Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 114 Something is missing

Mou Bao, that is, a giant man with a leopard head and ring eyes, a three-star quasi-warrior, with outstanding combat skills and rich actual combat experience, is the head of the Mou family's disciples sent by the Mou family to Kyushu Martial Arts Academy.

Mou Ba, Mou Bao's cousin, also known as Scarface, a two-star quasi-warrior, is a stabbing head, and even more ruthless. There were also scars on his face.

The two stood by the door of Terrace 3691, anxiously waiting for the target to appear, while continuing to talk.

"But brother, don't you have to become a martial artist to practice martial arts and combat skills?" Mou Ba was full of doubts, "He...isn't even a one-star quasi-martial artist, so he can use martial arts skills?"

"Is there anything impossible?" Mou Bao narrowed his eyes, "Aren't most of our Mou family also have some martial arts skills?"

"But brother, how can this be the same?" Scarface raised his eyebrows, "We are members of the martial arts family, and the simplified or improved versions of martial arts skills and combat skills can be practiced in advance, and that guy is just from three Martial arts examinees in small cities in the fourth tier, who can get in touch with some good martial arts skills and skills are considered to be very popular, and want to practice martial arts skills and combat skills? How is this possible?!"

"Mou Ba, you can't say that," the giant man with leopard head and ring eyes shook his head, "Although our Mou family is a martial arts family, we rank low in the martial arts world, and even we have a simplified version suitable for martial artists to practice before. Martial arts and combat skills, not to mention those famous schools and families with profound heritage."

When he said this, the giant man with leopard head and ring eyes narrowed his eyes, and then said:

"It was hard to say before, but after the revival of spiritual energy, the door of the martial arts world has been opened to the secular world. Who can guarantee that those simplified and improved versions of martial arts skills and combat skills will not be spread?"

"What? How is this possible?" Mou Ba with a scarred face frowned, "Brother, even if there are simplified or improved versions of martial arts skills and combat skills that spread, they will not easily fall into the ranks of that guy." Is it in someone's hands?"

"That guy? That kind of person? Hehe." The leopard-headed, ring-eyed giant Mou shook his head with a violent smile, "Brother, you forgot the default rules of our martial arts world."

"What default rule?" Mou Ba with a scarred face was stunned, "You mean... force is paramount? But..."

"No but!" The leopard-headed giant man waved his hands, "Wherever force is respected, strength is paramount."

"The same is true in the secular world. A person's development potential determines the future and represents strength."

"Mou Ba, think about it, if this kid is really attracted by people in the martial arts world, then in the current environment, will it really be a problem to teach him the simplified version of martial arts skills or combat skills?"

"No, and it's normal."

"..." Scarface opened his mouth, then nodded, without speaking.

"What's more, if this kid is related to a certain expert in the martial arts world, or is simply an illegitimate child," the leopard-headed, ring-eyed giant narrowed his eyes and said slowly: "Then don't talk about a simplified version or The improved version of martial arts and combat skills, no matter how many benefits are given, it is possible."

"What?!" Mou Ba with a scarred face was a little confused, "Brother, what do you mean... that guy probably has a background in the martial arts world?"

"..." Mou Bao, a giant man with leopard head and eyes around him, pursed his lips tightly, looked up at the sky, and said nothing.

"If this is the case, if we kill this kid, we will also offend the people behind him." Mou Ba with a scarred face frowned, with a hint of complexity in his eyes, "and the people behind him... probably He's a martial arts master we can't afford to mess with."

"Hey, Mou Ba, although I'm just speculating, I can't find enough reasons to refute it," said the leopard-headed, ring-eyed giant Mou Bao slowly:

"Otherwise, a secular boy from the third and fourth tiers, not even a first-star quasi-martial artist, has a combat power far superior to that of the same level, and, most importantly, has such courage to dare to fight against the martial arts family." Right?"

"Isn't this… strange?"

"Brother," Mou Ba with a scarred face flickered and looked at him, "You mean, we won't deal with this kid anymore?"

"Don't clean it up? Hehe, of course not." The leopard-headed giant man smiled coldly and lowered his voice: "It's impossible to ignore the huge sum of 300 million yuan and the face of our Mou family, but, Maybe we should switch to a safer way."

"Brother means..." Mou Ba with the scarred face glanced at the towering building, stepped forward and said in a low voice, "Take care of him at another time?"

"Or else?" Mou Bao, a giant man with a leopard head and eyes around him, smiled sinisterly, "I can't do it without changing the time."

South Lake District.

Ye Chong wandered around the house for a few times, but couldn't fall asleep, and couldn't continue to practice. He wanted to go back to school, but a call from an unknown person made him give up the urge to go back.

The teachers of Jiuwu Academy have all returned from missions, and there will definitely be some important academic arrangements in the future.

If something goes wrong at this time, regardless of right or wrong, I am afraid that if I am not careful, I will be used as a punching bag by these teachers who have not gone well with the task, right?

After all, the Mou family is also a martial arts family in the martial arts world, and has important influence. Even if the Jiuwu Academy intends to punish them, it is impossible to lose the big because of small things. It is good to show it.

But what about him?

After all, he was just an ordinary martial arts examinee from a third- and fourth-tier city, with slightly higher grades, so he was admitted to the Nine Martial Arts Academy.

No strength.

No background.

Such people are highly replaceable, and there is no shortage of them in the world. Using such people as a knife can not only kill chickens and monkeys, but also end the development of the situation.

"Damn, I don't care if I'm afraid or not, I really can't go back right away." Ye Chong stood on the balcony and looked at the beautiful scenery of blooming flowers and lush vegetation outside the window, and couldn't help but move in his heart: "Maybe, I should go Did you go to the Leqing Mountains?"

He frowned, walked back and forth in the room twice, and made some calculations.

Under the condition of going out of the city with the help of transportation, with his foot strength, he can enter the Leqing Mountains in less than two hours.

That meant he had almost a whole night to scout for black and white truffles before heading back to town the next morning.

Anyway, his mobile phone number has been filed and registered. If the school has the latest notice, it will send a mass message as soon as possible.

And now it's almost mid-afternoon and there is no news. It is estimated that he will not come today.

Even if there will be news, it must be to arrange tomorrow's affairs. If it's a big deal, I'll come back early, so I won't delay the matter.


Ye Chong put on his backpack and was ready to go.

But when he was about to go out, he suddenly felt that something was missing.

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