
What are you going to do in the deep mountains and old forests without weapons?


Even if you travel, you have to bring something with you to go to that kind of place, right?

Who knows if there will be a weird guy in the dark primeval forest?

What if a bad person uses force on him?

What's more, it is still a new world after the recovery of aura, where old species continue to mutate and evolve, and new species emerge one after another.

Before the new era, the Leqing Mountains were synonymous with deep mountains, old forests, clear mountains and clear waters. There are many strange creatures in it, and there are even some ferocious beasts.

What if a big guy really came out and stared at me?

It's impossible to get caught without a fight.

Then hit.


with fist?

Or bite?

These are not reliable.

Gotta need a weapon.

But Ye Chong doesn't have a weapon on him now.

The dark night sword, dagger, and alloy combined shield used in the trial on Yingdao last time were all belongings of the coastal garrison of the Great Eastern Sea.

Now Ye Chong can be said to have no sharp weapon.

Originally, he wanted to buy it in Zhongdu City, but there was no military standard weapon for sale.

There are civilian ones.

Such as a kitchen knife.

But that thing is good for scaring children, if you really wave it in front of the mutant beast, will they pee laughing?

Damn, how embarrassing would it be if a person really made the enemy laugh out loud?

no way.

Ye Chong walked around the room again.


His eyes lit up.

No weapons, right?

Find a little villain.

Ye Chong quickly squatted down, picked up the little villain, and looked at it against the sun.

Not to mention, it wasn't wiped or wiped, the blood stains on the surface of the house are all gone.


Refreshing and refreshing.

It's very touching to touch.

"Let's go, little villain." Ye Chong smiled and patted the dinosaur egg fossil in his hand, and put it in his backpack.

Have no idea.

The little villain is now his most powerful weapon.

What else?

When encountering mutant beasts, do you really use your teeth to bite?

It has to be baked, right?

The geographical location of Nanhu Community is very good. There is rail transit not far from the gate of the community. After changing cars twice, Ye Chong went to the suburbs.

It's not dark yet, and there are very few pedestrians on the road.

After Ye Chong bypassed a newly built military fortress, he ran forward like a girl.

Anyway, no one.

Even if someone sees it, what can it do?

He ran so fast that he couldn't see who it was even if he tried to look.

Even to say something irresponsible, running so fast, you may not even be able to see clearly.

Whoosh whoosh!

Ye Chong quickly disappeared among the flowers, green grass and big trees.


The moonlight is bright and clear, and the breeze caresses gently.

In a valley forest where birds and insects are singing, a group of elephant-like wild boars keep pushing their noses to the ground.

Suddenly, one of the wild boars dug out something from the ground, chewed it, and let out a pig cry.

Even people who don't understand pig calls can tell that this pig is very happy now.

Because if you are unhappy, it is impossible for the pig's cry to be mixed with a provocative moan.

Boom boom boom!

Soon, other wild boars rushed over, interrupting the peace and quiet of the valley and forest.

Immediately, indescribable pig squawking rang out.

This feeling is like the chaos caused by hurting the buttocks of several pigs with a stick in the pigsty before the new era.

At this time, on a big tree against the wind not far away, Ye Chong crouched among the thick branches, quietly observing everything in front of him.

If you can look carefully, you will find that there is a smile on the corners of his mouth and eyes.

"It stands to reason that there is no shortage of ingredients now, but this group of fat mutant wild boars came here to dig for food.

the reason is simple.

Because here they discover an unforgettable delicacy.

Ha ha.

What else could there be in such a woodland?

Of course it is the wild boar's favorite delicacy - truffles. "

When thinking of this, Ye Chong couldn't help touching his nose.

He was very clear.

Whether it is a black truffle or a white truffle, the smell is unique and distinct.

But, sorry.

His nose was covered with heavy mud, so he couldn't smell this smell.

Pigs can, though.

Especially wild boar.

Otherwise, how could wild boars grow so fat?

In the final analysis, nutrition can keep up.

How did you keep up?

There are many good things.

Why are there so many good things?

Of course, the pig's nose is sensitive.

Therefore, as soon as Ye Chong entered the Leqing Mountains, he immediately started looking for wild boars.

Speaking of which, the wild boars of today are very different from the wild boars of the past.

It's like it's magnified several times.

If looking for traces of wild boars was a technical job before, it is not now.

As long as you can smell pig shit.

The mutated wild boar is big, eats a lot, pulls a lot, wherever it goes, where it is pulled, and the smell of mutated wild boar feces is very special, very aggressive, and full of urine.

Therefore, Ye Chong quickly discovered the target.

And followed this group of mutated wild boars all the way to this valley forest.

"However, the place was found, but a new problem came up again." Ye Chong frowned, thinking to himself, "Damn, these foodies will eat it all night if they find something delicious, and they won't break up if they don't eat clean."

"Then I... just hide in a tree and watch a show?"

"Then what am I doing all the way here?"

"Just to enjoy watching wild boars bigger than elephants eating and shitting at the same time?"

"Then even if there is something left over from these big fat pigs, I can't pick them out from the pig shit."


As soon as Ye Chong caught the little villain, he wanted to do it.

However, at the next moment, he hesitated.

Without a weapon at hand, it is not easy to kill these mutated wild boars one by one. Once they are besieged, the consequences will be unimaginable.

But he also knew in his heart that it would be impossible to wait any longer.

If the wind direction changes, even if he holds his breath and concentrates to restrain his breath, he will probably be spotted by these bright-nosed things.

If that's the case, it's better to start early.

What should I do?

He really has a headache.

Da la la!

The phone beeped a message.

Hemp egg!

To be finished!

Ye Chong let out a secret cry, and took out his phone, but the mess became more and more chaotic.

There is a bright light on the phone screen.

In the endless night, what is the light?

It's a guiding light.

Whose guiding light?

Well of course it is...

Boom boom boom!

This group of wild boars suddenly became completely crazy as if they had been beaten with chicken blood.

One by one scrambled over each other, as if they had seen something that made them dream of.

Immediately, in the valley and woodland, the cries of crazy pigs rang out all at once.

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