The martial arts of the heavens start from Wudang

Chapter 288 Invite him to watch the ceremony

Looking at the majestic Beijing city in front of her, Xue Ji was a little shocked. In Dongpu, there is no such high city wall.

Duan Tianya looked at her with a smile, "Xue Ji, let's go into the city."

Xue Ji came back to her senses, smiled and nodded.

The two passed through the city gate and entered the city. The city was very lively with people coming and going.

Xue Ji came here for the first time, and felt her ears were buzzing. When she saw the stalls selling goods on both sides, she looked left and right curiously. From time to time, she saw a blonde and blue-eyed person and cast a surprised look.

Seeing Xueji's cute expression, Duan Tianya couldn't help laughing and said, "That's a barbarian from the Western Regions, very different from the people from Central Earth."

Xue Ji snorted and nodded.

Duan Tianya said with a smile: "When we return to the capital, we must have already known about Yifu's information. Let's go to see Yifu first."

When Xue Ji heard this, she quickly nodded and said yes, the first thing she did when she came to the capital was naturally to visit Tian Ya's adoptive father, the people of Zhongtu valued these things, so they couldn't be disrespectful in front of Tian Ya's adoptive father.

The two stopped wandering around and went straight to Hulong Villa.

Not long after, the two arrived at the gate of Hulong Villa, and there was already a person standing in front of the gate.

When the man saw the two, he waved his hand sideways, "Lord Duan, Shenhou has already known that the two of you are coming back today, and his special subordinates are here to greet you. Shenhou is already waiting for you at the Dragon Guard Hall, please."

Duan Tianya cupped his hands, "I'm sorry, please."

Then he glanced at Xue Ji who was a little nervous, smiled and held her hand, and walked to Hulong Villa.

The layout of the Hulong Villa is grand and grand, yet luxurious, showing majesty and solemnity.

Enter the Dragon Guard Hall.

When Duan Tianya saw the tall figure above, he felt a little excited, let go of Xue Ji's hand, knelt down on both knees, and said loudly: "Duan Tianya, the No. "

When Duan Tianya knelt down, Xue Ji also knelt down.

The person at the top was lowering his head and holding a pen, writing something, when he heard Duan Tianya's voice, he raised his head and looked at the two kneeling down.

Put down your pen and walk down the steps.

He helped the two of them up, "Okay, just come back." His expression was full of joy.

Duan Tianya's eyes were reddish, looking at the person in front of him, he was more majestic than before, but he was a little older, he couldn't help saying: "Father..."

Shenhou waved his hand, turned his head to look at Xueji, and said with a smile: "Tianya, go alone, two people back, don't introduce to foster father."

Duan Tianya hurriedly pulled Xue Ji, and said with a smile: "Father, this is Xue Ji, Tian Ya's lover in Japan."

"Good morning." Xue Ji's Chinese language is very good.

Shenhou looked at Xueji, nodded with a smile: "Okay, Tianya, you not only returned from your studies, but you also found such a beautiful daughter-in-law for your adoptive father, not bad."

Duan Tianya said pleasantly: "Father, you agree with Tianya and Xueji's marriage."

Shenhou put his hands behind his back and said with a smile: "Liusheng Xueji is the eldest daughter of the Liusheng clan in Dongying. Her martial arts and appearance are both top choices. How could her foster father disagree?"

After hearing this, Xue Ji blushed slightly and lowered her head.

Duan Tianya bowed to thank him and said, "Thanks to my adoptive father for fulfilling my mission." When he came back, he was really afraid that his adoptive father would oppose the marriage because Xue Ji was a woman from Dongying.

Xue Ji also bowed and said, "Thank you, God."

Shen Hou smiled, "I have specially ordered the world's number one chef to prepare a dinner for you."

"Thank you, righteous father."

"Thank God for your kindness."

Shenhou glanced at Xue Ji, and said with a smile: "Miss Xue Ji, a room has been prepared for you, the journey is tiring, why not go and have a good rest first."

