The martial arts of the heavens start from Wudang

Chapter 378 Three Chakras and Seven Vessels

Three months passed in a blink of an eye. Just the day before he was ordained, Dai Daojin was notified to leave the scripture hall to prepare for the next day's ordain.

After waiting all night, it finally came the next day.

Dai Daojin found that the ordination was not grand. In the pagoda hall, the monk in red sat at the head, and eight lamas in red robes stood on both sides. Their solemn expressions brought a sense of solemnity to the ceremony.

Other than that, there is no one else.

Dai Daojin has a small body, sitting cross-legged among the crowd, with a calm face and gentle eyes that seem to contain all great compassion, and his temperament is no less than that of the big lamas on both sides.

The monk in red stood up, walked up to Dai Daojin, put his right hand on the top of Dai Daojin's head, and lightly closed his eyes.

Mouth opened and closed, silently chanting something.

Dai Daojin only felt a chill on his head, and his yellowish hair, which was not much at first, fell down, and his head became abnormally smooth.

After a while, the monk in red took his right hand away.

Afterwards, the eight big lamas in red on the left and right sides bowed and slowly exited the pagoda hall.

The monk in red sat back down again, staring at Dai Daojin with crystal clear eyes.

Dai Daojin also looked at him calmly.

The monk in red said calmly: "How many books in the sutra hall have you not read?"

Dai Daojin replied: "There is still a wall."

The red-clothed monk showed a smile on his face, and said: "From today on, you will be the little venerable of the Potala Palace, and after my death, you will be the next Zhu Bigu."

Dai Daojin looked calm, and said lightly: "When will you die?"

This sentence is extremely rude.

But when the monk in red heard this, the smile on his face became even wider, and he said with a smile: "Five years and nine months, in fact it was only two years and nine months, but by chance, you can extend your life by three years."

Dai Daojin nodded, stood up, turned and walked out.

The voice of the monk in red sounded, "You don't want to know the secrets of my Tantric practice?"

Dai Daojin paused, and said lightly: "After reading the Buddhist scriptures, I will naturally." After speaking, he lifted his feet and left.

The monk in red didn't say much, and watched Dai Daojin leave, his eyes flashed, and he didn't know what he was thinking.


Dai Daojin really no longer needs the monk in red to teach him the methods of Tantric cultivation from the basics.

He has read all the Buddhist scriptures in the scripture hall, among which there are Tibetan Buddhist expositions about the secrets of the human body and how to open the treasures of the human body. Although there is no clear statement on the method of cultivation, with Dai Daojin's accumulation and wisdom, he can naturally pass through the complicated Discuss the appearance and see its essence.

In the scripture hall, Dai Daojin slowly put down the scripture scroll in his hand, his eyes revealing his thoughts.

In the practice of Esoteric Buddhism or primitive Buddhism, the three wheels and seven meridians are a very important theory and an important way to achieve liberation in spiritual practice. However, Dai Daojin discovered that its internal mechanism is almost the same as the practice method of Taoist inner alchemy. Yes, it is all about raising the breath of life, so as to achieve the various goals of related philosophy and spiritual practice.

The ultimate goal of the practice of Tantra is to cultivate the soul, pursue the supreme way of heaven, let the soul get rid of the shackles of the rough body, and leap to the subtle and higher-level world in the universe.

This is also the reason why Buddha Sect has many golden bodies left behind, and the flesh does not rot.

After understanding its root, the "three rounds and seven meridians" are no longer mysterious to Dai Daojin. They are just the inner subtle system of the human body that everyone possesses. It is the same as the "Human Meridian" theory of Central Plains Taoism, which is to improve the human body. The breath of life can evolve itself.

Dai Daojin believes that whether it is the human meridians of Taoism or the three wheels and seven meridians of Tantric Buddhism, their essence is the structure of the inner subtle "body" in the human body. This subtle "body" can be connected with the universe, and usually at this point, it is It touches the level of the so-called "Day of Heaven".

