In Shaanxi, on the banks of the Weihe River and deep in the forests of the Qinling Mountains, it is foggy and rainy. Due to the strange natural climate, it is shrouded in light white mist all year round. Few people set foot here, making it very quiet.

In the depths of the white mist, a mountain peak rose from the ground.

The mountain peak is not too high, but it looks like a long sword piercing the earth, extremely steep.

A secret trail stretches from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain. There is a platform on the top of the mountain. The houses on the platform are scattered and not very tall. There are about seven or eight ordinary wooden houses.

Listen carefully, you can hear the sound of wooden fish beating and chanting and singing, which brings a sense of tranquility to this mysterious place.

The fog dissipated slightly, and a slightly larger wooden house in the middle was filled with sandalwood, giving people a feeling of meditation.


The sound of wooden fish came.

The one who knocked on the wooden fish was a girl about thirteen or fourteen years old. The girl was not a stunning beauty, but she had a delicate face, beautiful outline, and her gentle and compassionate eyes, which seemed to be able to influence anyone. It was just a flash of thought in her eyes from time to time that made her She is slightly normal.


A sigh also stopped the sound of the wooden fish.

At some point, a middle-aged woman in plain monk clothes appeared behind the girl, looking at the girl's back, a trace of complexity flashed in her eyes.

"Your mind is disturbed." The middle-aged woman said after a moment of silence.

The girl's eyes were slightly closed, her face was a little ashamed, but her cheeks were bright red again.

The middle-aged woman sighed unceasingly, and couldn't help feeling a little emotional. Counting the history of this sect, the seniors are all amazingly talented and talented, but most of them are trapped in emotional barriers, affected, and most of them can't reach from the heart to the sword. Not to mention the subsequent death test, and no one has repaired it.

She couldn't help being a little puzzled, could it be that the first ancestor Di Ni created, but also failed to pass the death test?Otherwise, why didn't there be a few words recorded for future reference?

Turning around some thoughts, the middle-aged woman looked at the girl, with a hint of affection in her voice: "Forget about him, that human being has a firm heart, is a natural Taoist, and will never accept you just because of your life-saving grace. "

The girl smiled slightly, thinking of a tall man in black with a handsome face, his eyes were full of tenderness, and he said softly: "Master, you are too worried, this disciple is thinking about him, and I want to stay with him forever. In the past, disciples only knew how to practice swordsmanship every day, but their hearts were empty, but today, when they have thoughts in their hearts, disciples know the truth, and they can't get what they want, and longing is also a rare emotion."

When the middle-aged woman heard the words, her eyes became more pity, and she clasped her hands together: "Amitabha."

In far away India, Ling Donglai, dressed in black, felt the ray of spirit that existed all the time in the dark, looked up to the east, looked at it for a long time, and sighed silently.

He felt that although his spirituality was stronger and more lively than before, it had a little more fetters and a layer of shackles.

He was born with the Dao, and he had a strong heart to seek the way of heaven, and nothing could stop his footsteps. However, after meeting that girl, what he felt in his state of mind quietly changed a little.

I don't know whether this change is good or bad, but after he visits all the great sages in the world, this matter must always be settled.

Otherwise, why detachment?

Thinking of this, Ling Donglai turned around and strode forward.



The newly appointed Mongolian Great Khan, Okuotai, led many generals under his command, and sent away the King of Tibet and the Mongolian National Teacher Bashiba at the gate of the camp.

On a short mountain not far away, Meng Chixing is dressed in black, tall and powerful, like a high mountain, with fair complexion, at first glance it looks like a statue of a god carved from crystal, surpassing all living beings, with a pair of blue eyes, divine light flowing , full of a strange charm.

But looking down at the foot of the mountain and the crowd in the distance, the god in the Mongolian heart frowned slightly.

Next to him, a seven or eight-year-old boy looked at Meng Chixing with admiration.

Seeing him frowning, he said crisply: "Master, what's wrong with you?"

Meng Chixing looked at the red figure going away, his brows gradually relaxed, and he said lightly: "Ban'er, I taught you martial arts as a teacher, how are you doing?"

The boy named Ban'er said respectfully after hearing the words: "Return to Master, I have already practiced."

Meng Chixing nodded, his complexion was the same, this kid is exceptionally talented, and his aptitude is better than his own, Meng Chixing is not surprised that he has made such progress in his martial arts training.

What was strange to him was that the person who had just been sent away by Wo Kuotai was very similar in appearance and spirit to that year. It is normal to have improved and changed over the years. It's a weird feeling.

But where is weird, but I can't tell.

Just as he was thinking, not far away, a man in a strange and strong outfit came quickly, but Meng Chixing's master and apprentice didn't seem to see it.

After the man came to this side, he didn't come close, knelt down on the ground and said: "My lord, Prince Kublai Khan ordered the younger one to come and invite you to go."

Meng Chixing waved his hand, without saying anything, the man kowtowed again, and retreated slowly.

Entrusted by Temujin back then, he selected one of the descendants of the Golden Family as his disciple. Meng Chixing saw Kublai Khan's head and horns, so he accepted him as his disciple. Since then, he has become Kublai Khan's teacher and taught him the art of war Strategy, political means and other knowledge.

Meng Chixing turned around and looked down at the little boy, and said: "You go back first, and come as soon as you go as a teacher."

Na Ban'er nodded, turned around and ran down the mountain.


"Grandpa, hurry up."

An An's two short legs were running upside down quickly, running among the trees, chasing a colorful butterfly in front, and a big yellow dog followed behind her.

Li Shan followed behind him with a smile on his old face, but he was not worried about safety issues. This is the outskirts of the mountain forest, and many children in the village play here.

"An'an, slow down, don't fall."

Ever since his old wife left, Old Man Li's thoughts were all on Xiao An'an, and his depression gradually faded a lot.

While the two were playing around, in the dense forest not far away, a pair of bloodshot eyes stared straight at An An, with a hint of greed flashing in their eyes.

After all, old man Li was getting old, and he was a little out of breath. He stopped, sat down under the tree, turned his head and shouted: "An'an, don't run far."

"I see." An An replied crisply.

Old man Li smiled, took a deep breath, leaned against the big tree, closed his eyes and rested.

An An stared at the flying butterfly, her small body didn't seem to feel tired, she hurriedly chased it, but unconsciously, she gradually ran in.

The colorful butterfly fluttered its wings again and flew to the depths.

An An suddenly stopped, turned around and ran out.

"Hehe, what a clever little guy." A gloomy whisper.

An An was shocked. Her perception of danger was different from that of ordinary people since she was a child. She was very sensitive. She didn't see anything just now, but she felt a chill on her back, so she turned around and ran without hesitation.

But just as she turned around, a pale palm pressed against her shoulder and pulled her back.

I saw the vegetation shaking, but Xiao An'an was gone.

Only the yellow dog on the ground is foaming at the mouth... Mobile website:

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