Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 140 Simple and Complicated

The corner of Ye Chong's mouth curled up, ignoring Zhang Dong.

All that needs to be said.

Zhang Dong still insisted on his own ideas, what else could he say?

Adhere to your own ideals, go your own way, this sounds fine.

Seeing that Zhang Dong was still yelling, Ye Chong shook his head with a smile, turned around and was about to leave.

However, he immediately looked back subconsciously and discovered an interesting scene.

I saw two girls standing tightly beside Zhang Dong, dangling in the turbulent crowd, but their eyes were looking at themselves.

"This is... when Zhang Dong and I were eating in the restaurant, the two girls sitting next door.

No wonder Zhang Dong looks very masculine now, it turns out there is a reason for that.

However, what happened to the eyes of the two of them?

I owe them money?

I think should not be?

But why... why... are their gazes so complicated? "

Ye Chong quickly blinked forcibly and averted his gaze.

Otherwise, if the eyes are entangled for a long time, it is easy to cause problems.


He turned and left the middle position.

However, just as he passed by a group of people, he suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of danger.

He quickly moved away blankly.

After walking directly for more than ten meters, he turned around and looked.

There were about 30 people in that group, both men and women, all dressed neatly, all wearing black sweaters, black pants and black combat boots.

They all remained motionless, looking at the three big circles quietly, as if they were watching a play or waiting for something.


One of them suddenly turned his head and looked over.

Ye Chong remained expressionless, averted his gaze, turned around and left.

He didn't want to look for trouble and trouble himself. If he had that time, he might as well earn more points and money.

However, he did not go to the restaurant.

After such a toss, his stomach stopped growling, and instead he felt a little more interested in watching the fun.

"I don't intend to take the initiative to choose a department, but it doesn't mean that I don't need to know the specific situation of the five major departments.

Because I have to go to a department sooner or later, it is better to know in advance and go in clearly than to be confused.

Besides, the way Jiuwu Academy chooses the five major departments is quite interesting.

The Martial Arts Actual Combat Department obviously uses the three major circles as the assessment elements. When the set time comes, those who are in the circles are those from the Martial Arts Actual Combat Department, and those who are outside the circles will wait for the next opportunity.

This dual-choice approach is fine.

It's simple and rude, but it's the most practical, the most trouble-free, and the most authentic.

The students who entered the circle first expressed their attitude of wanting to study in the Martial Arts Combat Department.

The teacher sitting on the wooden platform quietly watched the circle or the circle, and also showed his attitude - as long as the circle is successful, we are welcome to enter the martial arts combat department.

In this way, first of all, the basic double-choice attitude of both teachers and students is clear.

What's next?

Then it's up to each other.

It doesn't matter whether it's force or strategy, whether it's EQ, IQ, or teamwork, as long as you can ensure that you stay in the circle within the set time.

The process is not important, what matters is the result. "

When thinking of this, Ye Chong smiled and shook his head.

"I don't know what the specific requirements are?

Maybe let's last a few minutes in the circle until the time comes?

Or is it that when the deadline comes, those who stay in the circle are considered successful?


In any case, those who enter the circle first may not have enough advantages.

I'm afraid that because of going in early, there will be more internal fighting, but too much energy will be wasted.

Once those guys who are waiting for work rush to attack, I am afraid that those who entered early will be defeated.

This guy Zhang Dong seems to be a sensible person, but in fact he still doesn't use his brain very much. Judging by his disheveled appearance, he probably has almost exhausted his physical strength, right?

These settings of the Martial Arts Combat Department are a bit awesome. This is to examine the comprehensive strength and training potential of a martial arts student through seemingly simple double selection.

It looks simple, but the intention is complicated. "


Ye Chong raised his eyes to look at the wooden platform in the distance, his eyes couldn't help showing a trace of respect.


He turned around and walked towards the northwest corner, and he could see from a long distance, there was a wooden sign erected with the words "Department of Martial Arts Studies" written on it.

There were quite a few people around there, about three or four hundred.

Interestingly, a labyrinth-like corridor was drawn on the ground surrounded by the crowd.

At this moment, a little fat man in loose clothes was standing in the center of the corridor maze, turning around, scratching his ears and cheeks, anxious.

However, what is strange is that among the crowd watching, none of them showed sarcasm or ridicule, but all of them looked solemn.

Even whispers were low, as if afraid of disturbing others.

"Is he probably similar to what I just encountered?

From the outside, it seems very simple, but if you really want to go in, it will be like entering a real corridor maze.

At the beginning, we could still find the way, but the further we went, the more forks in the road, which made people collapse all at once. "

"So powerful?! Is it a trick or an illusion? Why did it become so real?"

"It probably has both, and it's probably more than that. Hey, have you seen it? There is a formation plate in the center of the maze corridor graphic, and formation flags at the four corners. Maybe this is a small psychedelic magic circle."

"Damn it! It's so difficult to get into the Martial Arts Department, so why not just wait for random assignment, maybe you can also be assigned to the Martial Arts Department? This department is not very popular."

"That being said, the possibility of being randomly assigned to this department is very high, but do you think it will be fine?

Haha, impossible.

Those who take the initiative to double-select to enter each department are first-class citizens in the department, and the teachers in the department pay attention to it, and nothing good will be missed.

And those who are randomly assigned to each department are third-class citizens. The teachers don't want to see them, and they do all the dirty work in the department. They are almost like slaves. "

"Look at what you said, is it that serious?

Haha, and ah, you just mentioned first-class citizens and third-class citizens, why haven’t you heard of second-class citizens?

Eaten by you? "

"Second-class citizens?

Of course there is.

However, these second-class citizens did not exist at the beginning. Only those third-class citizens will be acquiesced after they have made arduous efforts, proved their own strength, and made significant contributions to the department or school. To become a second-class citizen.

Even so, the treatment of second-class citizens is not comparable to that of first-class citizens. "

"I'll go! Is there such a big difference between double-selection and random enrollment? It seems that we really need to prepare well."


Hearing these words, Ye Chong couldn't help but frown.

He suddenly felt that maybe things were not as simple as he thought, but rather complicated.

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