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After half a month, the city of Emperor Wu has arrived.

The carriage stopped, and the young eunuch and Zhu Wushi got out of the carriage, and stopped to look at the magnificent city by the East Sea.

Even if the people are still outside the city, the boiling popularity inside the city and the vast blood of warriors are like the torch in the darkness, which is eye-catching.And Emperor Wu City is like a big brazier.

The young eunuch smiled lightly and said: "This city is amazing, before the idle yin thing gets close, it will be completely burned by this yang energy."

Zhu Wushi said indifferently: "On the contrary, if this city is slaughtered, it must be comparable to the city of hell."

The young eunuch shook his head and laughed, "Young people, don't be so murderous."

Afterwards, the groom who was driving went to find a place to stay.

The two walked slowly into Emperor Wu City.

Before entering the inner city, a tall man in a strong blue suit stepped forward and cupped his hands: "You two, the city lord welcomes you." He waved his hands sideways.

The young eunuch nodded.

With Wang Xianzhi's ability, when the two arrived at Wudi City, they would naturally notice and send someone to invite them.

Wang Xianzhi received the two of them in the City Lord's Mansion.

The young eunuch and Zhu Wushi entered the mansion, entered the lobby, and saw two people standing in the hall, one of them was wearing a white robe, tall and tall, with a solemn face, showing a sense of firmness and coldness, a pair of The vertical hands have thick bones, as if they can push everything horizontally.Although they had never met before, the two also guessed the identity of this person.

The other person was dressed in a black robe, with a loose smile on his face, a handsome face but an unhealthy pallor, but his eyes were dark and indifferent.

The young eunuch looked calm, and at his age, it was difficult for him to be stirred up by anything.

Zhu Wushi glanced at Wang Xianzhi and Dai Daojin, and looked away.

Wang Xianzhi said calmly: "The visitor is a guest, please sit down and enjoy tea."

The four of them sat down politely, and their own servants served tea.

There was a slight silence in the field, each drinking tea.

The young eunuch was a little hesitant. Originally, in his expectation, there was only Wang Xianzhi alone. Although this was Emperor Wu City and not Tai'an City, without the blessing of Liyang Qiyun Tianlong, he was equally confident that he would not lose.

However, the addition of an invisible man in black made him hesitate a bit.

Dai Daojin was also looking at this fair-faced eunuch, and he could feel the dragon aura on his body from far away.This person's qi, blood, and essence were infiltrated and infiltrated by the dragon's qi, and they were almost integrated into one, so that the physical body and spirit could last forever.

It can be regarded as achieving both prosperity and prosperity with Liyang, and loss and loss.

If Liyang's national strength is prosperous, this person will surely live a different kind of longevity, at the same age as the country. On the contrary, Liyang will fall apart at this moment, and the country will be broken.

But even so, it is extremely exaggerated.You must know that according to the rumors, longevity is only in the sky, and people on the earth may have reincarnations, but they do not have real longevity, at most two or three Jiazi is the limit.

Sensing Dai Daojin's gaze, the young eunuch also looked over at him, and asked with a chuckle, "Who is this Daoist brother?"

Wang Xianzhi remained silent.

Dai Daojin said with a smile: "I am friends with City Lord Wang, and we are called Nanshan Taoists."

Wearing a shroud robe but claiming to be a Taoist, the young eunuch didn't take it seriously, nodded and smiled and said: "To be friends with City Lord Wang, you must be very human. It is also a fate to meet you today."

Dai Daojin smiled and nodded in agreement.

Pointing at Zhu Wushi, the young eunuch said to Wang Xianzhi, "City Master Wang, this is the candidate for Liyang's next crown prince. He had notified Xu Xiao three days ago to order him to withdraw troops." The presence of the crown prince candidate represented Liyang's sincerity , Xu Xiao's stop means it's for your Wang Xianzhi's sake.

Wang Xianzhi knew that although Xu Xiao had stopped three days ago, his cavalry had trampled all over the world.

However, although he is a warrior, it's not that he doesn't know what the other party means.

Wang Xianzhi said indifferently: "Jianghu temples, each should do his own thing." His words were cold.

The young eunuch smiled and nodded in agreement, "The [-] warriors in Wudi City all came for the City Lord Wang. When they came, His Majesty had already stated that Wang Xianzhi was appointed as the City Lord of Wudi City. One hundred thousand warriors must not allow these people to have accidents outside, but it is impossible for the Lord Wang to sit in Wudi City."

These words gave Wang Xianzhi, the city lord of Emperor Wu, an official status, but it was also a bit tough, so that Wang Xianzhi could not go out and sit in the city of Emperor Wu to keep a close eye on these warriors.

The temporary promises made by the young eunuch have exceeded the original expectations, and it was really caused by the changes brought about by the man in black next to him.

According to his idea, although this is Emperor Wu City, he is not afraid of Wang Xianzhi, even more so when he returns to Tai'an City, so he doesn't need to worry about Wang Xianzhi assassinating the king.Instead, let Wang Xianzhi stay in Wudi City obediently and watch these hundred thousand warriors, otherwise Liyang's hundreds of thousands of cavalry will come to the city at any time.

And with this black-robed man, he was not sure, so he made some concessions.

Wang Xianzhi frowned slightly, then stretched it out, and said lightly: "The Lord of Laoshizi, I don't care. I can restrain these people, and I don't need to go to Tai'an City to trouble the emperor, but there is one condition?"

The young eunuch said softly: "What conditions?"

Wang Xianzhi said flatly, "I want someone alone."

"Who? Both the young eunuch and Zhu Wushi became curious.

Wang Xianzhi said: "Gao Shulu."

The young eunuch frowned slightly, hesitating for a while, and after thinking for a while, his eyes fell on Dai Daojin, and asked: "Suwen Wang Xianzhi has suppressed the world with his fists, and has never been interested in other things. How could he want to have a heavenly physique today? Gao Shulu, which has been sealed for 400 years?"

Dai Daojin took a sip of his tea without hiding it, "People are what I want."

The young eunuch did not seem to be surprised, and said calmly: "Gao Shulu was closed to the mountain for 400 years. 400 years ago, he slaughtered the rivers and lakes, causing a catastrophe in the rivers and lakes. He killed 81 Taoist real people, and the land sword fairy killed two. Brother Dao, you know, if you He was released, what was the consequence?"

Dai Daojin calmly said: "400 years ago was 400 years ago, and now is now, not to mention you who are the same age as the country, even the most holy teacher Zhang Fuyao is still staying in the world, so what if there is one more unsealed Gao Shulu ?”

As soon as these words came out, the three of them were all taken aback, and their expressions changed slightly at the same time.

The most holy teacher, Zhang Shengren, was a figure 800 years ago, and he is still walking in the world. If it is true, it will be known by Confucian scholars all over the world, and they will not go crazy.

Wang Xianzhi frowned even more. He thought of what Dai Daojin said before, that the immortals in the sky had already descended into the world, but they began to dictate to the world 800 years ago.

He felt a little distressed in his chest, and suddenly said a little impatiently, "Either you send people here, or I will pick them up myself.".

The young eunuch also felt that things were a bit tricky, not to mention the matter of Gao Shulu, the fact that Zhang Shengren was still in the human world that this person said involved Confucianism, and the matter became more and more complicated. The emperor made his decision.

"Gao Shulu hides deep in the inner city, and was suppressed by the real people of Longhu Mountain and guarded by Fulong Qi practitioners. I can't make the decision. I have to go back to His Majesty Bingming, and His Majesty will make a decision."

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