What should come will always come, but the will of the first emperor is not so easy to overthrow. Shenhou wanted to marry Su Xin as his wife, which was opposed by many people.

The change in Shenhou's personality also caused the people in Hulong Villa to be secretly shocked.

Dai Daojin looked at the paper in his hand in the No. [-] village in the world. It was written on it that it was the hidden hiding place of Wan Sanqian, who was wealthy and powerful.

With a flick of the hand, the confetti rustled.

Dai Daojin walked to the wall, stroked the black scabbard, then took it in his hand, turned and went out.


At a depth of nearly eight meters underground, Dai Daojin walked lightly and silently along the passage, moving forward.

The person in front of him led the way sideways, and after a while, he left the passage.

With Dai Daojin's knowledge, he couldn't help being secretly surprised at the scene before him.

Like an underground palace, it is magnificent and full of luxury.

The carpet under his feet continued to the entrance of the palace. On both sides of the avenue, there were small bridges, flowing water, pavilions and pavilions. If he couldn't see the sun, Dai Daojin almost thought he was still on land.

The servant of Wan Sanqian waved his hand sideways and said, "Please."

Dai Daojin smiled and nodded, "Thank you."

Under the leadership of the servant, Dai Daojin walked into the palace, and Wan Sanqian was already waiting.

Dai Daojin smiled and said: "I have Laowan officials waiting."

Wan Sanqian has a slightly fat body, and his white and fat face always has a smile on his face. No one would feel bad for such a person. He looked at Dai Daojin and said, "Shenhou sent me a letter saying that there is something important to tell With me, I dare not delay, so I will wait for you here in advance."

Dai Daojin smiled and nodded, "Shenhou really needs your help with something important."

Wan Sanqian smiled and said, "Please tell me."

Dai Daojin didn't do it directly, but asked a question: "Does Wan Daguan know someone?"

Wan Sanqian wondered, "Who is it?"

"Shen Fu, Shen Wansan."

Wan Sanqian's eyes flashed, "Of course I know him. A generation of wealthy merchants at the beginning of the founding of the Ming Dynasty, I heard that he once helped my founding ancestor of the Ming Dynasty, and he has the merits of being a dragon."

Dai Daojin nodded with a smile and said, "Yes, from the merit of the dragon, if the god of the future becomes a great treasure, Wan Daguan will be like Shen Wansan back then, and he will also be from the dragon."

Wan Sanqian smiled, but a trace of vigilance flashed in his eyes.

Dai Daojin didn't seem to notice it, stroked the blade with his right hand, and said with a smile, "Do you know what happened to Shen Wansan in the end?"

The smile on Wan Sanqian's face faded, feeling the danger, "My lord, please report back to God. Although Wan Sanqian is stupid, he will not be like Shen Fu, who knows no respect, and will definitely follow God's lead and let him be urged. "

Dai Daojin shook his head, "No need, Shenhou has already decided to take it himself, hand over the treasure chest, and I will give you a good time."

Wan Sanqian's face was ugly, "I have already promised to support Shenhou, why do I still do this?"

Dai Daojin said indifferently: "If a person has wealth that can rival a country, if he doesn't keep a low profile and protect himself well, what is the difference between him and a fat pig waiting to be slaughtered?"

Wan Sanqian's eyes were slightly cold, and he said in a cold voice: "Your Excellency wants to kill me, but it is not that simple. Even if Lord Tiedan came in person, he would not dare to say that he can take me down."

Dai Daojin smiled, nodded and said, "I know, the Four Ghosts of Xiangxi."

"Let them come out quickly, otherwise there will be no chance."

Wansanqian has a wide range of sources of information, so he naturally recognizes that this person has appeared in the No. [-] village in the world, but he doesn't think that this person can break the martial arts of the Four Ghosts of Xiangxi.

He took a step back, and suddenly there was a sound of piercing through the air. In the hall, like ghosts, four figures wrapped in black appeared in the hall, standing in front of Wan Sanqian.


