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Jia Jiajia picked up the steaming rice soup, opened her mouth and drank it. She said it was rice soup, but it was just a few grains of brown rice floating in the clear soup.

The warm soup ran across his throat and swallowed into his stomach, warming his entire chest.

Afterwards, Jia Jiajia scooped out the little bottom left in the pot, which was only half a bowl.

She walked to the corner and reached out to hold the hatchet. She was no stranger to this hatchet, after all, she was also responsible for chopping wood.

After drinking some rice soup, my body became warmer and I gained some strength. Holding the hatchet, I held it horizontally and tilted it casually, and unexpectedly, a cold light flashed across the air.

This phenomenon made her stunned again, but the shouting and cursing outside brought her back to her senses.

Bring the remaining rice soup and half a bowl of wild vegetables to the main room.

"Damn girl, why are you so slow? Believe it or not, I'll kill you." The smell of alcohol filled the air, and she continued to yell and curse.

Jia Jiajia didn't speak, staring at the man in front of him, feeling like he hadn't seen him for a long time, but the man's dark complexion, scar on his forehead, and cloudy and yellow eyes were very familiar.

This is my father, as a husband, let his wife pick up guests and do the half-closed door, and earn money for himself to buy wine and drink.As a father, regardless of the life and death of his four-year-old daughter, he beat and scolded him frequently and treated him extremely harshly.

Jia Jiajia's heart suddenly filled with great hatred. Standing behind the man on the left, she held up her right hand, which was always behind her back, held it with both hands, and swung it down violently.

The man seemed to be aware of it, and turned his head while cursing.

Cold light flashed.


"Pfft..." The blood flew up like a fountain.

A head rolled on the corner of the table, with rice grains on the corner of his mouth, his eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe it. What he couldn't believe was how a four-year-old girl dared to kill someone, and it was his own father.Perhaps what he couldn't believe even more was how the little girl had such strength to cut off her own head.

However, he never thought about why a girl could lift a hatchet to chop wood when she was four years old. This is an incredible thing.

How could an ordinary girl have such great strength.

Jia Jiajia stared blankly at the corpse on the ground, feeling no fear at all, only felt relieved, there was a humming sound in her ear, she turned her head to look, and saw the door of the inner room, her mother's eyes were wide open, and her hands were tightly covering the body. Mouth, fatigued on the ground.

She threw away the hatchet, walked up to her mother, and said in a low voice, "Mother, don't be afraid."

The woman hugged her violently, crying silently, but also felt relieved.

Immediately afterwards, the woman was tidied up a little bit, and she carried the little girl on her back and fled for her life in the dark.

Jia Jiajia lay on her mother's back, her future was unknown, but she only felt at ease, and soon fell into a deep sleep.


It was already the second day when Jia Jiajia woke up to the smell of chicken soup.

Opening her eyes, a village woman smiled at her and said, "Little girl, you are awake, come and drink the soup."

Jia Jiajia felt a little sore in her body, and propped herself up. Instead of rushing to drink soup, she asked, "Where's sir?"

The village woman hurriedly said: "You are talking about the old man in black, right? He went out and said he would be back later."

Jia Jiajia was silent for a while, instead of drinking the chicken soup, she felt her body for a while. Except for some swelling and pain in the meridians, there was nothing unusual about it.But for some reason, she felt that the whole person seemed to lose a layer of shackles, and she felt a sense of relaxation from the inside out.

He took the chicken soup and drank it in small sips.

"woke up."

Jia Jiajia looked up to see Dai Daojin and smiled, "Sir."

Dai Daojin chuckled, "Just wake up, finish the soup, and we should go." Seeing Jia Jiajia's smile, and feeling that his spirituality was far more lively than before, Dai Daojin knew that this time the effect was good.

Before, Jia Jiajia seldom smiled even in front of Dai Daojin.

Jia Jiajia finished the soup in a few sips, and the two left the village.

On the way, neither of them mentioned the previous incident. Dai Daojin didn't care, but Jia Jiajia kept it in his heart.


The sound of bowstrings sounded in the mountains and forests.

Not far away, a wild deer fell down in response.

