Looking at Huo Tianqing's corpse in front of him, Shangguan Danfeng's face turned ashen.

Yan Tieshan's expression was even more sad, he looked up at Ximen Chuuxue who was dressed in white, and sighed, "Why did you kill him?"

Ximen Chuuxue's expression was indifferent and he didn't speak.

Lu Xiaofeng and Hua Manlou were also puzzled, looking at Ximen Chuixue.

Seeing Ximen Chuuxue, his eyes were even colder, but he still said: "If you kill, you will kill, there is no reason." With his pride, he would never explain his murder to others.

Hua Manlou frowned, he didn't like Ximen Chuuxue, it was Ximen Chuuxue who was too indifferent to life.

Moreover, he had a slight liking for Huo Tianqing.

Lu Xiaofeng also frowned a little, but he was very clear about Ximen Chuuxue's character, and would never kill Huo Tianqing for no reason, but his proud temper could not explain anything.

Yan Tieshan sighed again, and said, "This is troublesome."

Hua Manlou said: "What's the trouble?"

Yan Tieshan glanced at Ximen Chuuxue, a strange look flashed in his eyes, and he sighed, "Do you know who Huo Tianqing is?"

Hua Manlou said: "The chief manager of Zhuguang Baoqi Pavilion."

Yan Tieshan glanced at everyone, and said: "In addition to this identity, he is also the son of the 'Tianqin Old Man' who was born at the age of 77. He was revered as Mount Tai in the martial arts world as soon as he was born. The younger brother of Beidou's "Tiansong Yunhe and Shangshan Erlao", who has been famous for 30 years, the uncle of the hero "Shanxi Yan" who shocked the Guanzhong with a pair of iron palms, and the only heir of the Tianqin Gate."

Lu Xiaofeng and Hua Manlou were shocked that Huo Tianqing had such a big background.

When Ximen Chuuxue heard this, a trace of surprise flashed across his eyes.

Lu Xiaofeng lost his composure, and said: "Ximen, did something happen last night?" There was a trace of eagerness in the voice.

The energies of these people behind Huo Tianqing are simply terrifying. Lu Xiaofeng dare not imagine that if Ximen Chuuxue kills Huo Tianqing, if the news of the only seedling of the Tianqin old man is known by these people, Wanmei Villa may not be restored. Existence, Ximen Chuuxue will be hunted down endlessly.

Ximen Chuuxue heard Lu Xiaofeng's words, felt his urgency, and didn't want to take away his friend's kindness, so he said calmly: "Last night, Huo Tianqing came to kill me, and I killed him."

These simple words made several people look at each other in blank dismay.

Shangguan Danfeng suddenly said: "Master Yan, Huo Tianqing is your subordinate, he wants to kill Ximen Chuuxue, don't you know?"

Yan Tieshan's chubby face smiled wryly: "Princess, although Huo Tianqing is a subordinate of the old minister and the chief manager of the Zhuguangbaoqi Pavilion, the veteran has never treated him as a subordinate, and the veteran does not ask him too much about what he does."

Lu Xiaofeng's two thick eyebrows were almost twisted together, he felt a little headache, this matter was very difficult to deal with.

However, Shangguan Danfeng thought of her meeting with Huo Tianqing the night before yesterday, and wondered what kind of nerve Huo Tianqing had lost, he didn't follow the plan, and actually went to kill Ximen Chuuxue.

The matter here is not over yet, at this time the servants reported that Dugu Yihe had arrived.

The arrival of Dugu Yihe surprised everyone, but Yan Tieshan's face remained unchanged.

Lu Xiaofeng saw it, and asked: "Master Yan, from your expression, you invited Dugu Yihe?"

Yan Tieshan shook his head, "No, he sent someone to contact me first, and the one standing in front of me was Su Shaoying from the 'Three Talents and Four Talents', you have seen me before."

Lu Xiaofeng and Hua Manlou suddenly remembered the heroic young man who sat at the same table at the previous banquet.