Dai Daojin flicked the long knife casually, and the long knife instantly sank into the half of the marble column next to it, making a pop, as if it was not hard marble, but rotten soil.

He moved his hands, and said softly in his mouth: "The four ghosts of Xiangxi, four brothers, are connected with each other, and they practice the "Phantom Magic Art", which is based on defense and attack. It is said that no one can break free when they are entangled. No matter what kung fu the opponent uses Dissolved and disappeared into nothingness, they are called the Four Ghosts of Western Hunan that cannot be beaten to death."

"Hehe, why don't I believe it!"

"Can it be resolved? Let me try!"

Dai Daojin stepped forward, but the four Xiangxi ghosts were masked in black scarves, and they couldn't see any expressions.

The four ghosts in Xiangxi didn't move, but Dai Daojin moved, slipped his feet, flashed his body, and instantly came in front of the four, clenched his right hand violently.


With a bang, the air flow in the palm was instantly squeezed out, like thunder.

With his right fist, he punched one of the four ghosts in Xiangxi with great force. He didn't use Yin and Yang Qi, just physical strength.

The figures of the four Xiangxi ghosts moved, and the four of them raised their hands together and struck out at the same time, and the shadows of their palms immediately filled the sky.



Dai Daojin let out a sigh, his eyes were surprised. Although his punch just now was not empty, it seemed that he had met the opponent with four palms at that moment, and his strength was transmitted to the opponent, as if he was being attacked by the opponent with a strange feeling. Method, spread to four people, and then calmly dissipate this force.

He immediately waved his left and right hands, and the Tianshan Zhemei hand, which is integrated with thousands of martial arts, made it. The left and right hands wavered. It was originally a boxing method, but after the strike, halfway it turned into a whip method or a sword finger.

"Bang... bang... bang"

Wansanqian was not far away, he could only see phantoms all over the sky, the sound kept going, but he couldn't see clearly.

He has never practiced martial arts, so naturally he doesn't feel anything when he sees these.

If anyone in the martial arts world was present, they would definitely not squint their eyes when they saw this scene, and they would be hooked, only to see countless exquisite techniques being swayed from Dai Daojin's fingers.

Naturally, Dai Daojin would not be performing here. He kept switching punches, palms, swords, legs, whips and other moves to attack the Four Ghosts of Xiangxi, feel the opponent's response, and try to detect the opponent's method of attacking with defense.

After a long while, Dai Daojin drew back and looked at the four people in front of him who were not breathing at all, and immediately knew that the other party was not only skillful in martial arts, but also deep in internal strength.

He felt that this "Phantom Magic" sounds bluffing, but it is nothing more than two words, "transformation" and "discharging". What is dissolved is true energy, and what is released is strength. "Shen Gong" shines on the Four Ghosts of Xiangxi.

Still the same sentence, it is people who are powerful, not martial arts.

The four ghosts of Xiangxi are brothers with the same mind, and no matter who they are fighting with, they are all four together. would have such an exaggerated effect.

But personally, perhaps some of the techniques in "Phantom of Magic" are very unique, but they don't have much effect on Dai Daojin.

Dai Daojin glanced at Wansanqian, not wanting to waste time.

Squinting his eyes slightly, he took a deep breath, the breath was extremely long, the blood in his body flowed rapidly in the blood vessels, and the airflow roared in the chest cavity, sounding like thunder.

The eyes of the four Xiangxi ghosts froze, and they said for the first time: "No, let's go." In an instant, the four rushed to Wan Sanqian, and they were about to set him up to escape.

But just as he was about to move, a roar sounded from behind him.


As if the god of thunder is angry, in this underground space, the sound seems to be amplified, and suddenly it seems like the sky and the earth are roaring.




The glass products and porcelain objects in the hall were instantly shattered.

Wan Sanqian was shocked to death on the spot, his eyeballs exploded, and he died instantly.

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