At some point, a thin layer of ice quietly formed on the surface of the Qingshan River, and the sky and the earth were cold.

Dai Daojin stood in the small courtyard, and the heat from his breath turned into a cloud of white mist.

He was only wearing a thin shirt, but he didn't feel the cold at all, and he got used to it early.

After standing for a while, he breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and went back into the house.

It's cold outside, but warm inside.

In the middle of the back room, a red flame was reflected in the hearth of a stove, beating endlessly.

The wife sat on a rattan chair with a big belly.

Dai Daojin stepped forward and said with a smile, "Are you tired? If you are tired, just go to bed and lie down for a while?"

The wife shook her head and said with a smile: "I'm not tired, the little guy is always moving around in the stomach."

Dai Daojin laughed, and said: "It must be a naughty boy who caused you to suffer so much. When he comes out, see if I don't beat him up."

When the wife heard this, her eyes changed slightly, and her expression was a little hesitant.

Dai Daojin asked doubtfully, "Is there something wrong?"

The wife hesitated and said, "If it was a girl, would you not like it?" There are women in the village who are always unable to give birth to a son, and their lives are extremely difficult. This woman is afraid that she will end up in the same way.

Dai Daojin couldn't help laughing, stretched out his hand to hold his wife's hands, and said with a smile: "Whether it's a man or a woman, I like them all."

The wife suddenly showed a smile, only to feel that the sufferings she had suffered in the first half of her life were all seen by God, which made her meet her husband today.

Half a month later, the child was born smoothly, a girl.

The birth day of a child is a day of misery for the mother. For a woman in this era to have a child, it is tantamount to going through the gate of hell, and the body's vitality is severely depleted.

Dai Daojin would go to the mountains to hunt something every day to replenish his wife's health.

The old man Li and his wife loved their granddaughter very much, and they came to see her every day.

Winter goes to spring and the chill fades away.

In the small courtyard, the whole family gathers together.

Dai Daojin squatted on the ground, opened his hands, looked at the little guy holding the table, and said with a smile, "An'an, come, come to Dad."

Beside the table, the little guy propped his feet on the ground and supported the table with both hands. His face carved in pink and jade was extremely cute. His eyes were black and crystal clear, flickering and flickering, and his eyelashes trembled. The eyes seemed to contain the aura of heaven and earth, and they were extremely agile.

Like an elf falling into the mortal world.

The little guy has completely inherited his father's appearance genes, and when he grows up, he will definitely be a beautiful girl again.

Seeing his father greeting him hard, the little guy rolled his eyes, looked left and right, but didn't move.

The three members of the Li family next to him also watched with smiles on their faces.

Seeing that his daughter ignored him, Dai Daojin reached out and took out a small thing from his bosom. It was a fluffy little rabbit made of grass.

He shook the little rabbit and said seductively, "An'an, here."

Seeing the little rabbit, An An's eyes lit up slightly, she let go of the table with her little hand, swayed her body, and started to move forward, swaying, and ran towards her father.

When Dai Daojin saw her stepping forward, his eyes lit up, and the corners of his mouth smiled even wider.

An An finally swayed in front of Dai Daojin without any danger, kicked his calves and walked a few steps, threw himself into his father's arms, got the little rabbit, and giggled like a silver bell.

Dai Daojin stood up holding An An, couldn't help but kissed his daughter, seeing her smile, his heart melted. (The author Jun said that he must have a daughter when he gets married in the future.)


An An grew up day by day, and in the blink of an eye she was four or five years old.

Although she is a girl, she is still very naughty and lively, running around the village.

Dai Daojin returned to the village from the stream, and saw a little man under the tree at the entrance of the village from a distance. He couldn't help smiling, and shook his hand from a distance.

Under the big tree, a four or five-year-old girl was holding a wicker, swinging it around boredly, suddenly saw a person in the distance, her eyes lit up, she yelled "Daddy", threw the wicker away and ran forward.

The little girl's two short legs were not slow, and she ran 200 meters until she came to her father, but she didn't blush or breathe.

Dai Daojin laughed. He was no stranger to the little guy's abnormal physique. In his opinion, having a healthy body was better than anything else.

He lifted the little guy up and put it on his right shoulder.

An An giggled, and pointed forward with her little hand, "Come on." The nature of the female man was fully exposed.

Dai Daojin also shouted, "Obey."

Take a step forward and stride towards the village.

After a while, he entered the village and walked quickly home. On the road, villagers teased Xiao An'an from time to time.

Walking to the door of Li Erzhu's house next door, the mother-in-law of Erzhu's family saw Xiao An'an, her eyes lit up, and she couldn't help laughing: "The longer An An is, the more beautiful she is."

An'an is a little ghost, under the guidance of his father, he already knows how to speak at this time, with a sweet mouth: "Hello, auntie."

The smile on Erzhu's chubby face was even worse, she nodded and said with a smile: "An'an is so good, remember to come and play with your brother Tietou after dinner."

Tie Tou is the third child of Er Zhu's family, two or three years older than An An, and also a mischievous master.

Erzhu's mother-in-law proposed more than once to let the two children make a baby marriage, but Dai Daojin refused because the child was too young.

At this time, when he heard Er Zhu's mother-in-law, Dai Daojin smiled on his face and sneered in his heart. Just because of your iron head, you still wet the bed at the age of seven or eight, and you have the virtue of opening your mouth so that snot can flow into your mouth. You still want to marry my family Ann?

Is the juicy cabbage so easy to arch?

As if feeling the resentment in his father's heart, An An's big eyes rolled, and he said with a smile: "Understood, auntie." But her little hand squeezed her father's ear.

It is naturally impossible to play with the iron head.

After all, as Daddy said, white lies are not guilty.

Feeling the little guy's small movements, Dai Daojin couldn't stop smiling, and stepped into his yard.


The second year, winter.

Old man Li's old wife and Dai Daojin's mother-in-law, after all, because of her frail health, did not make it through and passed away.

Looking at the old man with his eyes closed on the bed, he looked at Xiao An'an next to him.

The cycle of heaven and earth, the cycle of life and death, yin and yang, is nothing like this.

Where there is joy in life, there must be sorrow in death.

The old man's funeral was very simple. The body was buried in the old forest in the back mountain, together with the tombs of the ancestors of the Li family.

Old man Li aged a lot in an instant, and often looked at the back mountain, silently in a daze.

An An is a well-behaved and sensible child who often pesters his grandfather and takes him out to play.

Dai Daojin and his wife stood in front of the door, watching the old and the young go out, with some worries in their eyes.

Dai Daojin sighed, this old man Li lost his old wife, and mourned in his heart, his only daughter has already been settled, and the family is happy, there is no need for him to worry about him, I'm afraid this person will miss him and become ill.

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