Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 130 Red Hammer

When Ye Chong and Zhang Dong left their seats, the two girls next door stared at them with wide eyes.

It should be said that these two girls still look full of youthful flavor.

One of the girls had a tear streak in the corner of her eye, which was the trace left by a cramped laugh.

The other girl was biting her red lips lightly, and her big eyes were twinkling, as if she was a little bit reluctant.

"Nympho!" Ye Chong muttered, drifting past.


A burst of convulsive laughter burst out again.

"Old Ye, no, sir, I'm bah!" Zhang Dong approached Ye Chong, with a meaningful smile on his face, "Dude, you are quite likable, let me tell you, then The two chicks are definitely interested in you."

"What about you?" Ye Chong asked casually while walking with a blank expression on his face.

"What about me?" Zhang Dong was taken aback for a moment, and then he grinned until his ears reached his ears, "You mean, do those two girls like me? Hehe, nonsense, look at my body, I'm definitely a fascinated person where."

"I'm asking if you're interested in me?" Ye Chong said calmly, "Say it straight, I don't like guessing."

"Fuck!" Zhang Dong yelled exaggeratedly, "I said buddy, are you really good at it?"

"Which one?" Ye Chong raised his mouth and continued, "Do you mean anything to me?"

"Brother," Zhang Dong lowered his voice, "Slow down, aren't you afraid of being heard by others?"

"What's the matter? I'm asking you, do you have a problem with orientation?" Ye Chong asked.

"Of course not, I'm a straight man~!" Zhang Dong replied with certainty, his eyes widened.

"Then what are you doing with my arm?" Ye Chong stopped, "Also, why are you sticking so close to me?"


Zhang Dong's face changed, his body shook, and he immediately drew his right hand from Ye Chong's left arm, panting:

"I'll go! Can this also be a piece?"

"What do you think?" The corner of Ye Chong's mouth twitched, "Holding someone else's arm is a hint—a bird depends on a person and follows him all his life."

"Hehe, then you say that you are carrying me like this in public, what do people think? My innocence is ruined by you alone?"

"I'll go! Dude, you really impress me!" Zhang Dong said with a dazed expression on his face, "I feel wronged by saying you are weird."


When the two talked and laughed and came to the main square, there were already quite a few people here.

The big square has the word "big", and it is indeed big.

Thousands of people are thrown here, which accounts for one-tenth of the area.

At this moment, the Grand Plaza is naturally divided into five areas.

They are the four corners and the middle.

"Did you see it? The position in the middle is the Martial Arts Combat Department, and it can be seen from this that it has a detached position in the Jiuwu Academy." Zhang Dong pointed to the position in the middle, "But after hearing what you said, I really feel a little Back off."

"What the hell, I originally wanted to lobby you and fight side by side with me, so as to attract the attention of the teachers of the combat department, but I didn't expect that in the end, I was brainwashed by you."

"Okay now, I'm really confused now, what should I do next?"

"Zhang Dong, everyone's situation is different. What I said is to live with the situation, and that is also for my own situation. After all, I am not a quasi-warrior." Ye Chong looked at the other party with a smile, "But you are different. , a three-star quasi-martial artist who is serious and honest, has the possibility of breaking through and becoming a martial artist at any time, once he becomes a junior martial arts fighter, which teacher doesn't like it?"

"This is especially true for the Martial Arts Combat Department, which lacks talents like you.

Just like what you said, from now on, I will not lack anything, my network is good, and my personal strength is growing fast. In fact, it is really good.

Zhang Dong, if I were you, I wouldn't be a mother-in-law. "

"I'll go!" Zhang Dong looked at the other party with a confused face, "Dude, you just brainwashed me, and now you want to do it the other way around, I... I'm so fucking..."

"Zhang Dong, please be more civilized, don't be so stupid, I'm doing it for your own good." Ye Chong smiled, "Anyway, the final choice is yours. In fact, a three-star quasi-warrior like you has a long He looks like a dog, and he is welcome wherever he goes!"

"I'm going! Dude, you are jealous!" Zhang Dong puffed out his chest, looking a little taller, "Don't tell me, I really want to go to the Department of Martial Arts now, buddy, what do you say? , can there be more girls in this department?"

"A lot, there must be a lot," Ye Chong smiled slightly, "So, after you go, you must be prepared in advance to do a lot of rough work, otherwise, you will lie down and rest all day, and let other girls do the work? Then Still a man?"

"Huh? That's right." Zhang Dong was stunned for a moment, then patted his head, "Oh, if you say that, you can't go to the Martial Arts Department either? What's wrong?"

"Haha, it's quite fun," Ye Chong looked at the other party's frowning look, and couldn't help but raise his mouth, "Okay, then you can think about it here, I have something to do, so I'll leave first, so I won't worry about it." You always say that I brainwash you or something to ruin my reputation."

After speaking, Ye Chong nodded towards the other party, and then swaggered away.

"..." Zhang Dong looked speechless, completely confused.

In fact, Ye Chong originally planned to take a look at the big square, maybe he changed his mind and chose a department that suits him.

However, now he is really not in the mood.

Because he wanted to lie down and think about it.

the reason is simple.

When the giant Han Mou violently combined with the power of the Mou family to explode his blood, he encountered something that shocked him unceasingly.

That incoherent system is at fault again.

At the moment when the Mou family collectively erupted and suppressed, the three lines of small characters in their minds were suddenly wrapped in a light yellow transparent circle, and on the periphery of the light yellow circle, a small red hammer kept hitting Tap the light yellow circle.

The red hammer is also bigger for a while, and smaller for a while. Every time there is a change, a corresponding number will appear.








And these numbers are splashing around like a kaleidoscope in my mind.

Every time the red hammer knocked down, he would feel a faint soreness and pain.

"Now that I think about it, that red hammer should be the energy and blood of the Mou family's joint efforts, and those jumping numbers represent the immediate strength of the explosion of the blood and energy of the Mou family.

But the question is, what is that small pale yellow circle?

It's like protecting the three lines of small black characters on the body, energy and spirit.

Well, the problem is coming.

What do those three lines of small characters mean?

Is it alluding to my body or is it?

Speaking of which, if there is no protection of the light yellow circle, the three lines of small characters may soon be completely collapsed under the blow of the red hammer, right? "

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