Hua Manlou only felt that his own martial arts was striding forward almost every day. This kind of strength made him a little uneasy.

Half an hour later, after familiarizing himself with the rising strength in his body, he opened his eyes, pondered for a while, and sighed slightly.

He didn't know who to talk to about these questions, and he didn't dare to talk about them.

Because he is blind, he is most afraid of troubling others, even though his family is very kind to him.

And the reason why he didn't dare to say it was because this mysterious person could raise his power to such a level without knowing it, so what about his own strength?

What is his purpose?

If you talk nonsense to others and annoy him, who in the entire Hua family can resist?

After thinking about it, just about to lie down and rest, I suddenly felt my head swell, followed by a pain.

He didn't cry out, he gritted his teeth and stiffened, a fine layer of sweat dripped from his forehead.


After a long while, Hua Manlou exhaled, opened his eyes, and asked doubtfully, "The way of the soul?"

Afterwards, he closed his eyes again, and carefully browsed these things that suddenly appeared in his mind. The more he looked, the more absorbed he became, and he forgot the time.


A rooster crow pierced the darkness between heaven and earth, and awakened Huamanlou.

Opening his eyes, he looked out the window, and before he knew it, the sky was already dawning.

Huamanlou didn't sleep all night, and he didn't feel any tiredness. He was very curious about the "mind" cultivation method he got, which aroused his great interest.

Whispered to himself: "Is the power of the mind really so powerful?"

The power in his mouth does not refer to the speed of the sword or the strength of the fist, but the power to perceive nature, understand nature, and perceive everything in the world. What a beautiful power that is.

Feel something that others don't.

Wouldn't it be the best to be able to feel life and life better?

That's why Dai Daojin said: Huamanlou is a wonderful person.


Nine days later, in the middle of the night, lying on the bed and sleeping soundly, Hua Manlou slowly opened his eyes. His silvery white pupils were like demons.

Turning his eyes, Dai Daojin sat up without delay, sat down cross-legged, and closed his eyes.

In an unknown place, the rolling essence poured into Huamanlou's body, and there was a slight tingling pain in the meridians, Dai Daojin's mind moved, "Nine Turns of Yin and Yang" began to work, and every inch of muscle, bone, and viscera in his body squirmed Friction, absorption of essence, continuous strengthening.

At this time, his whole body was slightly hot, and it was getting hotter and hotter, and gradually a heat wave couldn't stop spreading.

"Bang... bang"

The sound of the heartbeat can be clearly heard, and at the same time the sound of blood rushing through the veins is like sea water washing against the shore.

In this way, it lasted for less than half an hour, as if reaching a certain critical point, with a buzzing sound, the sound of the heartbeat suddenly turned dull, and the naked skin on the body also appeared jade-colored, exuding a faint light, the skin was like jade bones and gold iron.

Dai Daojin didn't stop, and directly used the "Glass Jade Body" to continuously strengthen the physical body and purify the true energy in the body.

After more than an hour, Dai Daojin opened his eyes, stood up, clenched his fists, and made a slight cracking sound, feeling the once familiar power, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The silvery white eyes set off the strange charm of the whole person like a monster.

At this time, he dared to completely let go of his mind, and this body could also allow him to do whatever he wanted.

Looking out the window, there was dim moonlight coming in, he opened the door and walked out, he was living in an attic at the moment, standing by the railing on the second floor, looking at the crescent moon in the sky with his hands behind his back.

The spirit flowed and spread out in all directions, giving him a sense of comfort.


Early the next morning, Hua Manlou woke up. He woke up earlier and earlier. Since he embarked on the path of spiritual cultivation, he slept less and less, so he woke up earlier and earlier.

Regarding this surge of true qi and physical strength, his expression remained unchanged, and he was somewhat accustomed to it.

After getting dressed, he sat on the stool and waited for a while. Seeing that Yingyu and Mengqiu were still alive, he closed his eyes and practiced. He always enjoys spiritual cultivation.

After a while, Yingyu and Mengqiu came in with a basin and a face towel.

Seeing Huamanlou waiting for a long time, Mengqiu panicked and said, "Master, have you been waiting for a long time?"

Hua Manlou opened his eyes, shook his head, with a warm smile on his face, and said softly, "I'm just getting up too."

Mengqiu breathed a sigh of relief, and hurried to work.

While Huamanlou was washing, Yingyu looked at the young master's white skin like jade, a little envious and surprised, the young master's skin has become more and more mature during this period of time.

Huamanlou didn't feel anything, he could only feel the rise of strength, but he didn't feel the color, because to him, everything in the world was black, and there were many kinds of sounds.

Bring breakfast, a stack of pickles, a bowl of porridge, and a few meatloaf.

Hua Manlou picked up the porridge, and with a "bang", the porridge bowl shattered, the porridge spilled all over the table, and a few grains of rice fell on him.

Yingyu and Mengqiu next to me were taken aback, although they didn't know what was going on, they still hurriedly said: "Master, this servant will serve you a new bowl."

Hua Manlou waved his hand, casually ate some meat pies, and asked the two to clean up.

Huamanlou has always loved cleanliness, so she changed her clothes.

After breakfast, Huamanlou retreated Mengqiu and the two, and returned to the room. He sat cross-legged on the couch, frowning a little. He was already careful, but something happened.

With a sigh, he closed his eyes, and circulated his true energy over and over again to achieve familiarity and mastery.

An hour later, Hua Manlou opened his eyes and walked out of the room.

The breeze blowing on his face also made him feel much better, and he smiled.

No matter what mood he was in, there was always something to do. He was the same as before. Every time his strength rose, he would use the method of peeling hard-boiled eggs to fully control this strength.

He wants to peel the hard-boiled eggs without destroying the eggs inside.

Why use the way of peeling hard-boiled eggs?

Because he doesn't want to hurt people, and he doesn't want to hurt or destroy anything, and he is still blind, so what he can do is limited, such as carving, pinching things, etc., he has no concrete in his mind, so he can't do these things.

Fortunately, peeling eggs neither kills nor destroys, and the Hua family's wealth can support his consumption of peeling eggs.

He can only think so.

After all, no matter what a blind person does, he always spends more thought and effort than a normal person.

While Hua Manlou was peeling eggs in the kitchen, a man came from outside the attic and wanted to see him.

This man has a handsome face, with a smile on his mouth, and he is quite romantic.

Seeing him, Mengqiu bowed and said with a smile, "Master Lu, you are here."

This Lord Lu put away the folding fan in his hand, and said with a smile, "Mengqiu, I haven't seen you for so long, and I look pretty again."

Mengqiu covered her mouth and smiled, her eyes turned into crescent moons, no woman would be unhappy when praised.

Mengqiu led the way and led this Lord Lu to go forward.

Master Lu looked around, "The place you live in is quiet and elegant, which suits Huamanlou's personality. By the way, what is he doing now?"

Hearing this, Mengqiu replied with inexplicable strangeness in her eyes, "Master, he is...peeling eggs."

Master Lu was taken aback for a moment, thinking he had heard wrong.

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