The martial arts of the heavens start from Wudang

Chapter 316 The third piece of heavenly fragrant cardamom

In the past, when he heard the emperor praise him so much, Cao Zhengchun would have to be modest, but now he just smiled softly, and said softly: "Your Majesty, this slave is a disabled person, plus..."

The emperor stood up, waved his hands and said, "Okay, there is no need to say more."

Bypassing the imperial case, he walked up to Cao Zhengchun, "Eunuch Cao must have been exhausted by the many things in Dongchang and Jinyiwei during this period, how about this, I will give you a few days off, Eunuch Cao should take a good rest for a few days, as for Dongchang The factory and Jinyiwei will be supported by the servants below, and when you come back, you will still be in charge."

Cao Zhengchun was silent for a while, bowed and said, "The servant is in command."

The emperor smiled and nodded.

Cao Zhengchun waited to the side, his eyes slightly closed. He has been immersed in the officialdom for decades, and he knows all the factions in the court. Not long ago, after his mentality changed, he stepped out of the situation and looked at the situation in the court.

He naturally understood why the emperor had such a big reaction to his resignation. If he really resigned, the loyal and courageous god of iron and courage in Hulong Villa might make him sleepless today.

He had always felt that the emperor used himself to suppress Tie Dan, and in turn used Zhu Tie Dan to check and balance himself.

Not long ago, he realized that the emperor, the marquis, and himself, the three check and balance each other and are at a point of balance. In this state, the situation is stable, which is what the emperor wants to see.

Among the three, no matter which one takes the lead, the other two will not end well.

Moreover, regardless of Cao Zhengchun's notoriety in the court and the public, the iron and courageous god is famous for his loyalty and courage. In fact, the emperor is more inclined to Cao Zhengchun in his heart, and he is even more suspicious of the god who looks like a loyal minister.

After all, eunuchs are the most harmful to power and chaos, but they can't be emperors.

Now, Cao Zhengchun suddenly wanted to unload the burden of Dongchang and Jinyiwei, which was tantamount to breaking the balance. This was something the fledgling young emperor didn't want to see, so he rejected Cao Zhengchun's resignation quite forcefully.


That night, Hulong Villa was brightly lit.

In the study room, Hou Tiedanshen was leaning over his desk, sketching something with a pen.

After a while, stop writing and blow dry.

Putting the pen away, Shenhou said: "Say."

At some point, in the dark corner of the study, a man in black knelt on one knee, waiting.

Hearing Shenhou's question, the man in black's slightly blunt voice rang out, his tone was gentle, as if without the slightest emotion, and he described exactly what the emperor and Cao Zhengchun had said during the day, without missing a single word.

After the man in black finished speaking, he disappeared.

After hearing this, Tie Dan Shenhou didn't react at all. He took out a piece of rice paper and spread it on the desk, dipped his pen in ink, paused for a moment, and then the pen flew away. , majestic atmosphere.

After finishing writing, Shenhou looked down at the word, thinking of the secret report from his subordinates just now, his eyes were inexplicable, he couldn't figure it out, Cao Zhengchun actually went to resign and give up his rights.

Looking up at the bright moon outside the window, I felt suspicious, could it be that the emperor and Cao Zhengchun jointly made a plan?Thinking of this, he shook his head. Although his imperial nephew was not extremely intelligent, he was by no means stupid, and would not do such a thing of seeking skin from a tiger.

Shenhou sighed, and said in a low voice: "Cao Zhengchun, Cao Zhengchun, but this king can't guess you."

Immediately, he remembered that the third Tianxiang cardamom was still in Cao Zhengchun's hands. He knew that this person would definitely find him on his own initiative, and the time before Suxin woke up was not much.

Thinking of Su Xin, I asked him about the old three links a few days ago, his eyes darkened slightly, and his cheeks tensed up.


At this time, besides Tie Dan Shenhou, who looked up at the moon, there was another one in the world's No. [-] village.

Dai Daojin was lying on the roof at this time, looking at the cold full moon, and the two wine jars beside him were placed there, unopened, his eyes were dazed, a little dazed.

"Bang" footsteps sounded lightly.

Dai Daojin came back to his senses, turned his head to look at the person, and said with a smile: "I don't know who it is, so it's Brother Shangguan."

Haitang smiled wryly, "Brother Dai, don't make fun of me. Haitang doesn't believe that with Dai's eyesight, you can't see Haitang's daughter."

