The martial arts of the heavens start from Wudang

Chapter 570 Xu Xiao's Reaction

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Wuding Temple, located in the east of Qingliang Mountain, was originally just a small Buddhist temple with few incense sticks.However, because the princess of Beiliang went to offer incense and pray for blessings from time to time, and then got the support of the Beiliang palace, she gradually prospered and became well-known.

About half an hour later, Dai Daojin and his party arrived at their destination.

Standing in front of the Wuding Temple, Dai Daojin stopped and looked. The Spiritual God scanned the entire temple in an instant, gaining insight into everything. In the entire Wuding Temple, there are two masters who have stepped into the first-rank and fourth-level realms. way.

Although it is a Buddhist temple, its background is shallow, and there are no Buddhist masters.

Beside, although Yuan Zuozong's subordinates didn't know why the other party stopped, they didn't dare to say much and waited silently.

Sensing a sharp sword intent in the hall ahead, Dai Daojin smiled and said, "Let's go." As he spoke, he climbed up the stairs.

After walking the steps, you will see a small square with a huge incense burner in the center, and sandalwood incense curling up.

There are some pilgrims in the square, quite a few of them, mostly talking in low voices.

Passing through the square, I saw a line of armored soldiers silently guarding both sides of the hall, and I thought Wu Su was inside at the moment.No wonder the pilgrims outside behaved carefully and did not dare to speak loudly. They probably knew who this person was inside.

Dai Daojin turned his head to look at Jia Jiajia, and said calmly, "You wait for me outside."

Jia Jiajia nodded, "Yes, sir."

As soon as Yuan Zuozong's subordinates were about to speak, they saw the person in front of them and slowly walked into the hall. The soldiers guarding the hall seemed to have not seen anyone entering, and they did not respond, which not only made his scalp numb.

Dai Daojin entered the main hall, and there were only two people in the hall.

Standing was a tall armored woman holding a wide iron sword. The sharp sword intent that I felt in front of the palace just now came from this person.

The other person was dressed in fine clothes, knelt on the futon, closed his eyes and said nothing, as if praying for blessings.

Although she is kneeling, her posture is still graceful.

Zhao Yutai turned his head and looked around, it was a movement that Miss Guard often did.

Touching the black figure, her pupils shrank, her heart froze, and the long sword in her hand was almost instinctively drawn out of its sheath instantly, and the sword energy howled, spreading across the entire hall in an instant.

Although the sword was out of its sheath, Zhao Yutai, the armored maidservant, held her heart tightly. She didn't even notice that this man entered the hall, not even the change of light and shadow.

Looking at the howling sword energy, Dai Daojin said softly: "In front of the Buddha, it is not good to use a sword rashly."

I didn't see him doing anything else. He stretched out his finger and tapped the tip of the sword energy lightly. The sword energy was like colored glass, which shattered inch by inch and disappeared into nothing.

"Yutai, stop." A gentle voice came out.

The maidservant in armor paused, sheathed her sword, and walked to Wu Su who was standing up.

Wu Su looked at the black-robed man in front of him, although he was surprised why this man was here, he still smiled warmly and said, "I haven't seen you for many years, how are you, sir?"

With a smile on his face, Dai Daojin glanced at Wu Su, who was becoming more and more graceful, then moved his gaze back, and landed on Tathagata Jin sitting on the high platform in the center of the hall.

He laughed and said: "I don't want to think that the Wu family's sword crown who used the sword in his hand to question the world, now believes in gods and Buddhas."

Swordsmen, especially those with high achievements, often have a sense of arrogance in their hearts, do not believe in ghosts and gods, only believe in hand swords, go forward bravely, and break through all obstacles.

Wu Su listened, smiled, and said: "Mr. You are joking. I am not a sword crown of the Wu family. I am just a wife and a mother. I came here only to hope that my children will be more happy and less suffering in the future." .”

As she spoke, she turned her head to look at the golden body of the Buddha, and clasped her hands together, "If the Buddha blesses you, why not believe in the Buddha?"

Dai Daojin was silent.

Logically speaking, back then, Wu Su was despised by Zhu Wushi's great celestial phenomena skills, his cultivation base was abolished, and his sword heart state fell.Even after so many years, it will never become like this. In Dai Daojin's perception, Wu Su's spirit is no different from that of ordinary people.

