"Uncle Ye, can you stop being a fool?" Zhang Dong looked a little helpless, "I really want to ask for advice."

"Speak human words, don't talk about Mr. Ye, it's like swearing." Ye Chong glanced at the other party with a smile, "Call Master Ye!"

"Fuck you!" Zhang Dong rolled up his sleeves with a smile, "How dare you take advantage of me?"

"That's fine, let's have a good talk," Ye Chong frowned and looked at each other, "But before that, you can't wipe the corners of your mouth anymore? I don't know, I thought you stole someone's milk? "

"What?" Zhang Dong looked confused, but he reacted immediately, and wiped his mouth, while angrily said, "Am I that kind of person? How can I grab milk from other people's children?"

"It's not good for you to drink the leftovers from other people's children." Ye Chong smiled and leaned back.


Zhang Dong just picked up the cup and took a sip, and immediately sprayed it out.

Fortunately, Zhang Dong reacted quickly. He turned his head at the critical moment and sprayed it on the ground beside him.

The two girls sitting next door looked quite innocent, and they all looked over with cute faces.

While Zhang Dong was embarrassed, Ye Chong laughed and said, "He has milk!"


Zhang Dong lay down on the table and sprayed wildly.


The two girls immediately leaned forward and back together, laughing softly like silver bells.

Ye Chong couldn't help but shook his head, sighed, and murmured, "It's all right now, it's not milk, but spitting milk."


Whoa, whoa, whoa!

The joyful laughter and violent coughing immediately attracted the attention of the people around. Ye Chong immediately lowered his head and started eating and drinking.

Fortunately, Zhang Dong's control ability is not bad, otherwise, it would have really ruined a sumptuous lunch.

After a long time, Zhang Dong straightened up, wiped his lips with a tissue, looked fiercely at the other party and said:

"Ye Chong, the third impression you gave me is not good!"

"I think you're a pervert in human clothing."

Ye Chong ate and drank, paused politely and said, "And then?"

"Then," Zhang Dong was stunned for a moment, "What then? There is no after."

"Okay, since there is no further," Ye Chong nodded, picked up the napkin and wiped his mouth, and said to the other party seriously: "Then let's break up."


Just as Zhang Dong took a sip from the soy milk cup, he opened his mouth uncontrollably and sprayed wildly on the ground.


The laughter of the girl next door was almost like the cry of a lark.

It's just that the two girls were laughing up and down, ups and downs, blushing.

Ye Chong glanced at the two of them, then shrugged, and continued to eat and drink.

Zhang Dong managed to raise his head, but for some reason, before he could speak, he lowered his head again and burst out laughing.

This is fine.

The two girls next door burst into laughter.

Da da da!

Ye Chong knocked on the table, then hiccupped and said, "Stop laughing, this is a restaurant, eat well and talk well."


Zhang Dong took a hard breath, raised his head and said, "I will never have dinner with you next time, it will kill me!"

"There will be no next time between us!" Ye Chong took a sip of tea, "We have already broken up!"

Whoa, whoa, whoa!


There was another burst of laughter and coughing.

"Eat quickly, Zhang Dong." Ye Chong glanced at the neighbor, "Don't let others see the joke, don't say a word."

"No, I can't eat it," Zhang Dong shook his head, "Ye Chong, tell me what you think? I think your speculation and judgment are indeed reasonable."

Ye Chong nodded and said slowly:

"You don't believe what I say. In fact, I really don't have any good ideas. It's better to just go with the situation."

"What? Go with the situation?" Zhang Dong was stunned, "What does this mean?"

"What's the point?" Ye Chong sighed softly, "However the Nine Martial Academy wants to arrange, let me let it go, and go wherever it is assigned, otherwise, what should I do?"

"Brother, are you too passive?" Zhang Dong looked like a deflated ball, "How can this be done?"

"Hehe," Ye Chong took a sip of tea, then shook his head, "Actually, sometimes, if you are not passive, how can you take the initiative? For someone like me who is not even a quasi-warrior, it is a helpless choice." what."

"What do you mean by this?" Zhang Dong was really confused.

"If I take the initiative to choose which department, I will be responsible for my actions." Ye Chong frowned slightly, and said slowly:

"And if I choose a certain department passively, if there is something inappropriate in the future, I can still have a reason to make a request."

"This is changing from passive to active, leaving a way out for myself."

"Huh?" Zhang Dong couldn't help but brighten his eyes when he heard this, and murmured, "Lao Ye, what you said is a bit philosophical, yes!"

"Yes!" Ye Chong smiled slightly, "You can just call me Master from now on."

"Fuck you!" Zhang Dong rolled up his sleeves and began to bury his head in his meal, muttering, "You always take advantage of me, so I'll call you Daye from now on."

"That's fine, I like to hear the word uncle too." Ye Chong nodded with a smile.


The girl next door burst into laughter again, looking at Ye Chong with a look of reluctance.

In fact, Ye Chong knew in his heart that some things can only be thought in his heart, but he can't say it with his mouth.

Take the matter of choosing a department this time as an example, although he told Zhang Dong what was in his heart, he didn't explain it thoroughly.

In fact, he was also very inclined to choose the martial arts combat department, but as the amount of information he obtained increased, he gained new views and understandings.

What Zhang Dong said about the strengths and advantages of the Martial Arts Actual Combat Department was correct, but that was for normal Martial Arts Academy students.

But, is Ye Chong normal?

That's right.


Because in his last life, he saw a lot of information and materials in the martial arts world on a dark and deep website.

Among them are a huge number of martial arts skills and combat skills.

In that life, he really worked hard to remember these things.

Unexpectedly, this life really benefited him a lot.

At least he does not lack martial arts skills and combat skills.

From this point of view, the great advantage of the Martial Arts Combat Department has no real meaning to him.

Perhaps for him, the most lacking things now are time, resources for cultivation and advice from famous teachers.

In terms of time, the Martial Arts Combat Department obviously has no obvious advantage compared to other major departments.

For cultivation resources, it can be simply understood as one-card points. After all, this kind of thing can solve almost all the things that cultivation lacks.

Then, getting points is indeed the fastest way to do tasks, and the other is to exchange for mutant beast materials.

But the problem is that these two main channels for obtaining points don't mean that they have to be in the martial arts combat system.

In contrast, Ye Chong of course prefers to act alone.


Very simple.

Because whether it is carrying a drag bottle or becoming someone else's drag bottle, it will make people feel unfree and unable to achieve the best results.

That is to say, the advantage of the Martial Arts Combat Department is of no real significance to him.

As for practical experience?

And warrior connections?

Is that still a problem for him?

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