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As the young eunuch's surveillance line fell on Zhu Wushi's body, Zhu Wushi lowered his brows, and his eyelids and pupils completely turned into red gold.

The young eunuch's eyes flashed, and he said to Emperor Liyang, "I see."

The voice changed, pointing at Zhu Wushi and chuckling lightly: "Let him walk with me."

The old emperor focused his eyes, looked at the young eunuch, then at Lao Qi, pondered for a while, nodded and said: "Lao Qi, you will go to Wudi City with you."

Zhu Wushi bowed slightly, "Yes."


In the afternoon, an unremarkable carriage quietly left the city.

In the carriage, Zhu Wushi and the young eunuch both changed into casual clothes, and they sat facing each other, with the sound of wheels rolling in their ears.

The young eunuch opened the curtain and looked out of the carriage with emotion in his eyes.

"Do you know why I asked you to come with me?" The young eunuch said softly.

"I don't know." Zhu ignored it.

The young eunuch put down the curtain of the car, smiled softly, and said casually: "The strength of your internal energy is unbelievable. I guess it must be because you have practiced some kind of skill of attracting people. Then think about the princess of Beiliang's early years. Changes are about the same."

Zhu ignored the silence, and he couldn't tell how deep the eunuch was.

The young eunuch seemed to see his vigilance, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I'm not from the world, and I don't have any intention of killing demons. A few years ago, when I saw your internal strength improve by leaps and bounds, I was a little aware of it. I wanted to remind you not to confuse your internal energy, but I didn't expect that your kung fu is quite unique, and you don't have any disadvantages in this aspect, and today's internal energy is the only one I have ever seen in my life, even Gao Shulu, who was good at physique back then, can't compare to you."

Zhu ignored the surprise in his eyes, Gao Shulu was a top master 400 years ago, and he has dominated the world for a hundred years.The meaning in the young eunuch's words seems to have seen Gao Shulu, so how old should this man be?How many years has it been since Liyang Jianguo?

Seeing his expression, the young eunuch smiled, his eyes seemed to be full of vicissitudes of life, his breathing suddenly became thick and long, and at the same time his eyes became more moist, and in the deep eyes, two thin milky white lines were swimming.

The thin thread drilled out of the eyes, circled around the eunuch's head, became as thick as chopsticks, and looked like a swimming dragon.

Finally, the two milky white dragons were brought into the abdomen as the eunuch slowly inhaled.

Zhu Wushi's face was calm, but his heart was slightly shaken. The eunuch's two tiny white qi of wandering dragon just now had the smell of dragon qi. You can guess without thinking carefully that this eunuch is nourishing himself with Liyang dragon qi. , After meritorious deeds, he regained his youth.

He suddenly moved his eyes and said, "I've seen you."

It suddenly occurred to him that he had seen an eunuch in the palace before, his appearance was quite similar to the one in front of him, but he was a little older, far less like eighteen or nineteen years old like today.

Zhu ignored his mind-turning, Liyang unified the Central Plains, and the gathering of luck and dragons would inevitably increase. Similarly, the person who used this as an attachment would inevitably increase his martial arts strength, and it is not impossible to become younger.

Referring to what the eunuch said just now, and His Majesty's attitude towards him, this man may really be a monster who has lived for hundreds of years.

Speaking of monsters that have lived for hundreds of years, he suddenly thought of that person.

Seeing his expression, the young eunuch smiled lightly and said, "You are really smart."

Zhu Wushi said quietly: "You left Tai'an City, without the blessing of the Luck Heavenly Dragon above the palace, and arrived at Wang Xianzhi's territory in Wudi City, you may not be his opponent."

The young eunuch nodded, "You don't need to beat him, just don't lose."

Zhu Wushi asked again: "Why did you help me?" The young eunuch asked him to follow him on this trip, and it was in front of the emperor.As a young eunuch who has protected the Liyang royal family for hundreds of years, making such a request, the signal sent out here has to make the old emperor think deeply.

The young eunuch naturally knew what he meant, and said softly: "Li Yang has just been unified, so it's not good to suffer too much."

As he said that, he glanced at Zhu Wushi again, "You're too restless, but fortunately you have some abilities, so it's all right to help you."

Zhu ignored Mo Ran.

The young eunuch said with emotion: "With your martial arts achievements, but the teacher is unknown, I sometimes wonder if you are some reincarnation..."

Then, he closed his eyes and murmured: "But it doesn't matter, as long as the surname is Zhao, it doesn't matter who is the emperor..."

The young eunuch is the same age as Guo, and he has seen all the changes in the world, the vicissitudes of life, and some things have been seen too much, and he can see them openly.


Emperor Wu City, Guanhai Pavilion.

"Wow wow..."

Day after day, year after year, the waters of the East China Sea beat against the cliffs.

Standing by the cliff, the tall man in white said in a deep voice, "What are you doing here?" His tone was rather unfriendly.

Dai Daojin smiled and said, "You don't need to be angry with me. The cleansing of the rivers and lakes is an order from Emperor Liyang, so it has nothing to do with me."

Wang Xianzhi said: "Then I'm going to find the old emperor, why are you stopping me?"

Dai Daojin shook his head, "Why are you in a hurry, Emperor Liyang has sent someone to negotiate with you. Besides, take a look..."

As he spoke, he stretched out his finger and pointed at the bubbling popularity in Emperor Wu City. These days, the number of people in Emperor Wu City has increased again, with a total of [-] warriors.

"Look at these people, they have learned some martial arts skills, they spend all day trying to gain fame and fortune, and they have no intention of pursuing martial arts, but they just took advantage of such a huge fortune in the world. It's really heartbreaking..."

"Liyang's horse stepped into the rivers and lakes and cleaned up the sediments in the rivers and lakes. It may not be a good thing."

Wang Xianzhi frowned and said, "A good thing? The rivers and lakes have been trampled, and luck has flowed into the court, which will inevitably lead to the decline of martial arts. How to implement your so-called plan?"

Dai Daojin's eyes turned cold, "Martial arts withered, it's just these low-level guys. Even if these people withered, there is no shortage of them at any time. When luck flows into the court, it only takes 20 years to operate, and there will be a scene of prosperity. The luck is deposited and condensed." It will be even worse, and at that time the Jianghu has been suppressed for a long time, and if the luck of the court is pierced and flowed into the Jianghu, more land gods will inevitably come into being."

Afterwards, his tone was calm, and there was a trace of yin in his eyes, and he said: "You, a hundred thousand warriors in Wudi City, although your luck in Wudi City has risen, your next martial arts achievements will also increase, but this is not the case. It's a good thing..."

In fact, he didn't quite agree with Wang Xianzhi taking these people in. The best thing is to use Xu Xiao's hand to completely clear the way for the future martial arts world.

But Wang Xianzhi was too stubborn, and he couldn't say too much.


Shangyin Academy, Daodelin.

In the Daode Forest, there is a large purple bamboo forest. According to legend, the most holy master used to take bamboo to make bamboo slips and write books here.


The sea of ​​bamboo is swaying, and the purple bamboo body has mottled lines, which seem to be the appearance of words.

"Ding dong..." There was a melodious sound of the piano, matched with the whirling of bamboo leaves, it didn't look chaotic at all, but complemented each other.

In the depths of the bamboo forest, a blind old man in gray clothes played a guqin.

The old man's face was unsmiling, and he looked very old-fashioned. After finishing playing calmly, he stood up, raised his head and looked into the distance, raised his feet, and his figure gradually disappeared into the depths of the bamboo forest.

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