Lord Tiedan returned to Hulong Villa without much fanfare.

First, let Shangguan Haitang call the world's number one genius doctor Sai Huatuo and Sai Shennong to diagnose and treat him.

The situation of the diagnosis is not optimistic, Sai Huatuo said, if it wasn't for Shenhou's deep inner strength, he detected it in time, and didn't let the embroidery needle go through the eyes and into the head, otherwise he might be killed on the spot.

But the strange qi attached to the embroidery needle directly damaged Shenhou's left eye.

Everyone naturally understood what he meant, which meant that Shenhou would only have one eye in the future.

At that time, Tie Dan Shenhou had no expression on his face after listening to it. He just said to everyone: "Remember, don't tell Su Xin."

Everyone naturally obeyed.

Afterwards, Shenhou turned his head to look at Sai Huatuo and said, "It doesn't matter if you can't see it, can you make it look indistinguishable from your right eye?"

Sai Huatuo hesitated for a moment, then cupped his hands and said, "Return to God, if it's just an ordinary embroidery needle, it's fine, but this embroidery needle is attached to Cao Zhengchun's weird true energy, which has completely damaged the eyeballs. Atrophy and necrosis, if it is for the sake of the future, it is better to remove it."

Shenhou's face twitched, and he remained silent for a long time before he said, "Can I have another eye?"

The two of Sai Huatuo looked at each other and shook their heads.

He waved his hands, "You all go out."


One eye is gone, nothing else, and I can't hide it even if I want to.

Soon after, Su Xin knew.

Looking at the gentle woman who was crying silently in front of him, Zhu Wushi finally smiled. This was the first time he laughed since he lost an eye in the battle with Cao Zhengchun.

Who said that a woman's tears are useless, if it is useless, it can only be said that the man you cry for doesn't care about you that much.

Shenhou raised his hand to wipe away the tears from Su Xin's face, but he couldn't finish it, and wiped more and more.

Su Xin raised her right hand and carefully stroked her left eye which was covered with an eyepatch, feeling extremely guilty in her heart.

"It's all me. If it wasn't for me, for the third Tianxiang cardamom, you wouldn't have fought with Cao Zhengchun, and you wouldn't have lost this eye..."

Su Xin wanted to say more, but she was stopped by Shenhou's finger.

Shenhou looked at the woman who was still crying, and said with a smile, "For you, not to mention just one eye, even my life is worth it."

Tears blindfolded her eyes, and Su Xin leaned in Shenhou's arms, thinking of right and wrong, her heart was even more uncomfortable, and she murmured: "It's not worth it...it's not worth it..."

Shenhou hugged him tightly, and said softly in his heart: It's worth it.

Zhu Wushi is an important member of the imperial court and the helm of Hulong Villa, so he always wants to go to court.

He was blind in one eye and caused quite a stir.

As for the matter of him killing Cao Zhengchun, there are naturally a series of criminal evidences, which are enough to prove that Cao Zhengchun deserved to die, and because of his disobedience, he was beheaded by the Marquis of God.

Naturally, the emperor and the civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty had no objections, and they all acquiesced to his rhetoric.

It's just that the emperor sitting high on the dragon chair looked at the one-eyed uncle in the hall below, a smile flashed in his eyes, but it was replaced by worry immediately.

Zhu Wushi, who has lost one eye, has no face to seek to usurp the throne and become a one-eyed emperor?What prestige?

Even so, the emperor couldn't help feeling a little uneasy when he thought about the days to come, Cao Zhengchun was dead, and he had to face this fierce tiger alone.

A tiger that lost one eye is still a tiger, maybe... it will become more vicious!


Su Xin's spirit has been getting worse and worse recently, and she is always lethargic.

Tiedan Shenhou's temper became worse and worse, so he ordered people to find all the files related to Tianxiang Cardamom and check them carefully.

In the end, Princess Yunluo was finally found.

The third Tianxiang cardamom was successfully found, and Su Xin's life was finally extended.

Although Dai Daojin lives in the No. [-] village in the world, he is quite clear about these news, and occasionally sighs in his heart, Zhu Wushi is really an infatuated species. Originally, a person with a deep city and resourcefulness like a sea, it is not a problem to achieve a career, but Only the feelings for Su Xin gave him a weakness and made this person even more attractive.

A character like a hero, but still sad about the beauty pass.

If it weren't for Su Xin, the emperor is nothing, how could he be his opponent, and the whole world is within his reach.

But what hurt Dai Daojin the most was that for such a character, if the woman he admired and loved was a generation of strange women, it would be fine, but he was just an ordinary woman. Wear a hat.

But Shenhou smashed his teeth and swallowed it in his stomach, still not changing his original intention.

These two men are still the top two in the world.

Dai Daojin was very curious about the charm of this woman that fascinated Shenhou so much.

Speaking of which, Dai Daojin's No. [-] Villa in the World is not far from Hulong Villa, and he has never seen this woman since Su Xin woke up in the past year.

Nothing to do, just about to go out, but stopped because of a person's visit.

Sitting opposite each other, Dai Daojin looked at the man in front of him whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

"Why did you come to find me? Where's Piaoxu?"

The person who came was Liu Shengdan Ma Shou, and when he heard Dai Daojin's question, his expression darkened, "Don't mention her to me."

Dai Daojin was surprised, "What's the matter? Did something happen?"

Liu Sheng and Ma Shou said silently, "She went to Snake Island."

"Snake Island? Have you gone to find Xue Ji?"

Liu Sheng gave him a strange look, "I wanted to train her well and do things for the Marquis of God, but she ran to Snake Island for more than a year."

After hearing this, Dai Daojin said with a strange expression, "You mean that Piaoxu and Xueji Tianya have lived together in Snake Island for more than a year?"

Liu Sheng but Ma Shou remained silent and did not speak.

Dai Daojin smacked his lips and took a sip from the cup of tea.

Then he asked, "You didn't come to me just to tell me about this, did you?"

Liu Sheng Dan Ma Shou looked serious, "Of course not, do you still remember the agreement with Shenhou?"

Dai Daojin nodded, naturally he knew what he was talking about, he had promised to do three things for Shenhou.

Liu Sheng Dan Ma Shou nodded when he saw him, and said: "He wants to overthrow the current emperor of Ming Dynasty, and take that position by himself. I guess the people below will oppose him. Shenhou specially sent me to tell you that starting from today, you can move in." Hulong Villa, always take precautions."

Dai Daojin pretended to be surprised, then his face returned to calm, and he nodded: "You can't be too careful about this kind of thing, yes, I'll go to Hulong Villa right now."

Liu Sheng stopped him and said, "Don't be in a hurry, before going to Hulong Villa, Shenhou asked you to deal with a person and get something."

Dai Daojin asked: "Who is it? What are you taking?"

Liu Sheng Dan Ma Shou glanced at him, "This man is the richest man in Ming Dynasty, Wan Sanqian, kill him, and take the treasure chest in his hand."

Dai Daojin's eyes moved, but he thought of four people.

"Wan Sanqian's whereabouts, Shenhou will send someone to inform you."

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