This also means that Wu Su's sword heart has completely disappeared, it means that the swordsmanship she upholds in her heart has completely disappeared, and it means that the inner support of the previous 20 years has completely disappeared and ceased to exist.

And all of this, except for Wu Su herself, no one else can do it.

Before coming, Dai Daojin knew that even with Zhu Wushi's hand letter, what Xu Xiao did was still under great pressure. Even if he gritted his teeth and agreed, many incidents would definitely happen.

So he once thought about reshaping Wu Su's physical body. As long as Wu Su's sword heart does not disappear completely, her martial arts path can be restarted. Further resources.

It is also unknown to become the first land female sword fairy throughout the ages.

Dai Daojin also believed that with Xu Xiao's feelings for Wu Su, he could not refuse this condition.

That's why he came here first when he heard that Wu Su was in Wuding Temple.

But he didn't expect that Wu Suxin's spirit as a swordsman was gone, and she completely turned into an ordinary person.

The inner support of the first half of her life was voluntarily dispersed, which meant that she had found her sustenance and what she was looking for again.That is Xu Xiao, King of Beiliang, and several of her children.

In the main hall, Wu Su turned around to look at the man in black robe, and said with a smile, "Sir, what's the matter here? If you want to find Xu Xiao, I have to trouble you to wait a little longer..."

Dai Daojin looked at this gentle and elegant woman with slightly complicated eyes, sighed, his eyes returned to calm, and the deep indifference resurfaced.

"Don't wait, he's here."

"Haha, I received a letter from Zuo Zong saying that the master is here, and I thought he had identified the wrong person. I didn't expect it to be true..." Before the person appeared, a rough voice came from outside the hall.

Dai Daojin turned around and looked at the gate of the palace with a calm expression.

A burly man in brocade clothes came in. He was not tall, but he had a heroic air. His brows and eyes were full of wind and frost, which added a bit of solemnity and majesty. It was Xu Xiao, the king of Beiliang, followed by the white robe The young player Chen Zhibao.

Xu Xiao walked into the hall, approached Wu Su, and held Wu Su's hand.

Wu Su lightly shook his hand to indicate that he was fine.

All this happened relatively secretly, the husband and wife were connected, Xu Xiao felt relieved, smiled and said to Dai Daojin: "I haven't seen you for many years, how are you, sir?"

Dai Daojin also smiled, nodded and said: "Very good."

Xu Xiao said again: "Sir, I don't know if there is anything I can do for Xu Xiao?"

When the real master came, Dai Daojin said it directly.

After Xu Xiao heard a few words, the smile on his face subsided, and his face became a little serious.

Wu Su next to him frowned.

Chen Zhibao frowned even more. Over the years, he had faintly become the second person in the Beiliang army system, and even said that besides Xu Xiao, the most prestigious person in Beiliang.He naturally knew what an exaggerated fortification it would be if he dug up Kunlun Mountain according to what the person in front of him said.

Shaking the silver gun that shook hands, Chen Zhibao felt a little worried. If the adoptive father agreed, it would have an unpredictable impact on Beiliang.

But if you don't agree?

Chen Zhibao looked at the smiling black-robed man, and thought that that night in Taichuan City, the magic weapon "plum wine" in his hand could not bring him a sense of security.

After Dai Daojin finished speaking, he didn't say any more, just watched the three people in front of him, especially Xu Xiao's reaction.

The serious expression on Xu Xiao's face slowly dissipated, his smile was a little unnatural, and he said, "This is not a place to talk, sir, it's the first time he came to Beiliang, how can he be negligent, please go back home, let me clean up the dust for him."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look at Chen Zhibao, and ordered: "Go, go back and get ready. My husband and I will be there soon."

Chen Zhibao glanced at Xu Xiao's eyes, bowed and took the order to leave.

He wanted to go back and tell Li Yishan about this incident, which was also a hint from his foster father.I hope that counselor who is as deep as the sea can solve this crisis, otherwise this huge fortification will completely drag the whole of Beiliang to death. .

Xu Xiao looked at Dai Daojin and said with a smile, "Sir, please."

Dai Daojin didn't seem to notice the thoughts of the few people at all, or he didn't care much. He readily agreed to Xu Xiao's invitation and nodded with a smile.

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