Xue Ji glanced at Duan Tianya and knew that the two of them had something to talk about, so she obediently said: "Then Xue Ji will leave first."

"Come here, take Miss Xueji back to her room to rest." Shen Hou ordered.

Someone will come and lead the way.

Looking at Xue Ji's leaving back, Shen Hou said suddenly: "Tian Ya, do you know why foster father doesn't object to your marriage with Xue Ji?"

Duan Tianya thought for a while, and said: "Although Xue Ji is from Dongying, she has excellent character and character, so foster father didn't object."

Shen Hou laughed dumbfounded, shook his head and said: "Women with good character and character can be found everywhere in Daming. The reason why foster father doesn't object is because foster father understands your character. Although you have a pure personality, you are very stubborn, and you are very stubborn when dealing with feelings. Even more so, the things we have identified will not change in any case.”

"The adoptive father doesn't want to cause discord between father and son because of this incident, so the adoptive father does not object to your marriage."

Duan Tianya was silent, "Thank you foster father for your understanding."

Shenhou waved his hand, "Tell your foster father carefully what happened to you these years."

"Yes, adoptive father." Duan Tianya nodded.

Duan Tianya began to tell behind him what he saw and heard in Dongpu and what happened.

After more than an hour, the voice of Duan Tianya in the hall finally fell.

Shenhou thought for a while, looked at Duan Tianya and said: "You said Liu Sheng Shibingwei's martial arts are terrible?"

Duan Tianya said seriously: "Yes, foster father, Liusheng Shibingwei is Xueji's elder brother. When Tianya first arrived in Dongying, he heard that this man's martial arts were unfathomable, cruel and murderous. like a demon."

"Later, because of Xue Ji, Tian Ya had contact with Liu Sheng Shibingwei a few times, not too many, because most of this person lived in reclusive life, but Tian Ya didn't feel that this person was as scary as the rumors outside, except for some taciturn In addition, he is gentle and has a calm temperament."

"Tianya has only seen this person make a move once, and it was against Dongying's 'Phantom Sword' Miankuang Shiro. This person cut off the limbs of Miankuangshiro with only one blow. He didn't even see the sword clearly, this man has higher martial arts skills than his father Yagyu Danma Shou."

Shenhou's eyes flickered when he heard this, and he thought silently. The information network of Hulong Villa spread all over the world, and it was only aimed at Daming. The information obtained in Dongpu was not enough, so Shenhou didn't know much about Liusheng Jubingwei.

Duan Tianya was waiting by the side, not daring to disturb.

After a while, Shenhou smiled and said, "Father is interested in this person. When you and Xueji get married, can you invite her brother to come to watch the ceremony?"

Duan Tianya said with a smile: "Liusheng Shibingwei also revealed that he was very interested in the martial arts of Zhongtu before, and besides, he and Xueji have a good relationship, so it is possible to think about it."

Shenhou nodded and didn't say too much on this issue.

Duan Tianya asked: "Father, what about Yidao and Haitang?" Duan Tianya misses them after not seeing each other for many years.

"They went out on a mission." Shenhou said.

Duan Tianya nodded without asking further questions.

Next, the two chatted for a while.


more than three months later.

"hurry up"

"Don't get in the way..."

At the port, on a ship from Dongpu on the coast, a bald man with a swollen face kept pushing the people in front of him away, shouting loudly to let others make way for him, and he had to get off the boat first.

The passengers who wanted to disembark saw this man's fierce face, but they didn't dare to resist, so they stepped aside obediently and let him pass first.

The bald-headed man looked smug, and like before, he also reached out to push away the black-robed man in front of him.


Pushed it a bit, but didn't push it, the big man let out a little snort, wanted to push it again, and just wanted to curse.

The black-robed man in front was carrying a long strip wrapped in gray cloth on his back. He turned around at this moment and glanced at him.

The bald man trembled, his throat twitched, and he swallowed the unspoken dirty words back into his stomach.

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