Dai Daojin laughed, "It doesn't matter if you are a man or a woman. The ups and downs of this life don't care whether you are a man or a woman."

Haitang nodded, saw the wine jar beside her, and said with a smile: "Brother Dai, are you drinking to enjoy the moon?"

Dai Daojin laughed and said, "I originally made an appointment with Shan Letian, the number one luthier in the world, but he let me go."

"Uh, I don't know why I let you go?" Haitang was puzzled.

"Well, the pigeon flew and then disappeared. Oh, it means that the person didn't come, and the appointment was missed."

"Brother Dai's remarks are quite novel."

Dai Daojin changed the subject, not wanting to talk more about pigeons. He glanced at Haitang. Under the misty and cold moonlight, she was dressed in white, and the wind blew her clothes. She had a pretty face with red lips and white teeth, but she was a beautiful woman.

He withdrew his gaze, raised his head to look at the moon, and said lightly: "What? Do you have something on your mind?"

Haitang was silent for a while, and then said: "Brother Dai, let me borrow your wine."

Dai Daojin grabbed it casually and threw it at the opponent.

Haitang caught the wine jar, removed the cork, raised her head and took a sip, her pretty face was stained with crimson.

She was also sitting on the roof, looking at the moon, and said softly: "Brother Dai, I really don't know who to tell. It just happened to be today, so let me tell you. A few days ago, I stabbed him... He said he likes me, and I will tell you." A little surprised..."

Haitang's eyes were moist, and her face was full of joy: "He holds the knife firmly, but those words seem to have exhausted all his strength."

After a while, he took another sip of wine: "But today, during the day, my adoptive father told me that Wan Sanqian had proposed marriage to him and wanted to marry me, and my adoptive father asked me what I wanted, what can I say, I think My adoptive father wants me to marry Wansanqian, after all, the intelligence network of the No. [-] Villa in the World and Hulong Villa all rely on Wansanqian's financial support."

Having said that, she took a few more sips of wine and muttered a lot.

I also drank a lot of wine.

When Haitang raised the wine jar to drink again, she realized that the bottom had been reached, she came back to her senses, sighed, turned her head to look, but saw that the other party had closed her eyes and fell asleep, she couldn't help but smiled, and gently lifted the wine jar. Put it down, jumped off the roof, and went back.

After he left, Dai Daojin opened his eyes, looked at the moon, stretched himself, got off the roof, and went back to the house to rest.


Time flies like water, and there is still one month left before the end of the year.

Su Xin looked at Cheng Shifei and Yun Luo who were fighting with each other with a smile, her eyes were full of pity and kindness.

She already knew that this naughty child was the son of her and Gu Santong. She always thanked God for sending her son to her in her short time, but she was a little greedy and wanted to Spend more time with your child.

She stared at Cheng Zhengfei with a smile on her face, and suddenly her head became dizzy and her body shook.

Cheng Shifei over there saw it, and rushed over immediately, caressing Su Xin and said: "Mother, what's wrong with you?"

Yun Luo also cared: "Mother-in-law, are you alright?"

Su Xin calmed down a bit, and comforted with a smile: "It's okay, maybe it's because I've been standing for a long time, and I'll be fine after taking a rest."

Yun Luo said, "That's not right, mother-in-law, you have been taking the second Tianxiang cardamom for almost a year, is it because of this reason?"

Su Xin's expression darkened.

Cheng Shifei felt a little uncomfortable, and reprimanded Yunluo: "Don't talk nonsense, the godmother will be fine, and I will definitely find the third piece of Tianxiang cardamom."

Yun Roman immediately echoed, "That's right."

After all, Shenhou found out about this matter. After the diagnosis and treatment by the genius doctor Sai Huatuo, it turned out that it was the reason of Tianxiang Cardamom.

Time is running out.

Shenhou looked at Su Xin and said firmly: "Su Xin, don't worry, you will be fine, I will not let you be, and I will hold a grand wedding for us."

Su Xin smiled, her face was a little tired.

Shenhou said: "You rest first."

Walking out of the room, Shenhou's face changed, and he was extremely cold and solemn, and said in a deep voice: "There is no time, the king will go to Cao Zhengchun tomorrow, no matter what price he pays, the king must get the third piece of Tianxiang cardamom, the life-saving essence Heart."

Shangguan Haitang, Cheng Shifei, Yun Luo and others beside him nodded.

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