In addition to these, there are actually other more subtle levels of human beings, such as wisdom, enlightenment, and divinity.

The most fundamental function of the meridians of the human body and the three rounds and seven channels is nothing more than to stimulate the inner spiritual energy to gradually rise to the level of awareness, providing an important cornerstone for a fast path to spiritual awareness.

The practice method of Tantric Buddhism, which contains many characteristics of yoga, is particularly important to the spirit of the human body, that is, spiritual cultivation.

As for the so-called "three rounds and seven channels", the three channels are divided into the central channel and the left and right channels. The central channel is the most important channel. It is in the middle of the spinal cord, from the bottom of the head to the top of the head, and it actually reaches the Baihui point.

The left and right veins are divided into left and right veins, parallel to the midrib.

The "seven rounds" are the root chakra, reproductive chakra, navel chakra, heart chakra, throat chakra, brow chakra and crown chakra.

Among them, the top chakra is located in the top of the head, shaped like a dried lotus leaf, which is equivalent to the Taoist Niwan point, and the brow chakra is even more like the Taoist ancestral orifice.

Each chakra and chakra have different functions. When the crown chakra of the human body is opened, the air channels are unobstructed, the human brain will achieve an unprecedented leap, the human body's wisdom treasure will be opened, and it will be greatly improved. Prolonging life is just a matter of leisure, just like the monk in red, whose spiritual power is improved After that, his life was extended for three years.

Dai Daojin thought of the records in the scriptures, if he practiced to the extreme depths, supernatural powers would arise by themselves.

After he straightened out the theoretical knowledge, he naturally thought about how to transform it into a practical cultivation method, and suddenly discovered a very interesting thing while thinking about it.

Dai Daojin thought of Wudang Taijiquan. Taijiquan pays attention to standing upright, with three vertical lines and four horizontal lines. The three vertical lines run from Baihui on the top of the head to the perineum. It just coincides with the position of the three channels in the "three channels and seven rounds".

There are four horizontal lines, a flat line on the top of the head, which is the position of the crown chakra, a flat line on the shoulders, which is the throat chakra, a line with the heart energy should be the same as the heart chakra, and a line on the two hips is the position of the navel chakra.

Thinking of this, Dai Daojin's eyes shot out a strange light, and the light was brilliant.

He slapped the ground, stood up straight, bent his legs slightly, and moved his hands slowly. Taijiquan was swayed from his hands, and a weak wind swirled around him. The rotation and the rotation of inner strength have the effect of opening up the central channel.

Swinging fists without stopping, power comes from the feet, turning the waist and spine, the whole person is like a top, with the heel as the axis driving the whole body, three vertical lines and four horizontal lines, the three chakras and four chakras are also rotating at the same time.

Feeling the slight heating of the three channels and four chakras inside the body, Dai Daojin stopped, the consciousness in his mind was born and died, and the fire of wisdom collided.

His eyes are shining brightly. Tantric Tibetan secrets are mainly through meditation and meditation, vibrating with the sound of special mantras, using ideas to visualize the reverse rotation of the central channel, and assisting with the Vajra Boxing method to vibrate the arterial knots, so that the true energy in the body passes through the left and right channels and enters the central channel , in order to open up the central channel.

But in the boxing process just now, he found that Taijiquan's internal and external rotating force, like an electric drill, has a better effect on opening up the central channel.

However, "Three Wheels and Seven Meridians" has been practiced for three less rounds. Compared with Taijiquan, this kind of practice in Tantric Buddhism is more specific and detailed in the development of heart energy and mental improvement. It is worth learning.

If the two are combined, will it be possible to quickly and comprehensively achieve the goal of penetrating the whole body, sublimating spirituality, and understanding the way of heaven?

Dai Daojin thought for a while, sat back on the ground, picked up the scriptures, and flipped through them.

This is not something that can be done overnight, it needs to be done slowly.

He looked at his little arms and legs, he had plenty of time.

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