In the kitchen, Lu Xiaofeng watched the scene in front of him, and finally believed in one thing, Hua Manlou was really peeling eggs.

The seventh young master of the dignified Jiangnan Hua family is peeling eggs, and looking at the egg shells under his feet, it is obvious that many egg shells have been peeled.


Hua Manlou carefully peeled off the shell of the boiled egg in her hand, revealing the tender white egg, and carefully placed it in the basin next to it.

After finishing all this, Hua Manlou stood up, clapped his hands, turned his head to look in Lu Xiaofeng's direction, with a smile on his face: "You're here."

Lu Xiaofeng smiled and said, "I'm here, but I shouldn't be here?"

Hua ManLou: "Shouldn't you be here?"

Lu Xiaofeng said: "I really can't imagine that Seventh Young Master Hua is not leaning against the red and cuddling with the green, and the red sleeves add fragrance, but peeling eggs here. This is probably the most fun thing I have seen this year."

The smile on Huamanlou's face was still warm and mellow, and he didn't mind Lu Xiaofeng's teasing, but was very happy in his heart. This friend he had known since childhood didn't ask himself why he peeled the eggs, even though he was very curious. powerful.

The two went back to the attic, Mengqiu served tea, and then retreated.

Lu Xiaofeng took a sip, looked at the enjoying Huamanlou, his heart suddenly became very peaceful, and the wind blowing from the attic was much gentler.

Every time Lu Xiaofeng sees Huamanlou, he can't help but feel a burst of warmth in his heart.

A person with simple clothes and a quiet attitude, no matter when and where he is, who or what he is facing, he is always grateful to the world, and is always full of confidence and love for life.

Although he is blind and cannot see anything, he sees, feels, and cares for others with his heart.

Therefore, Huamanlou's life is full.

Such a person, even if you are not friends with him, you will respect him from the bottom of your heart.

Seeing that he was silent, Hua Manlou couldn't help laughing and said, "Why is it so quiet this time?"

Lu Xiaofeng smiled and said, "Can I stay with you for a few days?"

Hua Manlou laughed out loud, very happy, "Are you hiding from a certain girl?"

Lu Xiaofeng smiled wryly and shook his head.

Hua Manlou didn't ask any further questions, but frowned slightly, then relaxed instantly, and said with a smile, "Of course, you can stay as long as you want, but I don't have so many good wines here for you to drink."

He frowned covertly, but Lu Xiaofeng still saw it, curious in his heart, it wasn't his first time here, and he knew that Huamanlou would never frown because he stayed here for a while, there was only one reason, Huamanlou What happened to him, I don't want him to get involved and cause him trouble.

He knew Huamanlou, because he was blind, he was most afraid of bothering others.

Lu Xiaofeng became curious, and smiled calmly: "I don't drink every day."

Hua Manlou nodded, feeling a little worried in his heart, he was afraid that Lu Xiaofeng would find out about his affairs and offend the person in the dark.

Lu Xiaofeng is very smart, if this matter happened again, he would never hide it from him.

Hua Manlou's eyes flashed silver, and he suddenly said, "Lu Xiaofeng, why don't you have a beard?"

Lu Xiaofeng was taken aback, and raised his hand to touch his smooth and beardless lips. At the age of 21, he hasn't grown a beard yet, how could he have a beard?

He didn't understand, "Why do I have a beard?"

The silver in Hua Manlou's eyes flickered from time to time, but there was still a warm smile on his face, "You should have a beard."

Lu Xiaofeng said: "Should?"

Hua Manlou nodded, "Should."

Lu Xiaofeng said: "Why should it be?"

Hua Manlou said: "There's no reason, just should."

Lu Xiaofeng frowned, looked at Huamanlou, for some reason, he felt a strange feeling in his heart.

Lu Xiaofeng is still a smart and witty Lu Xiaofeng, no matter whether he has a beard or not.

Hua Manlou turned a blind eye to his scrutiny, and said with a smile: "I just think that the young man with a jade face is not suitable for you. If you grow a beard, you will be more attractive in your mind. I can guarantee that girls who like you in the world will be more attractive." changed even more."

Lu Xiaofeng laughed, "Really? Hearing what you said, I really want to try it."

Hua Manlou smiled and took a sip of tea.

Guided by Mengqiu, Lu Xiaofeng went down to the attic to rest in the room that had been prepared for him.

After leaving the attic, Lu Xiaofeng held the folding fan, turned his head to look back at the second floor of the attic, glanced at the figure from behind, and suddenly thought that his friend was invisible, since he couldn't see, how did he know he didn't have a beard?

He always unconsciously forgets the fact that Huamanlou can't see.

He frowned again, shook his head, and walked forward.

On the attic, Hua Manlou was drinking tea alone, with a smile on his face, he whispered: "Lu Xiaofeng without beard, is he still Lu Xiaofeng?"

Put down the teacup and fill it up.

A gust of wind blows, bringing the fragrance of grass and trees.

Hua Manlou's eyes were still empty, and at this moment his heart was also a little dazed, holding the teacup, dazed, he knew the teacup was full.

But he also knew it shouldn't be full.

A blind man, in addition to his keen ears and developed sense of smell, has a good memory, at least Huamanlou's. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to recite Buddhist scriptures just by listening to others read them twice.

He clearly remembered that he took a sip just now and didn't refill it.

Moreover, Lu Xiaofeng disappeared, where did he go?

There was a slight chill in his heart, and he couldn't help sighing.

"Deng...deng...deng" Someone went upstairs.

Smelling the fragrance from the wind, Hua Manlou knew that it was Meng Qiu who came.

Sure enough, Mengqiu walked up to Huamanlou and said, "Master, Master Lu has already made arrangements and has already rested."

Hua Manlou was silent, and nodded slightly.


Dai Daojin naturally noticed Hua Manlou's strangeness, but he didn't care.

He never thought that he would keep hiding from Huamanlou, and he would do a lot of things in the future, so it was impossible for him to keep hiding.

As long as you come out, you will definitely use your physical body. Hua Manlou is meticulous and will find out sooner or later.

What's more, Hua Manlou's practice of the way of the mind is faster than he expected, and as his cultivation level deepens, he will naturally discover his existence.

Of course, he will not take the initiative to appear in front of Hua Manlou, everything needs to be discovered by himself.

He has important things to do.

People often say "heart thinking", but modern science shows that it is "brain thinking".

Human thinking and perception can be divided into three states, conscious, subconscious, and unconscious. Consciousness is for purpose, subconscious is for unconsciousness, and unconsciousness is for involuntary action.

The bond of these three mental states is called "God" in tradition.

In Taoism, the master of human consciousness is the soul.

In fact, it sounds mysterious and mysterious, like myths and legends, but if you understand the fundamentals of martial arts and Taoism, you will find their essential connection.

Practicing martial arts and Taoism is nothing more than four steps of refining essence to transform qi, refining qi to transform spirit, practicing spirit to return to emptiness, and refining emptiness to join the Tao.

Essence, energy and spirit complement each other and go round and round, and one is indispensable. When the three flowers gather at the top, they can gather in one opening of the porch, clean the room, and become enlightened.

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