"Three Heroes and Four Talents" are the new generation leaders of the Emei Sword Sect, and they are well-known in the world.

Yan Tieshan waved his hand to the servant, "Please."

Then he said to everyone: "Princess, everyone, this is not a place to meet guests, please move to the hall."

Naturally, everyone would not agree.

Not long after everyone arrived in the living room, two men with swords came in, one old and one young.

The old man is Dugu Yihe, and the young man is his disciple Su Shaoying, he came in with his master at this time, presumably he met his master first.

Dugu Yihe looked around at the people in the hall, his cold and solemn face showed no expression, and finally his gaze fell on Yan Tieshan's fat face, and he said indifferently: "Yan Tieshan, I have something to do with you, what are you doing here with so many idlers?"

Everyone in the hall had different expressions, Hua Manlou smiled lightly, Ximen Chuixue was indifferent, Shangguan Danfeng frowned slightly, and Lu Xiaofeng had weird eyes.

Yan Tieshan laughed: "Don't be offended by the head of Dugu, these are the best friends of the princess, and of course they are also my good friends. This is Lu Xiaofeng with four eyebrows, this is the seventh child of the Hua family, Huamanlou, and this is Wan Wan. Ximen Chuuxue of Meishan Villa."

Only he did not introduce Shangguan Danfeng.

When Dugu Yihe heard the names of these people, his eyes did not change. With his martial arts and status in the world, although Lu Xiaofeng, Hua Manlou and Ximen Chuixue were famous in the world, they still couldn't move him.

Dugu Yihe stood by his sword and said calmly, "Who is this girl?"

Shangguan Danfeng took a step forward and said, "Shangguan Danfeng is the daughter of King Jinpeng of the Jinpeng Dynasty."

Dugu Yihe naturally knew that she was Shangguan Danfeng. Su Shaoying had already told about everything that happened here. A gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and he said calmly, "The Jinpeng Dynasty was destroyed 50 years ago. Where did the Great Jinpeng King come from?"

Frost hung on Shangguan Danfeng's face, and he looked at him coldly.

Lu Xiaofeng smiled and said: "Master Dugu, the big boss just found out his old friend these few days, he has an old friend Ping Duhe, I wonder if you recognize him?"

Dugu Yihe said indifferently: "Ping Duhe died a long time ago."

Lu Xiaofeng said: "Ping Duhe is dead, but Dugu Yihe is still alive."

Dugu Yihe ignored him, took a deep look at Yan Tieshan, and suddenly said: "It's so courageous."

Yan Tieshan arched his hands and said with a smile: "Master Dugu just laughed."

Everyone present naturally knew that Dugu Yihe was referring to Yan Tieshan handing over the wealth in his hand.

Shangguan Danfeng suddenly said: "Master Yan, do you know who is standing in front of you?"

Yan Tieshan hesitated for a while, and said: "Return to the princess, the old minister dare not lie, this person is Ping Duhe."

Shangguan Danfeng said: "Ping Duhe, are you not polite when you see this princess?"

Dugu Yihe's face darkened, and then he said with a light smile: "There are no two days in the sky, the Jinpeng Dynasty is dead, there is no more King Jinpeng, and there are no princesses." These words are tantamount to admitting his identity.

Given his status, he naturally didn't bother to hide his ears and steal the bell in front of everyone.

Su Shaoying looked at her master in surprise.

Lu Xiaofeng said with a smile: "Since the head of Dugu admits that he is the Ping Duhe of the Jinpeng Dynasty, can he hand over the hidden money from that year?"

Dugu Yihe smiled, looked at the crowd, and smiled inexplicably.

Ximen Chuuxue narrowed his eyes, and slowly grasped the hilt of the sword with his right hand.

Dugu Yihe said indifferently: "The money is in Mount Emei, you want to get it yourself."

Then he turned and left, Su Shaoying hurriedly followed.

The rest of the people looked at each other in blank dismay, and went to Mount Emei to withdraw money, looking for death?

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