Qiu Xiazi lived in a house with simple furnishings. Dai Daojin looked around, except for the necessary beds, tables, chairs and benches, there was only a row of bookshelves left.

After the two were seated, Qiu Xiazi looked at Dai Daojin and said, "Dao Jin, do you know what 'xiangshu' is?"

Dai Daojin pondered for a while, and replied: "Physiognomy, also known as "Physiognomy", is based on a person's face, facial features, bones, complexion, body posture, hand lines, etc. technique."

Qiu Xiazi nodded, "It seems that you have learned about it. We experts in physiognomy are divided into 'face, bone, palm, and breast'. My lineage is passed down from Taoist Chen Tuan's master Maidao , is also called the sackclothed figure by the peers."

Dai Daojin muttered, "Those who wear sackcloth..." He is no stranger to sackcloth physiognomy. When he was studying the five elements and gossip, he had a brief understanding of "Sackcloth Physiognomy", which is the most influential work on physiognomy.

Qiu Xiazi didn't directly teach Dai Daojin how to meet people.

Instead, he said: "Dao Jin, before learning physiognomy, I have something to tell you, and that is 'people's hearts are unpredictable'."

Dai Daojin nodded. He has lived for several lifetimes, so he naturally knows this truth.

In the following time, Dai Daojin directly lived in the No. [-] villa in the world, completely becoming an otaku.

While learning physiognomy from Qiu Xiazi, he learned the rhythm of the piano from Shan Letian, as well as other people from the No. [-] village in the world.

I am eager to learn all kinds of knowledge.

Moreover, he has a photographic memory, he can immediately comprehend anything he has learned, and he can draw inferences from one instance to another. Even if there are some incomprehensible parts, he can understand them by turning his mind and turning his wrist.

Gradually, everyone in the No. [-] village in the world knew that there was a weirdo in the village, and he was an extremely smart weirdo.

It has aroused the curiosity of many people, so Dai Daojin is often watched.

Dai Daojin didn't care, and he was still studying various skills and knowledge seriously every day, such as physiognomy, rhythm, calligraphy, Danqing, medicine, woodworking, cooking pot (wine making), Feng Shui, Go, stone carving and so on.

Dai Daojin is like a sponge, constantly absorbing the knowledge of these top talents around him.

Later, he discovered that it really is true that one method can master a hundred methods. Although many different skills have been practiced to a very high level, they can touch the realm of "Tao". Tao, a bit like Paoding Jieniu, the taste of lifting weights like light.

After entering the "Tao", whether it is woodworking or Danqing calligraphy, doing it is like completing a piece of art. You really put your heart and soul into it and enjoy it.

Slowly, as he was learning things faster and more, the people in the world's No. [-] village no longer rejected Dai Daojin, but were really willing to give him all they had learned. After all, I am very curious to what extent this person's intelligence can reach.

Because of his photographic memory, people in the world's No. [-] village called him "the world's smartest man" and gradually regarded him as a member.

In the blink of an eye, nearly a year has passed.

In a small courtyard, there was the sound of clanging and knocking.

In the courtyard, a young man in a coarse gray gown was holding a hammer in one hand and a chisel in the other, constantly beating on a huge boulder, and one could see large or small stones falling continuously. down.

He was very fast, and the small hammer almost turned into an afterimage, almost without stopping, not at all like a general stone carving master. After carving for a while, he stopped to take a look at it as a whole.

Although he was fast, he didn't look messy at all. In addition, his expression was extremely serious, his eyes were fixed on the chisel in his hand, and he hardly moved away. His movements were full of a different kind of beauty.

The tinkling sound seemed to carry a rhythm.

Not far from him, a 50-year-old man stood there with a look of enjoyment and appreciation, and a smile on his face.

At this time, a man in white came in. The gate of the small courtyard was open, so he didn't knock on the door. This man in white was Shangguan Haitang, the owner of the No. [-] villa in the world.

Speaking of which, since Dai Daojin has been studying at No. [-] village in the world for nearly a year, he really hasn't seen Shangguan Haitang a few times.

Shangguan Haitang also had never met him, but she knew everything about what he did in the No. [-] village in the world, and someone specially assigned to report to her.

Dai Daojin naturally knew that someone was watching him. No, to be precise, everyone in the No. [-] Villa in the World was under surveillance, and his every word and deed was being watched, but Dai Daojin didn't care. His actions here , and there is nothing to shy away from.

If there were any secrets, those people would naturally not know about them.

What those people saw was that he didn't care.

Shangguan Haitang came to the yard and saw that the man in the yard kept swinging the hammer in his hand, he didn't bother him, just stood there, watching quietly.

At first she just looked at Dai Daojin with a serious expression, but as time passed, the tinkling sound hit her ears, as if it had a strange tone, and her eyes also fell on the hammer head unconsciously, looking fascinated.


As the last hammer fell, the beating sound stopped, and Shangguan Haitang and Zhou Shilin, the number one stone carving master in the world, came back to their senses.

Shangguan Haitang's complexion changed slightly, only to realize that she had been absent-minded for so long just now, which was almost unimaginable for an internal spy, if it was during a mission, the price of being absent-minded for a moment would most likely be death.

Her eyes fell on Dai Daojin's body, her eyes were thoughtful, and she murmured: "That voice just now..."

Dai Daojin didn't pay attention to her. He put the hammer and chisel aside and looked at the stone sculpture in front of him.

Shangguan Haitang and Zhou Shilin surrounded them and looked at the stone carvings.

Haitang frowned, and said: "Is this stone sculpture unfinished?" However, looking at it this way, this stone sculpture should be a portrait of a person, but the face is not clear.

Zhou Shilin laughed when he heard this, "Master, this stone carving has been completed."

Haitang was even more puzzled after hearing this.

Dai Daojin smiled, waved his right hand, puffed up his sleeve robe, and brushed towards the stone sculpture.

"Huh" the airflow rolled up.


On the stone carving, tiny stone grains and stone chips fell down, and suddenly, a lifelike stone carving appeared in front of the three of them.

Shangguan Begonia also shines in front of his eyes. This stone statue is standing, with a full and well-proportioned skeleton, a strong physique, and a more charming face. The simple and honest face has a natural expression.

She took a few glances, and then turned her attention to the surrounding stone statues, and found that there were as many as seven or eight, including clear and bright scribes, beggars in gourds, playful girls, slovenly Taoists, and Weird "monk".

Zhou Shilin looked at it for a while, and exclaimed: "Little friend, your stone carving skills really make my old Zhou feel ashamed. Think about the time you learned, and think about the years I learned, alas..."

Dai Daojin smiled: "It's different, Master Zhou."

Zhou Shilin chuckled, but he belonged to that kind of hearty personality, turned his head to Shangguan Haitang and said with a smile: "Master, were you also attracted by Dai Xiaoyou's carvings just now, Dai Xiaoyou is really a great talent, he can integrate the melody into the hammer He is very good at attacking each other, and he has a good temperament, so when you listen to it for the first time, you will naturally be attracted."

Shangguan Haitang was stunned, no wonder the jingling sound was sometimes crisp, sometimes short, and sometimes deep, like a melody.

Dai Daojin smiled. He naturally knew why Shangguan Haitang lost his mind. It was because he incorporated spiritual martial arts such as soul-moving Dafa and ghost prison Yinfenghou into it. Others would naturally lose their minds and be attracted unconsciously. It's the same, he just doesn't know it.

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