The No. [-] villa in the world is located in the east of Hulong Villa, not far away.

The next day, Dai Daojin stepped into the No. [-] village in the world after a facelift, dressed in a long gown, handsome and handsome.

Shangguan Haitang stared at Dai Daojin for a while, but she didn't see any flaws. She herself studied under Mr. Wuhen. Apart from being proficient in concealed weapons, she is not weak in disguise. of disguise.

Dai Daojin saw her in a daze, and said with a smile, "Brother Shangguan, is there something wrong with me?"

Shangguan Haitang came back to her senses, and said lightly, "No problem."

Afterwards, he took out a booklet from his pocket and handed it over, "Here is the list of the personnel of No. [-] Village in the World. You read it first, and then tell me what you want to learn, and I will arrange it."

Dai Daojin took it, opened it casually, looked down, and saw that on the list, there were the world's number one miracle doctor Sai Huatuo, Sai Bianque, the world's number one illusionist Gong Gong, the world's number one physiognomy artist Qiu Xiazi, the world's number one Danqing Master Wan Wenlin, the world's number one luthier Shan Letian, the world's number one national player Bu Guangyuan, the world's number one carpenter Lu Shan, etc.

He was also a little surprised by the wide range of industries these people had, and secretly lamented that the No. [-] village in the world had so much financial resources to recruit so many people.

There are the world's number one swordsman, Jian Jingfeng, and the world's number one qinggong Fei Luo'er. He doesn't have much thought about these people for the time being. Shangguan Haitang once told him that although these people are the world's number one Zhuang people, but different from other people.

Although these Jianghu people are blessed by the world's No. [-] villa, they don't have much kindness involved, and they can't directly let them teach them their own kung fu.

As for other people, these people are looking for ancient books, or need property to help themselves. The No. [-] Village in the World does not hesitate to spend a lot of money to help these people and provide them with what they need. Looking for Jiaoweiqin, No. [-] Village in the world spent a lot of manpower and material resources to find it for him, not to mention some rare piano scores.

The No. [-] Village in the World spends so much for these people, and these people have long been unable to control themselves. If the No. [-] Village in the World asks for it, these people will not refuse.

And those people in the rivers and lakes in the world's No. [-] village spent at most some money, and they couldn't ask the other party to hand over their martial arts.

Dai Daojin also expressed his understanding, and besides, he didn't pay too much attention to the martial arts of these people. is interested.

Dai Daojin thought that he had learned medical skills before, so he pointed to the booklet and said, "Brother Shangguan, let me learn medical skills first."

Shangguan Haitang nodded, and took the brochure, "I will write a letter, you take this letter to Bashu, Sai Huatuo and Sai Bianque are there, you find them, send the letter..."

Before she finished speaking, Dai Daojin interrupted, frowning and said, "Brother Shangguan, do you mean to let me go to Bashu to find them?"

Shangguan Haitang nodded, and raised the brochure in his hand, "Although these people belong to the No. [-] village in the world, and the village has reserved rooms for them, their personal freedom is not restricted. They can go wherever they want. As long as the number one village in the world calls, you can return to the number one village in time."

Dai Daojin frowned, "It will take two months to go to Bashu, and even three months if you are slow. This journey is too time-consuming. Brother Shangguan, please call them back. I can study in this village."

Shangguan Haitang also frowned, intending to refuse, but thinking of her adoptive father's order, she had no choice but to say, "That's fine, but it will take time for the two of them to come back."

Dai Daojin asked directly, "Who are in the village now?"

Shangguan waved his hand to the door, a guard came in, gave orders, and then the guard went out.

Not long after, a middle-aged man came in, bowed and said, "Meet the owner."

Shangguan Haitang directly handed over the brochure, "Choose out those who are still in the village."

The man was curious, but he didn't dare to ask further questions. He hurriedly took the booklet, then took the pen handed over by the servant next to him, and tickled it.

After a while, the man stopped writing and returned the booklet with both hands, "Report to the owner, everyone in the village has been marked out."

Shangguan Haitang took the brochure and waved her hand to let him go out, then turned around and handed the brochure to Dai Daojin who was sitting next to him.

Dai Daojin opened the booklet, glanced at it, closed it and said, "Let's learn physiognomy first."

Shangguan Haitang nodded and said, "I'll go down here to make arrangements." After speaking, she turned and left.

Dai Daojin took a sip of the tea next to him and waited silently.


Qiu Xiazi, the world's number one physiognomy master, is one-eyed, with one eye closed tightly, unable to see people, and dressed in coarse linen, like an old farmer.

When Dai Daojin saw this person, he didn't despise him in any way. He believed that the No. [-] village in the world would not allow people who deceive the world to stay in the village.

Shangguan Haitang looked at the one-eyed old man, her voice softened, and she didn't intend to give orders, "Old Mr. Qiu, my friend is very interested in your excellent physiognomy, so I came here to ask for advice, please teach me a little bit."

Qiu Xiazi's eyes are blind and his mind is clear. His martial arts are not weak, but when he entered the room just now, he still could only perceive that there was only Shangguan Zhuangzhu in the room. The trouble the Lord spoke of was a kind word to Himself.

He put his mentality straight, with a smile on his old face, with a simple and honest face, "What is the owner talking about, the old man has been eating and drinking for nothing here for all these years, so it's nothing to do something."

Dai Daojin also smiled and cupped his hands and said, "Old Mr. Qiu, Dai Daojin, please be polite." He has always been very polite to capable people.

Qiu Xiazi hurriedly returned the gift, "Brother Dai, you are welcome." Although he was learning physiognomy from him, he naturally didn't take it seriously and put on the airs of a master.

When Shangguan Haitang saw her, she smiled and said, "Since you already know each other, I'll leave first, and you can do whatever you want." After saying that, she turned around and left.

"Master Shangguan, go slowly." Qiu Xiazi said.

Dai Daojin also said, "Thank you, Brother Shangguan."

Afterwards, the two faced each other.

Dai Daojin bowed and smiled, "Master Qiu, when will we start?"

Qiu Xiazi's face straightened, and he accepted the gift calmly. Their physiognomy masters belong to the middle class, and they value inheritance the most. Although they are not accepting apprentices, they are teaching juniors after all, so they still have the proper etiquette.

Qiu Xiazi smiled and said, "Brother Dai..."

Dai Daojin smiled and said, "Master Qiu, just call me Daojin."

Qiu Xiazi smiled and nodded, "Dao Jin..."

Then his face changed slightly, and he repeated it twice, "Dao Jin... Dao Jin... Dao is exhausted" In their business, they observe people's fate, believe in destiny and believe in Dao, his one-eyed eye is the consequence he has tasted.

Dai Daojin asked suspiciously, "Master Qiu, what's wrong?"

Qiu Xiazi came back to his senses, his eyes flickered slightly, and he shook his head, "It's nothing, this place is not suitable, come with me." After speaking, he turned and left.

Dai Daojin frowned slightly, puzzled, so he had to follow.


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