams!"

"It's late, the captain of the yellow team is an idiot, and he thought the other captains were all idiots? He deserved it for being wiped out!"


"Fuck! You can still play like this!" When Ye Chong saw this, he couldn't help but twitched his lips, "This f*cking martial arts command system really lives up to its name, and it actually investigates martial arts strategies during the double selection process, hehe, look It seems that it is really cultivating command talents, not bad! Not bad!"

Seeing that after the red team and the green team joined hands to form the yellow team, their faces changed instantly, their swords were on the verge of breaking out, but Ye Chong shook his head with a smile, and left there.

Looking at it further, it doesn't make much sense.

Whether the red team wins or the green team wins, it shows that the combined strength of this team's force and strategy is the highest.

Who does the martial arts command department want?

Isn't this kind of commanding talent who has both force and strategy?

Now that he understands the purpose and process, for Ye Chong, there is no need to really stay and watch the fun, after all, time is precious.

If you really have nothing to do, you might as well go to the free restaurant to have a good meal, and then find a way to earn more money and points.

On the wooden sign in the southeast corner are written the five words "Martial Arts Alchemy Department".

When Ye Chong walked there, he actually smelled a faint scent of medicine.

However, no one is alchemy here.

The reason why there is a scent of medicine is because there is an alchemy furnace in the center where everyone gathers. It looks as tall as a person, and there is not much dust. The scent of medicine comes from there.

At this very moment, there is a girl wearing an elegant Tsing Yi, explaining something around the alchemy furnace, and from time to time, she will do a few movements, as if she is really refining alchemy.

Whenever she struggled to pick up the top cover of the alchemy furnace with both hands, there would be a strong medicinal fragrance rushing out, which made people smell dangling and quite comfortable.

On the north side of the alchemy furnace, more than a dozen male and female teachers sat on a tall wooden board, listening quietly to the girl in Tsing Yi's explanation.

Some people nodded slightly.

Some people shook their heads slightly.

Some closed their eyes and meditated.

Some people have piercing eyes.

Ye Chong smiled and retreated quietly.

"It's really similar to what I imagined before. There are more girls in the Martial Art and Alchemy Department, and there are also many female teachers, haha.

With the lessons learned from the Yingdao Trial, I can no longer foolishly go into the mouth of a tiger.

At that time, if something really happens, it’s okay to do more work. If I take on extra responsibilities, I’m afraid I won’t be able to bear the birdishness. "

Of course, the Martial Arts Refining Department is in the southwest corner of the main square.

To be honest, there are quite a few people here, maybe five or six hundred people.

But what's interesting is that there are many girls in the martial arts refining department, but the martial arts refining department is just the opposite, boys obviously account for the majority.

In the central area where everyone gathers, there is a large weapon rack with many weapons placed on it.

There are about ten of them.

Pu Dao.

Mo Dao.

long sword.



Eyebrow stick.

Three point gun.


Although these weapons were common in the old world, especially in ancient times, they were commonly used in the military, but at this moment, in the eyes of the newly enrolled students of the Martial Arts Academy, they are full of indescribable charm.

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