Looking at the back of Dugu Yihe going away, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

No one dared to stop him, not even Lu Xiaofeng, and at this time Ximen Chuuxue was not yet Dugu Yihe's opponent.

Shangguan Danfeng looked at Lu Xiaofeng with a questioning look in his eyes.

What should we do now?

Lu Xiaofeng spread his hands and said with a wry smile: "I don't know either. I don't dare to go to Mount Emei and ask him for money. I don't want to die so early."

But Dugu Yihe posed a problem for them. He didn't say that he would not return it, but only said that the money was in Mount Emei and he wanted to collect it himself.

Hua Manlou said: "It is said that among the heads of the Seven Great Sword Sects today, his martial arts are the most terrifying. Up to now, he has not been able to escape from his sword double kill Qiqi 49 style, and it is said that this person himself still has a few The sect is extremely evil and has never used martial arts before, so he is a very terrifying character."

Hua Manlou clenched his fist lightly, feeling the power in it. In fact, he had an impulse just now. He instinctively felt that he could leave Dugu Yihe behind.

But besides himself, there were other people present, and he couldn't bring these people into danger just because of his own feelings.

Hearing this, Ximen Chuuxue's eyes flickered slightly.


Dugu Yihe returned to the inn with Su Shaoying, his cheeks tensed.

In the inn room, Su Shaoying poured tea for Dugu Yihe.

Then respectfully said: "Master, Junior Sister and the others are coming soon."

Dugu Yihe picked up the tea cup and took a sip, nodded, but did not speak.

Su Shaoying bowed and said, "Master, then you should have a good rest."

"Wait." Dugu Yihe said.

Su Shaoying said: "Master, what do you order?"

Dugu Yihe looked at him, "You are telling the whole story, don't miss a single word."

He still doesn't believe that Yan Tieshan will give up the power and wealth in his hands. He has known Yan Tieshan for many years and knows him too well.

There must be something wrong with it!

Although Su Shaoying didn't know why Master asked him to say it again, but Dugu Yihe's education on "Three Talents and Four Talents" made Su Shaoying have no objection.

Su Shaoying then narrated what she saw and heard in the past few days word by word.

Dugu Yihe listened silently.

After Su Shaoying finished speaking, Dugu Yihe waved his hand to let him back down.

In the room, Dugu Yihe was alone, sitting on the stool, motionless, with his eyes closed, and the fingers gently rubbing on the scabbard showed that he was still awake and not asleep.

The light shining into the room moves and slowly dims.

At night, after dinner, Dugu Yihe, as usual, took a short rest and meditated.

Just as he was meditating with his eyes closed, a black shadow floated over like a ghost, and landed on the roof of the house opposite the inn. He was dressed in black, and under the cover of night, if he didn't look carefully, he wouldn't have noticed the roof at all. There is a person standing on it.

Occasionally, two silver-white light spots flashed, indicating that this person was "Hua Man Lou".

Dai Daojin sensed that energy, and with a ray of hostility in his mind, he went along the locked energy.

In the inn room, Dugu Yihe suddenly opened his eyes, and there was a flash of light in his eyes.

With a wave of his hand, the window slammed open, picked up the long sword, and turned his body out of the window. With a little step, his body flew into the air, and he had already reached the roof.

Dugu Yihe's blade-like eyes fell on the opposite roof. With his eyesight, he naturally and clearly saw the young man in a dark golden black robe standing there, smiling at himself.

Dai Daojin didn't care about his knife-like gaze, waved his hands, and then drifted out of the city.

There was a flash of light in Dugu Yihe's eyes, and he galloped forward without making a sound, without making a sound, his lightness kung fu was actually so powerful, not weaker than the world's number one thief, Sikong Zhaixing.

The two of them went out of the city not long after, and got into the forest outside the city.

Dugu Yihe is a master of art, bold and fearless, he is full of doubts and wants to find out.

After a while, the man in front stopped, turned around, and looked at him.

Dugu Yihe stood still, and said coldly: "Who are you?"

Dai Daojin smiled, with a pair of silver-white eyes shining brightly in the dense forest, and said: "It doesn't matter who I am, but there are some questions that you must really want to know the answer to."

Dugu Yihe said indifferently: "What answer."

Dai Daojin clapped his hands, and a clear voice came out.

A figure walked out with a big belly, who was it if it wasn't Yan Tieshan?

Dugu Yihe shrank his pupils and said, "There is indeed a problem."

Yan Tieshan laughed and said: "Brother Dugu, don't come here without any problems."

Dugu Yihe said: "What the hell are you doing?"

Yan Tieshan said with a smile: "Nothing, after searching for so long for the Jinpeng royal family, they finally jumped out. Naturally, to avoid future troubles, there was another Lu Xiaofeng, and Lu Xiaofeng found Huamanlou and Ximen Chuuxue, so we can't use it directly. Strong, naturally we have to change the method.”

Dugu Yihe frowned, "What way?"

Yan Tieshan said with a smile: "Brother Dugu don't ask what method, do you want to do it together?"

Dugu Yihe's eyes flashed, and he said calmly: "I came to you this time because I received news that Shangguanmu is now Huo Xiu, and he is the landlord of Qingyi Building, and the first floor of Qingyi Building is... ..."

Before he finished speaking, Yan Tieshan interrupted: "I know everything you said."

Dugu Yihe's unchanging expression was finally a little moved. Yan Tieshan's words were tantamount to showing that Tsing Yi Lou was also involved, which meant that Huo Xiu and this person joined forces.

His face was solemn, "You actually teamed up with Huo Xiu, are you not afraid to seek skin from a tiger?"

Yan Tieshan shook his head with a smile, "I won't bother you about these, and I'll ask you again, do you want to go together?"

Dugu Yihe frowned, thought in his heart, and said in his mouth: "Why are we together?"

Yan Tieshan turned his head and glanced at Dai Daojin, this action made Dugu Yihe frowned slightly.

Dai Daojin said with a smile: "Since the leader of Dugu wants to join, he must be one of his own. It's very simple, just eat this blood pill."

As he spoke, he spread his palms open, and a red elixir the size of a longan lay quietly in his palm, exuding a faint fragrance.

Dugu Yihe sneered, "What are you? Are you worthy?"

Looking at Dugu Yihe, Huo Xiu, and Yan Tieshan, in fact, Dugu Yihe is the most powerful. Even if Huo Xiu is the master of Tsingyi Tower, in the eyes of Dugu Yihe, the head of the Emei Sword Sect, he is just a group of things hiding their heads and showing their tails. Yan Tieshan is not worth mentioning.

He has the strength and qualifications to say such things to a strange young man.

Dai Daojin was not angry, and put away the blood pill with a smile. He knew that Dugu Yihe was different from Huo Xiu and Yan Tieshan.

He stretched out his right hand, and Yan Tieshan presented the long sword.

Dai Daojin held the long sword in his hand and raised it casually.


A domineering and calm saber movement unfolded, but it was made with a sword, which looked extremely weird.

But Dugu Yihe's complexion changed slightly. When he joined the Emei sect from Nantu, he already had a very profound skill in saber techniques, and after 30 years of painstaking efforts, he made the saber techniques open and closed, strong and fierce. , into Emei's exquisite and unique swordsmanship, and finally created the unique skill of "Sword and Sword Double Kill Qiqi 49 Style", which can be used with a knife or a sword, which is a unique kung fu in the world.

But this person's casual strikes can be seen through the eyes, and it is actually the way of combining swords and swords.

Dai Daojin laughed and said, "Today, either you will die or I will live."

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