Dai Daojin looked down at the pile of sawdust, thinking in his eyes. He borrowed the characteristics of air-absorbing energy from "Suction Dafa" and incorporated it into "Yin-Yang Jing". After several days of exploration, he finally succeeded.

Just now, he did not use the kung fu of catching dragons and controlling cranes to absorb the volley just now, but simply relying on the characteristics of absorbing yin and yang true energy through the air, he absorbed the round stool made of solid wood, let alone more than ten kilograms, and relied on Twisting and smashing with powerful force.

It's a small test with a sledgehammer, and the dominance can be seen.

No one can try at this time, otherwise he really wants to experiment, whether he can plunder all the spirit, energy and spirit of a master for his own use, become the accumulation of his own growth, and then refine it with "Nine Turns of Yin and Yang" to make the plundered The incoming energy is ground and purified, absorbed to become a part of oneself, and the remaining heterogeneous energy is ignited with the domineering "Glass Jade Body", all of which are transformed into energy strengthened by the physical body, without wasting a single bit.

This is much stronger than the rough use of "Suction Dafa", but there are still some shortcomings, and he still needs to slowly explore and experiment.

Thinking of this, Dai Daojin couldn't help but feel a little helpless. He felt that his self-created kung fu was developing towards the direction of demonic martial arts, but he didn't really care about it. The culmination of the essence of learning is the foundation of his martial arts.

He is based on yin and yang, and it is the supreme martial art of authentic Taoism. How can evil demons and heretics compare with it, he thought in his heart.

It's just that compared with the traditional Taoist martial arts, which is gradual, indifferent and peaceful, he jumped out of the cage, added the characteristics of bravery and diligence, and strives for perfection.

After adjusting himself, Dai Daojin got up and got out of bed, and walked out of the room.

The sun is just right outside, which is very suitable for outings.

He didn't go on an outing, someone else did.

A place surrounded by mountains and rivers in the outskirts of the city, with beautiful mountains and rivers, singing birds and fragrant flowers, and fresh and natural air. Being in this place, the whole person feels at ease unconsciously.

Shenhou didn't feel it at first, but when he saw the woman beside him smiling happily, his deep heart was relieved a lot, and there was a constant smile on his face.

Su Xin smiled and said softly: "Ignore it, you should come out for a walk, business is business, but you have to pay attention to your body."

Shenhou was very happy, only the woman in front of him cared about his health, not anything else, and said with a smile: "I used to be alone, and I didn't have much fun, but it will be different from now on, with you to accompany me, from now on, We can often come out to play, as long as you want, I will always be with you."

Su Xin pursed her lips and smiled, but said nothing.

Zhu Wushi stretched out his hand to hold Su Xin's hands, looked at the woman in front of him, and secretly vowed in his heart that he must protect her for the rest of his life.

Su Xin is not a stunning beauty, her looks are at best above average, but she has a gentle and virtuous temperament, so that Shenhou, who is fighting for his wits outside, will always be very comfortable and at ease when he is with her.

He enjoyed this moment and longed to keep it with him.

The sound of chasing and fighting came from the other side, needless to say, it was Princess Yunluo and Junma Ye.

After some squabbling, Cheng Shifei ran over, looked at Su Xin with a grin and said, "Sister Su Xin, what are you doing here, don't come and play with us."

Su Xin smiled, for some reason, she always had a special emotion in her heart for this little yellow card, which made her very confused, but she also loved this right and wrong very much, and said with a smile: "Go and play, I Just watch you here, don't play too crazy, and eat later."

Cheng Shifei nodded and ran away again.

Shenhou laughed and said, "You have a good relationship with Cheng Shifei?"

Su Xin said with a smile: "I don't know if it's an illusion, but I feel that this child hits it off very well."

Shen Hou smiled and nodded.


Three days later, in the study of Hulong Villa.

Tiedan Shenhou looked at the secret letter in his hand and frowned. The letter came from Feiying.

The letter mentioned that Cao Zhengchun stayed behind closed doors for most of the time except entering the palace to serve the emperor, and handed over all the affairs of the East Factory to Da Tantou and Feiying. Leave it alone and let the current command take care of things.

These subordinates were afraid of Cao Zhengchun's methods. Although they didn't know what Cao Zhengchun wanted to do, no one dared to act arbitrarily.

I'm afraid this is Cao Zhengchun's method to test them, and to settle accounts with them afterwards.

Fei Ying was Cao Zhengchun's capable subordinate, and he knew a lot of things. He found out that Cao Zhengchun hadn't looked through these things after they were delivered to the East Factory.

And he expressed some changes in Cao Zhengchun after meeting him several times in a secret letter.

Shenhou frowned, and after destroying the secret letter in his hand, he murmured in his heart: the hair has turned black, and the eyes are scary?Cao Zhengchun, what are you doing?What kind of kung fu did you practice to have such a change?

Shenhou naturally knew that even if Cao Zhengchun got the "Suction Dafa" from him, there would be no such change after practicing. He himself practiced "Suction Dafa" and reached the highest level, no one knew better than him.

This shows that Cao Zhengchun has practiced a very powerful martial art, and this martial art can change him so much.

But what about decentralizing the power in his hands? Will this power-hungry eunuch give up the power in his hands?

Under Tie Dan Shenhou's frowning brows, his eyes were deep and deep, and he couldn't stop thinking in his heart. He hated the feeling that this kind of thing was out of control.

After a long silence, the corners of Shenhou's mouth curled up, his eyes glinted, and he said in a low voice: "Cao Zhengchun, no matter what you want to play, this king will follow."

A strong man who is never afraid.

Not only Shenhou was confused, but Governor Cao's next move also made the emperor panic.

two months later.

In the study, the emperor stood up in shock when he heard Cao Zhengchun's words, "Eunuch Cao, what did you say?"

At this time, Cao Zhengchun was still dressed in the official uniform of the governor, with black hair and shawls all over his head, the sparkling light in his eyes was breathtaking, his cheeks were as white as jade, and he had a strange magical power.

Cao Zhengchun arched his hands, his voice was soft, without the sharp and gloomy voice of the past, like spring rain, "Your Majesty, I feel very old today, and it is exhausting to lead the Dongchang and Jinyiwei, so I implore the emperor to find another capable person to take over Dongchang and Jinyiwei."

The emperor often saw Cao Zhengchun, and he was not a martial artist, so he didn't feel that Cao Zhengchun's external changes were too abrupt, but he was not a fool, and he could see that the other party's mental state couldn't be better, so he had a good opinion of Cao Zhengchun. He was very dissatisfied with the excuses in his mouth, and felt that this old guy was really fooling himself.

Could it be that retreating is advancing?

The emperor's expression darkened, and he said in dissatisfaction: "What did Eunuch Cao say? I see that Eunuch Cao is still in good health. How can there be an old man who said that the court needs a loyal and patriotic person like Eunuch Cao to be in the court."

After leaving your hungry wolf, who will check and balance the other tiger?

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