"Brother Yuan is good at it." A voice of admiration sounded.

Yuan Zuozong's tall body stood still, nailed to the ground, holding a longbow in his right hand, he didn't seem to notice the praise in his ears, but there was a trace of disgust in the depths of his eyes.

The one who spoke was also a teenager, about ten years old, this person was Li Hanlin, the son of the governor of Fengzhou, who had a close relationship with Xu Fengnian, the eldest son of the King of Beiliang.

However, Yuan Zuozong didn't like this person, because this person's heart is extremely vicious, and his temper is explosive and irritable at a young age. , the people of Fengzhou can be said to dare not speak out.

Who made Fengzhou's Li Dadudu rely on the big tree of Beiliang King?

Yuan Zuozong handed the bow and arrow to the left and right, and he would not have bothered to do it if the prince hadn't insisted on him hunting.

Why did Xu Fengnian and Li Hanlin not do anything when they came out to hunt?Two playboys, who can't even draw their bows, talk about hunting.

Li Hanlin and Xu Fengnian happily picked up the wild deer, and packed up to make a barbecue.

Yuan Zuozong ignored the two of them, thinking in his heart, the princess went to Wuding Temple to offer incense, and sent himself to protect His Royal Highness.I think the prince will go to Wuding Temple to pick up the princess today.

He is willing to protect the princess, but he would rather go to the army to practice with these two little kids.

While he was busy there, suddenly a subordinate hurried up to him and whispered something to him.

Yuan Zuozong frowned when he heard it, hesitated for a moment, and said in a low voice: "Are you reading that right?"

The man nodded, and replied in a low voice: "General, my subordinates followed you back then, and I was fortunate enough to meet that man on that day. He was born as a villain scout, and his memory is not bad, so he probably won't admit his mistake."

After hearing this, Yuan Zuozong fell silent.

Afterwards, he ordered a few words in a low voice.

Not long after, more than [-] people hiding around gradually approached this side, and the guards became more and more strict, but Yuan Zuozong left quietly.


On the trail, Dai Daojin and Jia Jiajia were walking casually when they suddenly stopped.

Jia Jiajia was vigilant and looked curiously at the tall man holding a silver gun in front of him. The man was followed by two attendants. He saw the man approaching and cupped his hands and said, "So it's really Mr., I thought it was a mistake from the people below. Yuan Zuozong has seen Mr.

Hearing Yuan Zuozong's name, Jia Jiajia suddenly realized that he could meet a master at random, and it turned out to be Xu Xiao's adopted son.

I felt that I was being spied on before, and I thought it was this person's subordinate.

Dai Daojin sized up Yuan Zuozong, and said with a smile, "I remember you, how is Xu Xiao?"

Yuan Zuozong said respectfully: "My lord's body is strong, very good." He couldn't help but be disrespectful, what he saw that day subverted his understanding of martial arts, like a god and demon, martial arts supernatural powers can change the world, raise a height to a peak, and sink to the ground for the sea.

In the battle of Taichuan City, the impact of the entire giant city disappearing overnight has been firmly imprinted in Yuan Zuozong's head.

This person set foot in Beiliang and came to Lingzhou. I don't know where he came from?Yuan Zuozong felt a little worried.

Dai Daojin glanced at him faintly, then smiled lightly and said, "What are you doing here? Take me to see Xu Xiao."

Yuan Zuozong seemed to be prepared, and said in a deep voice: "The princess and His Royal Highness are going out to play, and they will protect the prince here. Today, the princess is offering incense in Wuding Temple to pray for blessings. The prince is going to pick up the princess and go home."

There is no need for him to lie about these things, and he has already sent them to the prince with a flying letter just now, so the prince should be prepared.

Dai Daojin nodded after hearing this, and said lightly: "In that case, you do your business, I will go to Wuding Temple to meet Xu Xiao, and send someone to lead the way.".

After finishing speaking, Dai Daojin lifted his foot and left.

Yuan Zuozong hurriedly moved out of the way, and motioned to a subordinate beside him. That subordinate was the one who had recognized Dai Daojin before, and he hurriedly followed after taking the order.

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