The girl with big braids is also a hard-working person. She has been betrothed twice before, but before the marriage, the man died in various accidents.

The person is ominous, and such arguments spread like wildfire.

The backward and ignorant village always believes in these things.

The bad mouths of the seven aunts and eight women in the village, and the pointing behind her back, made her a little inferior and reticent, often hiding at home and unwilling to go out.

In addition to these, the tall girl with big braids is nearly 1.7 meters tall. In this era when willows and willows are beautiful, people often ridicule her, and even use some words to describe her as "strong as a cow".

Dai Daojin also had some pity for this girl who was obviously in good shape but weak and inferior. He couldn't help thinking, could it be that his wife who died in the previous life came to accompany him with another identity?

Li Shan was also very upset. He rescued a monk, um, not a monk. The man himself said he was not a monk. The old couple had no other thoughts, the only thing left was their own girl.

He wanted this person to marry his own daughter, so that even if he and his old wife died, he would not have to worry about his daughter's future life.

But that person is not an ordinary person at first glance, and even though he has never read a book, he also knows that it is not good to ask for favors.

But after all, Li Shan loves his daughter very much, and intends to take the initiative to talk to that person.

By the Qingshan River, Li Shan and Dai Daojin sat on the ground, looking at the big braids that were casting nets on the water, flicking them like fish.

Li Shan frowned and remained silent.

Dai Daojin glanced at him and said with a smile: "Uncle Li, do you have something to say to me?" He still has the ability to read words and expressions, and the other party is not a deep-minded person who is good at disguising, and all emotions are on the table. face.

Li Shan sighed, looked at Dai Daojin's handsome face, and said, "Xiao Dai, what do you think of the girl?"

Dai Daojin was stunned for a moment. Having watched too many TV dramas, he was no stranger to the continuation of this sentence, so he didn't know how to answer it for a while.

Seeing that he was silent, Li Shan thought he had heard the gossip in the village, so he said urgently: "Don't listen to those people's nonsense. Although the girl is tall, she is well-behaved and sensible since she was a child. It doesn't matter at all, how can it be counted on her head..."

As he spoke, thinking of his girl's grievances, the old man's eyes turned red.

Dai Daojin hurriedly said: "Uncle Li misunderstood, my sister is kind-hearted and kind-hearted. Naturally, I won't believe what those people say."

Li Shan asked: "Really?"

Dai Daojin laughed and said, "Of course it's true, what an ominous person is, it's nonsense."

Li Shan couldn't help nodding, then his old face turned slightly red, and he said for a long time, "Xiao Dai, Uncle Li wants to betroth the girl to you, what do you think?"

Dai Daojin frowned slightly, even though he felt good about this girl, and she looked like his wife in his previous life, but it's only been three or four months, and...

Li Shan was also a little embarrassed, but he made up his mind that even if he lost his old face with shame, it would be better than his own daughter who would be alone for the rest of her life.

Seeing that Dai Daojin frowned and said nothing, he also knew that his daughter's body was really not liked by others, so he hurriedly said: "Xiao Dai, although this girl looks a little bad, but she works hard to manage the house, and she will definitely be a good wife in the future."

Dai Daojin smiled. In this era, big braids are naturally not liked by people due to differences in aesthetic views, but if they are put in later generations, they will have long legs. Although their appearance is ordinary, their figure is eye-catching enough. .

He shook his head and said: "Li's sister's appearance is already very good, but I'm new here, and I've only known her for a few months and it's not appropriate to talk about marriage."

Li Shan was a little anxious when he heard his polite words, and said: "What's wrong, my old man saved your life, and I don't want you to repay the favor, but also want to betroth my daughter to you. You also have a good impression of my daughter. Isn't that enough?"

Dai Daojin smiled wryly, and was about to say something when Li Shan stood up and patted his butt, turned around and left without saying a word.

"Okay, if you treat me as your savior, it will be settled like this."

Dai Daojin was stunned, and shook his head with a wry smile. He naturally guessed what Uncle Li thought, and wanted to find a reliable life for his daughter for the rest of his life, so he did not hesitate to ask for favors.

Looking at the endless lush greenery in the distance, he couldn't get out of this deep mountain by himself.

For the outside world, he may not have a desire to explore, but these mountain people have lived here for generations, and have never thought of going out, and no one will show him the way.

This made him think of a saying on the Internet in later generations, that girls who are kidnapped and sold into the mountains, even if they don't look at them, they can't escape if they want to, because the mountains and ravines are the biggest obstacles.


The daughter of Li Shan's family at the east end of the village finally got married. This incident attracted other people in the village to come to watch the excitement.

The wedding was very simple, there was not even a red wedding dress, the two couples only wore relatively neat two-piece clothes, set up a few tables of banquets, and that was all.

As night fell, the girl with big braids was sitting in the new house wringing her fingers. Although she was betrothed twice, her husband's family died before they got married. So this time was the first time in 26 years.


Dai Daojin walked in and sat beside the girl, reflecting the light of the oil lamp, looking at the girl's side face, he seemed to overlap with the previous life in a trance, thinking in his heart that this is the continuation of the previous relationship.

The braided girl's face gradually turned red, and she was a little restless.

Dai Daojin smiled, and reached out to grab the girl's hand. He had no objection to getting married, even his wife from the previous life, and they were not in free love.

He always believes that there is no love at first sight in the world, but more about getting along day and night, and love for a long time.

Looking at the girl's shy and evasive but clean eyes, a tenderness suddenly surged in his heart.

He said softly: "It's late at night, let's rest."

The girl trembled slightly, and tremblingly said: "En."

The life after marriage was not as unbearable as Dai Daojin imagined. The peaceful and peaceful life made him quite comfortable. When he was free, he went out for a walk, fished and raised flowers, and hunted with Uncle Li.

The girl at home took care of his daily life in an orderly manner.

The absence of the hustle and bustle and intrigues of the previous life made his heart suddenly calm. He also tasted some of the specious scriptures he read as a Taoist priest in the past.

Even the thought of going out to explore the new world has faded.

He even set up a school in the village to teach children how to read and write.

Although here, it makes no difference whether you can read or not.

The only thing that bothered him was that Li Shan's old couple was looking forward to having a child every day, but the belly of the big braid hadn't moved for a long time.

The mountain village at night is extremely quiet, only the chirping of insects and birds can be heard in the mountains.

Dai Daojin lay quietly on the bed, next to the girl with big braids.

Just as he fell asleep, the pale golden blood in his veins slowly flowed, and at the same time as it flowed, a pattern of stone carvings kept reappearing in the depths of his mind, and every time he reappeared, the pale golden blood in his veins became thicker. point.

But if you look closely, you will find that these pale golden blood gradually gather towards the heart.

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