The scenery of the Potala Palace is really beautiful, even Dai Daojin would not get tired of seeing it every day.

All the lamas of the Potala Palace, big and small, also know that the little venerable often goes to the highest point of the Red Palace of the Potala Palace to see the scenery.

Yes, Dai Daojin went there often. For more than five years, after reading the scriptures almost every day, he would go to the top of the Red Palace, look at the sky and the distance, and sit until dark.

He also changed from a child of six or seven years old to a boy of eleven or twelve years old.

On this day, Dai Daojin was still watching the white clouds gather and disperse in the sky, his eyes were empty, and his mind was completely silent in the nebula world.


The sky was still clear just now, but in a blink of an eye it was covered with dark clouds.

Dai Daojin patted the red monk's robe, and stood up. He was tall enough to compare with a sixteen or seventeen-year-old, but he was a little thin. The wide monk's robe was blown by the strong wind, and it was close to his body.

Although the wind was strong, it couldn't shake his body even a bit, and he walked down to the top of the Red Palace and headed for the scripture hall.

It's still early, you can go to the scripture hall to read a book.

Dai Daojin's complexion is calm, fair complexion, a pair of dark eyes like gems, inlaid on his handsome face, revealing a sense of wisdom, his gestures are peaceful and casual, full of tranquility and serenity.

On the way to the scripture hall, lamas stopped from time to time and bowed to him.

Dai Daojin smiled and nodded, clasping his hands together in return.

These monks look respectful, even with a hint of admiration and worship.

This is the result of his more than five years of preaching scriptures and Dharma to the little lama in the scripture hall.

In five years, he read the tens of thousands of volumes in the scripture hall twice. With his spiritual wisdom, although he dared not say that he completely turned it into his own, he came up with another machine, but in terms of understanding and intensive research, it is the classics. The three deceased old lamas in the hall did not dare to say that they were better than themselves.

Therefore, in the past five years, his Dharma practice has a faint trend of being the No. for.

Dai Daojin suddenly stood still, because he saw a lama walking towards him, and he recognized that this was the man in front of him.

The lama walked up to Dai Daojin, bowed and said, "My lord, Zhu Bigu invites you to go."

Dai Daojin clasped his hands together: "Understood, let's lead the way."

When he came to the Spirit Pagoda Hall, Dai Daojin saw the monk in red. Time seemed to have lost its effect on him. His face remained unchanged, his beard and eyebrows were white, and his complexion was white and rosy. He looked like a young man with a smile on his face and eyes As deep as the sea, the eyes seem to be able to see people's hearts.

But Dai Daojin's Lingtai reflection clearly sensed the other party's spiritual fire, which was faltering, apparently reaching the end of his life.

The monk in red waved his hand to let the lama back down, and then his eyes fell on Dai Daojin.

Dai Daojin's eyes were deep and calm, and he looked at him.

The monk in red suddenly said with some emotion: "Do you still remember what day is seven days from now?"

Dai Daojin said lightly: "Of course I remember, it's the day you transcended."

The monk in red couldn't help laughing, and sighed: "Detachment? It's so easy."

Afterwards, the monk in red glanced at Dai Daojin, looked behind him, and looked out of the main hall, his eyes sighed, as if with a trace of memory, he said: "I served as Zhu Bigu as a soul boy at the age of seven. It is to become the king of Tibet, to travel across the universe, to practice spirituality, to pursue the way of heaven, and to try to break through the great Tibetan law that transcends life and death, and in the end, after a mediocre life, he ends up dying and disappearing."

Dai Daojin's calm eyes changed a little, and there was also a hint of emotion. There is no shortage of people who want to open their eyes and look up, and there is no shortage of wise and brave people in this world. However, it is easy to want to transcend life and death and get rid of the suffering of reincarnation?

He has a little understanding that not everyone is like him. The fortune is deep to get Xingyun, and there are too many fish in the well who want to jump out of the cage, and they will continue to move forward even if they are beaten with great wisdom and courage.

Seeing the change in his expression, the monk in red smiled suddenly, his eyes were full of embarrassment, his eyes were clear and clear, and his spirit glowed, and said: "Even if you end up with a piece of loess, you will have no regrets. What you want in your life is the scenery on this road." It's worth it too."

Dai Daojin's expression returned to calm, and he felt that the spiritual fire of the person in front of him was getting weaker and weaker.

The red-clothed monk's eyes were burning, and he said with a faint smile, "In the past five years, I have never taught you anything, but I have neglected my duty, so at this last moment, I will give you a chance."

While Dai Daojin was wondering, he saw the strange light from the eyes of the monk in red, like two beams of light, coming towards Dai Daojin's mind through Dai Daojin's eyes.

His mind moved, and he instinctively wanted to be on guard.

"Don't resist..."

Sensing the meaning of his words and feeling that there was no danger, Dai Daojin hesitated for a while, and put his mind away.

In a daze, Dai Daojin saw a little lama carved in pink and jade, dressed in red, who was placed on a high platform, and everyone below worshiped and knelt on the ground.

Afterwards, the little lama grew up slowly, read Buddhist scriptures and cultivated secret collections, comprehended the Buddhist scriptures of Dazang, and intensively studied all kinds of secret teachings of Tantric Buddhism.

Then the little lama in red grew up and became a monk in red. He walked into the rivers and lakes. The world is so big that there is no one who can compete with him, and he is famous all over the world.

Later, he returned to Tibet and became a real god in Tibet, specializing in spirituality, trying to understand the way of heaven and transcend life and death.

Scenes, like a fast-forward movie, appeared in Dai Daojin's mind. The monk in red read the scriptures, practiced Zen, practiced various martial arts such as the secret method of esoteric Buddhism "Change the Heaven and Earth", and the unique skill "Mie Shen Palm". The mistakes he made and the experience he summed up are all reflected in Dai Daojin's heart.

In a short period of time, Dai Daojin experienced a long life of more than 90 years as a monk in red.

After a while, Dai Daojin came back to his senses and looked up at the monk in red.

At this moment, the monk in red's white beard and eyebrows became withered, his complexion turned blue, his appearance was haggard, and he exuded a breath of lifelessness.

Dai Daojin looked at him quietly, and sighed quietly: "Why are you doing this?"

The monk in red smiled with difficulty, and a flash of understanding flashed in his eyes. Just now, he used the Tantric Heart Seal method to reflect the memories of his life on the other party's mind, but he also exhausted the last trace of mind.

For a moment, he felt a huge and vigorous spiritual force passing by. The spiritual power he had practiced for nearly 90 years was in front of him, like a toddling baby facing a giant man. This also let him know that in front of him The person really has a mysterious origin.

Hearing Dai Daojin's question, the monk in red smiled lightly and said, "This is my home. I only hope that after my death, you can protect Tantra for a hundred years. Of course, if you have a chance, go there for me and take a look..."

As he spoke, he looked up at the sky. Before he died, he still couldn't forget the way of detachment.

But it didn't mention Dai Daojin's strangeness at all.

But Dai Daojin knew these things clearly, he was silent for a moment, and nodded to him.

The monk in red smiled, his eyes slowly lost their luster and became dead silent.

Dai Daojin sat there quietly, clasped his hands together, and murmured...

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