Underwater undercurrents surged, wrapping Dai Daojin incessantly and rushing forward, everything in front of him was cloudy and he couldn't see clearly.

Then he simply closed his eyes, moved his mind slightly, and first inspected his body.

The situation was worse than he expected. There were many bruises in the muscles all over his body, some bones were broken, and the viscera were also damaged to varying degrees. The pale golden blood in the body circulated and repaired constantly, but the effect was slow.


Dai Daojin couldn't help snorting, and he hit another boulder.

The whole body is like a rubber ball, bouncing back and forth in the complex and dangerous underwater environment.

Even Dai Daojin couldn't take it anymore, his whole body was stiff, his hands and feet were numb and excruciatingly painful, if he hadn't been strong enough to resist the pain, he would have lost consciousness long ago.

At this moment, in Dai Daojin's spiritual world, 49 pictures from the "God of War Illustrated Record" obtained from the Temple of War God passed over his mind like light and shadow, and finally fixed on one of the pictures, and then the picture continued to enlarge, filled his mind.

This is the No.30 six pictures of "The Illustrated Book of God of War". In the picture, a figure sits cross-legged, and a big circle is drawn outside the whole figure. This person sits in the very center of the big circle, and is at the heart A small circle is drawn.

There is a line of handwriting below, "Heaven and earth are one Tai Chi, the human body is one Tai Chi, Tai Chi is originally one, because smallness becomes size, and because intention becomes inside and outside, if you can get rid of this mind, there will be no distinction between inside and outside, you and me, the world is endless, There is no end to the human body, to get rid of all appearances."

Dai Daojin kept chanting these few words in his heart, and the voice in his mind became louder and louder, like Huang Zhong Dalu, deafening.

In his spiritual world, the martial arts merits acquired in several generations turned into a torrent and swept his mind again. Many Taoist scriptures and Buddhist scriptures he had seen before, which he did not understand, now he has a little understanding.

He is now in pain everywhere in his body, only because there is still a difference between inside and outside, you and me in his heart, and the mind is connected to the body, so there is pain and exhaustion.

The spirit dominates the flesh, and the flesh influences the spirit.

The human body is a small world, and the outside is a big world. There is a distinction between inside and outside. In fact, I am the world, and there is no inside or outside.

The spirit is separated from the body, and the mind becomes unintentional. The small world of the human body is integrated with the external world, and there is no difference.

Get rid of instead of abandoning, and get rid of the spirit's dependence on the physical body, so that there will be no more pain and fatigue from the physical body to affect the mind.

Dai Daojin was thoughtful, his mind was completely silent, there was no thought in his heart, no other thoughts.

Chaotic chaos, no inside and no outside, no self and no other, all appearances.

As his spirituality continued to sublimate, he felt as if his body had been separated, and the physical pain could no longer affect his mind. Even though the pain still existed, it seemed that it had nothing to do with him anymore.

Like the ascetic monks in the ancient practice, the body suffered a lot, and finally the spirit defeated the matter.

And his mind was completely silent, allowing his body to move forward.


Dawen River is a tributary of the Yellow River in Shandong, and Qingshan River is one of the many tributaries of Dawen River.

After such a long river sedimentation and sand filtering, the water flows to the Qingshan River, and the water has long been restored to clarity.

The current of Qingshan Stream is not big, the water surface is only seven or eight meters, the current is gentle, and fish can be seen swimming in the clear stream from time to time.

Li Shan is a villager in a small village close to Qingshan River. He relies on mountains to eat mountains and water to drink water. He usually goes up to the mountains to cut firewood, hunt, and go fishing, but he lives a good life.

At the age of forty, he often does physical work, and his body is very strong. His old wife also manages the house. The only thing that worries him is his only daughter. Thinking of this, Li Shan, who is sitting under a big tree by the stream, is resting. Sighing, he stood up and started fishing in the boat.

It is said to be a boat, but it is actually an old door panel with some thick wood tied underneath. Li Shan stands firmly on it.

He fiddled with some old fishing nets casually, and he skillfully cast them on the water surface, forming a perfect circle. Li Shan was a little proud. This ability of casting nets was the best in the village when he was young. , Pointing to the skills of chopping firewood and fishing in his hands, he brought his old wife home.

After waiting for a while, Li Shan tugged at the hemp rope in his hand, and let out a little surprise, but he didn't pull it. Could it be that there is a big guy?

Thinking of this, he was a little excited, and pulled the fishing net up with all his strength.

Following the buoyancy of the water, he finally pulled the net to the surface of the water, lowered his head to look carefully at the things in the net.


After seeing clearly that it was a person, Li Shan was so frightened that his heart skipped a beat, he let out an exclamation, stepped back a few steps and almost fell into the water.

He also lost the hemp rope in his hand, picked up the bamboo pole and slid back desperately, but his hemp rope was tied around his waist, and he forgot it for a moment, and he remembered it when he rowed desperately to the shore, trembling Sloppily untied the rope.

After landing on the shore, Li Shan's mind settled down. He had seen the dead before, and he reacted instinctively just now under the panic in his heart.

Fishing nets and boats, although dilapidated, are big pieces of the family and important assets, so he naturally doesn't want to leave them behind.

Li Shan gritted his teeth, picked up the hemp rope that had just been thrown to the bank, and pulled it towards the bank with all his strength.

It took a long time to pull this "corpse" to the shore, and he wondered in his heart, how could this person be so heavy?

When he was out of breath, he turned the "corpse" over, glanced at it, and said silently in his heart: there is an injustice and a debtor, don't blame it.

Li Shan was a little surprised to find that the "corpse" was still "fresh", but it was a handsome monk, and he was still naked.

The "corpse" was entangled by the fishing net. As a last resort, Li Shan turned over the corpse. The cold feeling of the tentacles made him a little nervous. After working for a long time and sweating profusely, he peeled the "corpse" from the fishing net.

With this action, Li Shan had a lot of contact with this "corpse", recalling the feeling of contact, he was suspicious, how could the dead body be so soft?

Thinking of this, Li Shan stretched out his palm and pressed on the heart of the "corpse". After a while, he was a little surprised to find that this person was not dead. living.

Li Shan looked at the monk's handsome face again, some thoughts flashed in his mind, he stood up, and hurriedly ran to the village, he was going to call someone to help him and carry him back.


Three months later, in a small courtyard in the mountain village, a figure sat there, staring blankly into the distance.

Not long after, a girl with a height of 1.7 meters five and a black braid behind her head came in. When she saw the people in the small courtyard, her eyes flashed with surprise, and she said with a smile, "Brother Dai, are you up?"

Dai Daojin turned around, smiled and nodded to the girl, with a hint of doubt in his eyes, he couldn't help touching the short hair that had grown out on his head.

Seeing this, Big Braid comforted: "Brother Dai, it doesn't matter if you don't remember, the most important thing is to live well."

Dai Daojin smiled wryly, and couldn't help feeling a little suspicious in his heart. Is this the resurrection of the dead or the rebirth of the body?I am obviously a modern person in Dongtai City, how could I come here?And why is this girl with big braids so similar to her former wife?

Shaking his head, he saw that the girl was carrying a large bucket, moving forward with some difficulty, so he stood up and walked over.

He casually took the bucket from the girl's hand, casually, as if weightless.

Big braid smiled and said, "Brother Dai has great strength."

Dai Daojin smiled and did not speak. After waking up, he came to this strange place. The only thing that made him happy was this body. If you don't sleep, you will still be in good spirits the next day.

This is much stronger than his previous life where he was panting after walking two steps.

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